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The Leader in Documenting,Exposing and Neutralizing Liberal Media Bias

Worst of the Week
Gore Speaks, TV Swoons

For someone offering up an incredibly expensive proposal that would radically alter the entire U.S. economy, it's astonishing that Al Gore faced virtually no skeptical questions when he sat down with CBS's Katie Couric and NBC's Tom Brokaw to push for a $3 trillion conversion to 100% use of wind, solar and other renewable power sources by 2018.
Obama's Liberal Buddies = "Non-Partisan" Experts

CyberAlert: Exposing Media Bias Daily
Many More See Pro-Obama Than Pro-McCain Bias
More than three times as many Americans see a media tilt in favor of Democrat Barack Obama than toward Republican John McCain. A Rasmussen Reports telephone survey released Monday "found that 49 percent of voters believe most reporters will try to help Obama with their coverage, up from 44 percent a month ago," compared to a piddling 14 percent who "believe most reporters will try to help John McCain win."

• Half See Pro-Obama Bias and Say Media Make Economy Seem Worse
• While Touting Obama Talking Points, Sawyer Asks McCain About Bias
• CBS's Early Show Obama Coverage on Monday: 2 to 1 Over McCain
• The New York Times Disses McCain Op-ed After Running Obama's
• ABC's Moran Touts Obama's 'Star Power,' But Hits Him on Surge
• Conspiratorial Rather: Big Oil Will Cut Gas Price to Help McCain

• Day 1 of Obama's Magical Media Tour: All Air Outside the Paint!
• Magical Media Tour Day 2: He Speaks of How Bush Makes World Bleak
• Anchors w/ Obama 'Not Like N. Korean TV with Kim Jong Il' Really?
• CBS Sends Off Obama with Hope He'll be Cheered in Europe
• Kurtz: Pro-Obama Tilt Could Lead to 'Big backlash Against' Media
• The Situation Room Surprisingly Acknowledges Media's Obama Mania
• Early Show: Obama Has Chance to Be 'Statesman,' Show 'Gravitas'
• ABC's GMA Gushes Over Gore; Worries He Might Elect McCain

Media Reality Check
TV Keeps Pushing Bad News Agenda on Iraq
One sure indicator that the U.S.-led coalition is now prevailing in Iraq is that the Big Three broadcast networks have drastically cut back on their Iraq war coverage, down over 65% from a year ago. But a new MRC study of the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts finds network coverage still consists mainly of bad news -- car bombings, U.S. casualities and attacks on civilians -- rather than documenting the undeniable progress brought about by the troop surge.

Bozell's News Column
Less Accessible Obama
The press has been endlessly dazzled with the prowess and the promise of the Barack Obama campaign. Observers of these quivering scribes have to wonder if they don’t collapse from exhaustion at the end of the day from all the involuntary spine tingling and shortness of breath over Obama’s inspirational aura.
Entertainment Column: A Guide to the Movie Galaxy

Notable Quotables
NBC Sees "Ultra-Rightist" Helms

In their July 4 obituary, NBC branded the late Senator Jesse Helms as "an ultra-rightist" whom "critics" called "a bigot," but when the liberal Ohio Democrat Howard Metzenbaum passed away in March, NBC described him merely as a "populist" and "the classic American success story." Meanwhile, Time's Joe Klein suggests the GOP is a party of racists -- "Since when do they start letting people like Barack Obama into Republican country clubs?" -- while ABC's Barbara Walters glows about her meeting with Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad and his wife: "People say, 'Oh, you're brainwashed,' but that was not it. They were just very charming and intelligent."
Oh, Now She Sees Bias

Tony Snow, RIP
In one of his last public appearances, former White House Press Secretary Tony Snow was given the second annual "William F. Buckley Jr. Award for Media Excellence" at the MRC's annual gala on April 10. Snow delivered an inspiring speech that chastised journalists for not appreciating America's greatness.
Watch the speech | Read the transcript

Bozell: "Rest in peace, gentle warrior."

2008 DisHonors Awards
With the "William F. Buckley Jr. Award for Media Excellence,"
and a video tribute to the late Navy Lt. Michael Murphy

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