How the
Media Vote
Media Elite (1964-1976) •
White House Reporters (1976-1992) •
Newspaper Reporters (1980) •
U.S. Newspaper Journalists (1984) •
Media Elite Revisited (1988-1992) •
Washington Bureau Chiefs and
Correspondents (1992) •
Newspaper Editors (1992-1996) •
Journalists (2004) •
TV and Newspaper Journalists (2004)
The Media Elite
In 1981, S. Robert Lichter, then with George Washington University,
and Stanley Rothman of Smith College, released a groundbreaking
survey of 240 journalists at the most influential national media
outlets — including the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street
Journal, Time, Newsweek, U.S. News & World Report, ABC, CBS, NBC and
PBS — on their political attitudes and voting patterns. Results of
this study of the “media elite” were included in the
October/November 1981 issue of Public Opinion, published by the
American Enterprise Institute, in the article “Media and Business
Elites.” The data demonstrated that journalists and broadcasters
hold liberal positions on a wide range of social and political
issues. This study, which was more elaborately presented in Lichter
and Rothman’s subsequent book,
The Media Elite, became the most widely quoted media study of
the 1980s and remains a landmark today.

- 81 percent of the
journalists interviewed voted for the Democratic presidential
candidate in every election between 1964 and 1976.
- In the Democratic
landslide of 1964, 94 percent of the press surveyed voted for
President Lyndon Johnson (D) over Senator Barry Goldwater (R).
- In 1968, 86 percent
of the press surveyed voted for Democrat Senator Hubert Humphrey.
- In 1972, when 62
percent of the electorate chose President Richard Nixon, 81
percent of the media elite voted for liberal Democratic Senator
George McGovern.
- In 1976, the
Democratic nominee, Jimmy Carter, captured the allegiance of 81
percent of the reporters surveyed while a mere 19 percent cast
their ballots for President Gerald Ford.
- Over the 16-year
period, the Republican candidate always received less than 20
percent of the media elite’s vote.
- Lichter and
Rothman’s survey of journalists discovered that “Fifty-four
percent placed themselves to the left of center, compared to only
19 percent who chose the right side of the spectrum.”
- “Fifty-six percent
said the people they worked with were mostly on the left, and only
8 percent on the right — a margin of seven-to-one.”
White House
In 1995, Kenneth
Walsh, a reporter for U.S. News & World Report, polled 28 of his
fellow White House correspondents from the four TV networks, the Los
Angeles Times, New York Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Copley,
Cox, Hearst, Knight-Ridder, plus Newsweek, Time and U.S. News &
World Report, about their presidential voting patterns for his 1996
Feeding the Beast: The White House versus the Press. Walsh found
that his colleagues strongly preferred Democrats, with the White
House press corps admitting a total of 50 votes for Democratic
candidates compared to just seven for Republicans.

- In 1992, nine of
the White House correspondents surveyed voted for Democrat Bill
Clinton, two for Republican George H. W. Bush, and one for
independent Ross Perot.
- In 1988, 12 voted
for Democrat Michael Dukakis, one for Bush.
- In 1984, 10 voted
for Democrat Walter Mondale, zero for Ronald Reagan.
- In 1980, eight
voted for Democrat Jimmy Carter, four for liberal independent John
Anderson, and two voted for Ronald Reagan.
- In 1976, 11 voted
for Carter, two for Republican Gerald Ford.
- Walsh wrote of the
White House press corps members he surveyed: “Even though the
survey was anonymous, many journalists declined to reveal their
party affiliations, whom they voted for in recent presidential
elections, and other data they regarded as too personal — even
though they regularly pressure Presidents and other officials to
make such disclosures.”
- “Those who did
reply seemed to be representative of the larger group. Seven said
they were Democrats, eleven were unaffiliated with either major
party, and not a single respondent said he or she was a registered
Republican (although some might have been but were not willing to
say so).”
