- The 2008 DisHonors Awards -

 Roasting the Most Outrageously Biased Liberal Reporting of the Year

and the William F. Buckley Jr. Award for Media Excellence
with a Special Tribute to Medal of Honor recipient Lt. Michael Patrick Murphy USN (SEAL)

First Award | Highlights | Special Tribute | Buckley Award


Cal Thomas, Larry Kudlow, Mark Levin and Ann Coulter highlighted the MRC’s "2008 DisHonors Awards: Roasting the Most Outrageously Biased Liberal Reporters" presented on Thursday night, April 10, before an audience of more than 1,000 packed into the Independence Ballroom of the Grand Hyatt hotel in Washington, D.C.

Following the presentation of the DisHonors Awards videos in five categories (see links to videos below), a look at some "funny clips" from 2007 and the audience picking the "Quote of the Year," MRC President Brent Bozell honored Tony Snow with the MRC's second annual "William F. Buckley Award for Media Excellence." Snow praised the late Buckley’s selfless efforts to identify and encourage promising young conservatives and then Snow regretted the current political rancor as he urged the audience to appreciate America’s greatness.

MSNBC's Chris Matthews wins the "Quote Of The Year Award" as voted on by the 2008 DisHonors Awards audience, presenters and acceptors.

The evening ended on a more somber note, with a video tribute to Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, a SEAL who was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for selfless valor in combat in Afghanistan in 2005. MRC Trustee Boone Pickens came on stage afterward to present Murphy’s father, Daniel, and brother, John, with a $1 million check for the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation and then Daniel Murphy thanked Pickens and expressed gratitude for the 29 years he had with his son.

DisHonors Awards winners were selected by a distinguished panel of 15 leading media observers, including Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham, Tony Blankley, Steve Forbes, Robert Novak, Walter E. Williams and Thomas S. Winter, who served as judges.
Cal Thomas, a syndicated columnist and panelist on FNC's Fox News Watch, served as Master of Ceremonies. Larry Kudlow, host of CNBC's Kudlow & Company, presented the first two awards, followed by columnist/commentator Ann Coulter who set up the funny clips and presented the third award. Talk show host Mark Levin handled the fourth and fifth awards.

In place of the journalist who won each award, a conservative accepted it in jest. Those standing in for the winners: Pollster Kellyanne Conway, Ron Maxwell, director of Gods and Generals, Minuteman Project founder Jim Gilchrist, Congressman Mike Pence (R-Indiana) and Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-Colorado).

Cal Thomas introduces the 2008
MRC Dishonors Awards.

The evening began with welcoming remarks from Cal Thomas, an invocation by Father John De Celles and the Pledge of Allegiance led by Major Art Finch.

2008 MRC DisHonors Awards Categories

Dan Rather Memorial Award for the Stupidest Analysis
videos of nominees and winner
videos of award presenter and accepter
Dan Rather: Profile in Bias

2008 Gala Photo Album

The I’m Not a Political Genius But I Play One on TV Award
videos of nominees and winner
videos of award presenter and accepter
previous award winner:  2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003

Damn Those Conservatives Award
videos of nominees and winner
videos of award presenter and accepter
previous award winner:  2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003

The Barack Obama Gives a Thrill Up My Leg Award
videos of nominees and winner
videos of award presenter and accepter

The How We Adore Clinton-Gore Award
videos of nominees and winner
videos of award presenter and accepter

For additional Gala videos and much more, check out the MRC's newest project!


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