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2008 MRC Gala & DisHonors Awards
2nd Annual William F. Buckley Jr. Award for Media Excellence

William F. Buckley Jr. (1925-2008) was the intellectual cornerstone of the modern conservative movement. His founding of National Review magazine in 1955 provided the home base for conservatives in an America seemingly overrun by liberalism. With NR, and as host of television’s Firing Line for 33 years, William F. Buckley Jr. spread the cause, helped rally conservatives during the Cold War, was instrumental in helping Ronald Reagan win the presidency — twice — and continues to provide the intellectual ammunition, along with grace and wit, to strengthen conservatives in the on-going battles to preserve liberty, peace and justice in America.

In addition to NR, Mr. Buckley wrote 40 books, publishes a regular column syndicated to 300 newspapers, and pens longer articles for magazines and other outlets. He has educated and inspired thousands of conservatives, especially young men and women, through his articles, books and TV appearances. These young conservatives have followed Mr. Buckley’s example and relayed the conservative message across the country and through various media, particularly the New Media: cable TV, talk radio and the Internet.

Fifty-eight years ago, William F. Buckley Jr. circumvented the liberal media’s "Berlin Wall" of bias with imagination and tenacity. His intellectual progeny now populate the airwaves and cyberspace, leaving the old liberal media in the dustbin of history. To recognize and honor the very best of these new conservative leaders, the Media Research Center is proud to present the annual William F. Buckley Jr. Award for Media Excellence.

MRC President Brent Bozell announced the recipient of the William F. Buckley Jr. Award for Media Excellence.

Tony Snow accepted the Buckley Award with an an optimistic speech about the greatness of America.
Download Tony Snow acceptance speech

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