1. Brian Williams Equates Elite U.S. Military With Terrorist Bombers While ostensibly trying to praise elite U.S. soldiers, seamen and civilian first responders, on Thursday's Hardball on MSNBC, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams seemed to equate them with terrorist suicide bombers: "The willingness to take one's own life -- I always tell people, you know, there are guys on our team like that, too." Referring to those caught in the new plot to bring down airliners leaving Britain, Chris Matthews noted how they lived for years amongst Westerners and yet "having gotten to know us, they want to kill themselves to hurt us. Isn't that an even deeper conundrum here than the chemicals being used in these attacks?" Williams, live from near Heathrow Airport, responded: "And that, Chris, that last aspect, the willingness to take one's own life -- I always tell people, you know, there are guys on our team like that, too. They're called Army Rangers and Navy Seals and the Special Forces folks and the first responders on 9/11 who went into those buildings knowing, by the way, they weren't going to come out. So we have players like that on our team." 2. ABC's Reminder: Unlike Nazis, al-Qaeda Unbeaten After 5 Years In a seeming shot at the Bush administration's priorities and competence, on Thursday's World News with Charles Gibson on ABC, Richard Clarke, the former counter-terrorism chief in the Clinton White House who left and then denounced the Bush White House, asserted the plot against airplanes uncovered in Britain shows al-Qaeda is still going after five years while the U.S. "eliminated" Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in four years. Anchor Charles Gibson asked Clarke about how President Bush blamed "Islamic fascists," but the leader of the plot "has links to al-Qaeda. So is this al-Qaeda?" Clarke, now an ABC News consultant, replied by proposing that "what today's plot reminds us is that five years after 9/11, the United States has not eliminated al-Qaeda. We eliminated Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in under four years, but five years into this war against al-Qaeda, they're out there still plotting major attacks against the United States." 3. What Did Bush Know, When Did He Know It, Why Did He Withhold It? On Thursday's Today, NBC's Kevin Corke wondered how long the administration knew about the averted bombing plot and why they would withhold that information, asking: "If the administration has known about this potential plot what was the hold up in getting the word out, especially domestically?....It does beg the question how long ago did they know of this and why are we just hearing about it right now?" Either this is a case of the media being overly-skeptical or just being clueless. Clearly the administration wouldn't want to release any information before any arrests were made so as not to tip off any suspects in the U.S. or Britain. 4. Small World: New CBS Political Director Just Married Ex-DNC Exec TVNewser broke the news that acting CNN political director Molly Levinson has been named the new political director at CBS News. But the site did not note that she's newly married to Joshua Wachs, a recent executive of the Democratic National Committee. The New York Times noted in its Weddings & Celebrations pages back on July 9: "The bridegroom, 34, was until February 2005 the chief operating officer of the Democratic National Committee in Washington. This month he is to become the vice president for community relations for the National Basketball Association in New York." 5. Maher on Leno: 'Ethnic Cleansing' at the Border, Bush an 'Idiot' Tuesday night on NBC's Tonight Show, HBO talk show host Bill Maher made his usual cracks about conservative haters and how the world is ruined by religion. Maher assessed Bush: "So I'm not for wiretapping, but I understand that this is the tool this idiot has picked to fight the war." MRC intern Chadd Clark did the transcribing of the August 8 show, and took special notice to this crack on immigration: "Half of the Republicans are, you know, pro-business when immigration, illegal immigration is good for business, and half of them are for ethnic cleansing, so it's really tough...[laughter] Bush is in the pro-business side. That's what explains a lot of what he does. He's always for business. That's why he was for the Arabs taking over the ports. Remember that?"
With Terrorist Bombers While ostensibly trying to praise elite U.S. soldiers, seamen and civilian first responders, on Thursday's Hardball on MSNBC, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams seemed to equate them with terrorist suicide bombers: "The willingness to take one's own life -- I always tell people, you know, there are guys on our team like that, too." Referring to those caught in the new plot to bring down airliners leaving Britain, Chris Matthews noted how they lived for years amongst Westerners and yet "having gotten to know us, they want to kill themselves to hurt us. Isn't that an even deeper conundrum here than the chemicals being used in these attacks?" Williams, live from near Heathrow Airport, responded: "And that, Chris, that last aspect, the willingness to take one's own life -- I always tell people, you know, there are guys on our team like that, too. They're called Army Rangers and Navy Seals and the Special Forces folks and the first responders on 9/11 who went into those buildings knowing, by the way, they weren't going to come out. So we have players like that on our team." No, our soldiers and seamen may be willing to kill enemy operatives and bravely willing to sacrifice their lives in order to save others, but they do not commit suicide by blowing themselves up in order to murder innocent civilians. It's hard to believe Williams buys what he said, so I'll chalk it up to a bungled attempt to praise members of the American military for the bravery they display in being willing to die to protect others -- not that Williams really thinks they are the same as terrorists who mass murder innocents through suicide bombings. His reference to how "first responders on 9/11 who went into those buildings knowing, by the way, they weren't going to come out," also raises doubt about his soldier-terrorist comparison since first responders certainly aren't known for killing. Mark Finkelstein, a blogger on the MRC's NewsBusters, learned on Free Republic about the Williams comment and posted an item Thursday night on NewsBusters -- for which I supplied audio/video. That will be added to the posted version of this CyberAlert, but in the meantime, to watch the Real or Windows Media video, or MP3 audio, go to: The exchange from the interview at the top of the live 7pm EDT edition of the August 10 Hardball, with Matthews outside the headquarters for the Department of Homeland Security (probably really in the parking lot for NBC-owned WRC-TV which is next door), and Williams standing outside near Heathrow Airport close to London:
Chris Matthews: "In our first edition of Hardball tonight we had a Senator on, former Senator John Edwards on, who said that once these people in the east, in the Islamic world, get to know us personally, understand our character -- our good character as he said -- they wouldn't hate us so much, they wouldn't want to commit suicide to hurt us. But here we have maybe 25, 24 people who've lived in London and England and the free world for all these years that become citizens, subjects of the Crown, and yet, after having gotten to know us, they want to kill themselves to hurt us. Isn't that an even deeper conundrum here than the chemicals being used in these attacks?"