Major Newspaper
In 1982, scholars at
the California State University at Los Angeles asked reporters from
the fifty largest U.S. newspapers for whom they voted in 1980. In
that election, Republican Ronald Reagan won with 50 percent of the
vote, compared with 41 percent for Democratic incumbent Jimmy Carter
and 8 percent for liberal Republican-turned-independent John
- 51 percent of big
city reporters cast a ballot for Democratic President Jimmy
Carter, 24 percent for liberal independent candidate John
Anderson, and 25 percent for the Republican winner, Ronald Reagan.
U.S. Newspaper
In 1985, the Los
Angeles Times conducted one of the most extensive surveys of
journalists in history. Using the same questionnaire they had used
to poll the public, the Times polled 2,700 journalists at 621
newspapers across the country. They found that by a margin of
two-to-one, reporters had a negative view of then-President Ronald
Reagan and voted, by the same margin, for Walter Mondale in 1984.
- When asked how they
voted in the 1984 election, more than twice as many newspaper
journalists chose liberal Walter Mondale (58 percent) over the
conservative incumbent Ronald Reagan (26 percent), even as the
country picked Reagan in a 59 to 41 percent landslide.
- Times staff writer
David Shaw expounded: “When asked ‘How would you describe your
views on most matters having to do with politics?’ 55 percent of
the newspaper journalists say they’re liberal (12 percent say
‘very liberal,’ and 43 percent say ‘somewhat liberal’), and only
23 percent of their readers say they’re liberal (five percent say
‘very liberal,’ and 18 percent say ‘somewhat liberal’).
- “Sometimes the
readers and journalists take diametrically opposed positions — as
on the question: ‘Are you in favor of the way Ronald Reagan is
handling his job as President?’ Journalists say ‘No’ by a 2-1
margin; readers say ‘Yes’ by about the same margin.”
The Media Elite
In 1995, Stanley
Rothman and Amy E. Black “partially replicated the earlier Rothman-Lichter”
survey of the media elite described above. “The sample of
journalists mirrors that from the earlier study, including reporters
and editors at major national newspapers, news magazines and wire
services,” the authors wrote in a
Spring 2001 article for the
journal Public Interest. When it came to voting habits and ideology,
the authors found the media elite maintained their liberal bent,
providing strong majority support for Democrats Michael Dukakis in
1988 and Bill Clinton in 1992.
- More than three out
of four “elite journalists,” 76 percent, reported voting for
Michael Dukakis in 1988, compared to just 46 percent of the voting
- An even larger
percentage of top journalists, 91 percent, cast ballots for Bill
Clinton in 1992. That same year, only 43 percent of voters picked
Clinton, who nevertheless won a three-way race.
Washington Bureau
Chiefs and Correspondents
In April 1996, the
Freedom Forum
published a report by Chicago Tribune writer Elaine Povich titled,
“Partners and Adversaries: The Contentious Connection Between
Congress and the Media.” Buried in Appendix D was the real news for
those concerned about media bias: Based on the 139 Washington bureau
chiefs and congressional correspondents who returned the Freedom
Forum questionnaire, the Washington-based reporters — by an
incredible margin of nine-to-one — overwhelmingly cast their
presidential ballots in 1992 for Democrat Bill Clinton over
Republican incumbent George Bush.

- 89 percent of
Washington-based reporters said they voted for Bill Clinton in
1992. Only seven percent voted for George Bush, with two percent
choosing Ross Perot.
- Asked “How would
you characterize your political orientation?” 61 percent said
“liberal” or “liberal to moderate.” Only nine percent labeled
themselves “conservative” or “moderate to conservative.”
- Fifty-nine percent
dismissed the Republican’s 1994 Contract with America “an
election-year campaign ploy.” Just three percent considered it “a
serious reform proposal.”
Newspaper Editors
In January 1998,
Editor & Publisher, the preeminent media trade magazine, conducted a
poll of 167 newspaper editors across the country. Investor’s
Business Daily reporter Matthew Robinson obtained complete poll
results, highlights of which were featured in the MRC’s February
- In 1992, when just
43 percent of the public voted Democrat Bill Clinton for
President, 58 percent of editors surveyed voted for him.
- In 1996, a minority
(49 percent) of the American people voted to reelect Clinton,
compared to a majority (57 percent) of the editors.
- When asked “How
often do journalists’ opinions influence coverage?” a solid
majority of the editors (57 percent) conceded it “sometimes”
happens while another 14 percent said opinions “often” influence
news coverage. In contrast, only one percent claim it “never”
happens, and 26 percent say personal views “seldom” influence
New York Times
columnist John Tierney
surveyed 153 campaign journalists at a press party at the 2004
Democratic National Convention in Boston. Although it was not a
scientific sampling,
Tierney found a huge preference for Democratic
Senator John Kerry over incumbent Republican President George W.
Bush, particular among journalists based in Washington, D.C. He
found that journalists from outside Washington preferred Kerry by a
three-to-one margin, while those who work inside the Beltway favored
Kerry’s election by a 12-to-1 ratio.
- Tierney found a
strong preference for the liberal Kerry: “When asked who would be
a better president, the journalists from outside the Beltway
picked Mr. Kerry 3 to 1, and the ones from Washington favored him
12 to 1. Those results jibe with previous surveys over the past
two decades showing that journalists tend to be Democrats,
especially the ones based in Washington.”
- To see why
journalists preferred Kerry, “we asked our respondents which
administration they’d prefer to cover the next four years strictly
from a journalistic standpoint.” More than half the journalists
thought Bush was the better news subject: “The Washington
respondents said they would rather cover Mr. Kerry, but by a
fairly small amount, 27 to 21, and the other journalists picked
Bush, 56 to 40....The overall result was 77 for Bush, 67 for Mr.
- “We tried to test
for a likeability bias. With which presidential nominee, we asked,
would you rather be stranded on a desert island? Mr. Kerry was the
choice of both groups: 31 to 17 among the Washington journalists,
and 51 to 39 among the others. ‘Bush's religious streak,’ one
Florida correspondent said, ‘would drive me nuts on a desert
TV and Newspaper
In March and April
2005, the University of Connecticut’s Department of Public Policy
surveyed 300 journalists nationwide — 120 who worked in the
television industry and 180 who worked at newspapers and asked for
whom they voted in the 2004 presidential election. In a report
May 16, 2005, the researchers disclosed that the
journalists they surveyed selected Democratic challenger John Kerry
over incumbent Republican President George W. Bush by a wide margin,
52 percent to 19 percent (with 1 percent choosing far-left
independent candidate Ralph Nader). One out of five journalists (21
percent) refused to disclose their vote, while another six percent
either didn’t vote or said they did not know for whom they voted.

- More than half of
the journalists surveyed (52%) said they voted for Democrat John
Kerry in the 2004 presidential election, while fewer than
one-fifth (19%) said they voted for Republican George W. Bush. The
public chose Bush, 51 to 48 percent.
- When asked
“generally speaking, do you consider yourself a Democrat,
Republican, an Independent, or something else?” more than three
times as many journalists (33%) said they were Democrats than said
they were Republicans (10%).
- While about half of
the journalists said they were “moderate,” 28 percent said they
thought of themselves as liberals, compared to just 10 percent who
said they were conservative.
- One out of eight
journalists (13%) said they considered themselves “strongly
liberal,” compared to just three percent who reported being
“strongly conservative,” a four-to-one disparity.
- When asked about
the Bill of Rights, nearly all journalists deemed “essential” the
right of a fair trial (97%), a free press (96%), freedom of
religion (95%) and free speech (92%), and 80 percent called
“essential” the judicially-derived “right to privacy.” But only 25
percent of the journalists termed the “right to own firearms”
essential, while 42 percent called that right “important but not
essential,” and 31 percent of journalists rejected the Second
Amendment as “not important.”
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