Unbeaten After 5 Years In a seeming shot at the Bush administration's priorities and competence, on Thursday's World News with Charles Gibson on ABC, Richard Clarke, the former counter-terrorism chief in the Clinton White House who left and then denounced the Bush White House, asserted the plot against airplanes uncovered in Britain shows al-Qaeda is still going after five years while the U.S. "eliminated" Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in four years. Anchor Charles Gibson asked Clarke about how President Bush blamed "Islamic fascists," but the leader of the plot "has links to al-Qaeda. So is this al-Qaeda?" Clarke, now an ABC News consultant, replied by proposing that "what today's plot reminds us is that five years after 9/11, the United States has not eliminated al-Qaeda. We eliminated Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in under four years, but five years into this war against al-Qaeda, they're out there still plotting major attacks against the United States." [This item was posted Thursday night on the MRC's blog, ] The MRC's Brad Wilmouth took down the exchange on the August 10 World News with Charles Gibson:
Charles Gibson: "Richard, the President called them 'Islamic fascists,' but Brian [Ross] pointed out that the alleged mastermind of all this has links to al-Qaeda. So is this al-Qaeda?"
Clarke's 2004 book, Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror, generated a ton of media publicity for his attacks on President Bush and the administration's reaction to 9/11:
It, Why Did He Withhold It? On Thursday's Today, NBC's Kevin Corke wondered how long the administration knew about the averted bombing plot and why they would withhold that information, asking: "If the administration has known about this potential plot what was the hold up in getting the word out, especially domestically?....It does beg the question how long ago did they know of this and why are we just hearing about it right now?" Either this is a case of the media being overly-skeptical or just being clueless. Clearly the administration wouldn't want to release any information before any arrests were made so as not to tip off any suspects in the U.S. or Britain. [This item, by Geoff Dickens, was posted Thursday afternoon on the MRC's blog, ] The following is the full exchange between NBC's Ann Curry and Corke, in Crawford, Texas, during the 9am half hour of the August 10 Today:
Ann Curry: "And British Prime Minister Tony Blair briefed the President overnight about this plot. Well NBC's Kevin Corke is in Crawford, Texas at the President's ranch this morning. Kevin, good morning. Any word from the President?"
Just Married Ex-DNC Exec TVNewser broke the news that acting CNN political director Molly Levinson has been named the new political director at CBS News. But the site did not note that she's newly married to Joshua Wachs, a recent executive of the Democratic National Committee. The New York Times noted in its Weddings & Celebrations pages back on July 9: "The bridegroom, 34, was until February 2005 the chief operating officer of the Democratic National Committee in Washington. This month he is to become the vice president for community relations for the National Basketball Association in New York."
TVNewser's item with a picture of Levinson: The love story revolved around CNN coverage of the Democrats, the New York Times recounted: In October 2003, Ms. Levinson, then a producer for "NewsNight with Aaron Brown" on CNN, had arrived in Phoenix to help arrange a debate between the Democratic candidates for the presidential nomination. There she met Jenny Backus, a Democratic political strategist who was then CNN's liaison to the Democratic National Committee. Ms. Backus told her she wanted to introduce her to her best friend, Josh Wachs, then the chief operating officer of the organization. But Ms. Levinson declined. In May 2004, Ms. Levinson ran into Ms. Backus at the annual radio and television correspondents dinner in Washington. After an effusive exchange of greetings, Ms. Backus turned to a man standing nearby and said, "Josh Wachs, meet Molly Levinson." Still nothing happened. But in June, Ms. Levinson moved from New York to Washington for a job in CNN's political unit. She sent out a mass e-mail message to her entire address book, announcing her new address. Once again, Ms. Backus sprang into action, e-mailing both Mr. Wachs and Ms. Levinson, cajoling them, "You both have actually met before, but now you should do it for real." And the message added, "You both now live in the same building." END of Excerpt
For the New York Times article in full:
the Border, Bush an 'Idiot' Tuesday night on NBC's Tonight Show, HBO talk show host Bill Maher made his usual cracks about conservative haters and how the world is ruined by religion. Maher assessed Bush: "So I'm not for wiretapping, but I understand that this is the tool this idiot has picked to fight the war." MRC intern Chadd Clark did the transcribing of the August 8 show, and took special notice to this crack on immigration: "Half of the Republicans are, you know, pro-business when immigration, illegal immigration is good for business, and half of them are for ethnic cleansing, so it's really tough...[laughter] Bush is in the pro-business side. That's what explains a lot of what he does. He's always for business. That's why he was for the Arabs taking over the ports. Remember that?" Maybe he should have considered spacing out the no-Arabs-at-the-ports thing, and not put it right after the "ethnic cleansing" crack. [This item, by Tim Graham, was posted Thursday morning on the MRC's blog, ]
Earlier, Maher joked about Mel Gibson and how you should get a "designated Nazi" if you're going to get drunk and hate Jews, which led right into Maher's predictable anti-religion lecture:
Finally, a predictable attack on Bush as an "idiot" for his terrorist-surveillance program:
-- Brent Baker ![]()
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