Top reporters, editors, producers, talk show hosts and columnists, as well as members of Congress and heads of public policy organizations receive documented proof of the media's liberal bias in the News Analysis Division's usually weekly
Media Reality Check. Written by Director of Media Analysis
Tim Graham and Research Director Rich
Noyes, the Media Reality Check serves as an excellent reference for the most egregious examples of media bias.

April 06

Media Reality Check: Ignoring Democratic Hypocrisy, Zinging GOP
March 26

Media Reality Check: Can MSNBC Get More Liberal? Yes, They Can!

Media Reality Check: Media Mudballs Unlikely for Obama Inaugural

December 08

Media Reality Check: David Gregory, ‘Custodian’ of NBC’s Biases

Media Reality Check: Blackout of Left's "Fairness" Doctrine Push

Worst of the Week:
Brian Williams Grills McCain- Palin on Biden Gaffe, Ayers

Media Reality Check: As Campaign Cops, Media Tilt Against GOP
October 21

Worst of the Week:
ABC's Terry Moran Implies GOP Endangers Obama's Life

Media Reality Check: Bob Schieffer Tilted Left Against Bush in

Worst of the Week:
Media Rage at “Nasty,” “Ugly” & “Bitter” McCain Campaign

Reality Check: Media Silence on Abortion Aids Radical Obama
October 07

Worst of
the Week: Obama & Terrorist Ayers: Media See Palin as Real
October 01

Media Reality Check: Gwen Ifill Is Pro-Obama and Anti-Palin
Worst of the
Week: MSNBC Debate Night: “Genial” Obama vs. “Troll-like” McCain
Media Reality Check:Jim Lehrer: Not a “Bias-Free” Moderator
Worst of the
Week: ABC Slams McCain, Ignores Obama’s Slandering of Rush
Worst of the
Week: Nets Peddling Anti-Palin Lies
Worst of the
Week: The Trashing of Sarah Palin
Worst of the
Week: Hate GOP Attacks, But Yearn for Democratic "Red Meat"
August 26

Worst of the
Week: Matthews: The Thrill Is Back
August 19 
Worst of the
Week: CBS Keeps the News Sunny for Obama's Summer Vacation
August 12 
Worst of
the Week: TV Waited on Edwards’ Adultery But Leaped on McCain
August 5

Worst of
the Week: ABC & NBC Ignore Good Economic News, While CBS
Pretends It’s Bad
July 29

Worst of
the Week: Networks Tilted 10-to-1 In Favor of Obama World Tour
July 22 
Worst of
the Week: Gore Speaks, TV Swoons Over $3 Trillion Energy Makeover
July 21  TV Keeps Pushing Bad News Agenda on Iraq
Study: ABC, CBS & NBC War Coverage Plummets; Reporters Emphasize Casualties Over Surge Success
July 15 
Worst of
the Week: Obama's Liberal Buddies = "Non-Partisan" Experts?
July 8 
Worst of
the Week: Networks Skip Iraq Progress Report
July 1

Worst of
the Week: Robin Roberts Hails Priest, Skips America-Rapes Sermon
June 24 
Worst of
the Week: Going Easy on Obama, Rough on His Critics
June 17

Worst of
the Week: Katie Couric Lambastes "Hostile" and "Sexist" Media
June 10 
Worst of
the Week: Media Tout Obama's "Magic Moment" But Public Sees Bias
June 3 
Worst of
the Week: Couric Scorns "Embarrassing" Lack of Pre-War Dissent
on TV
May 27

Worst of
the Week: Liberal Paranoia: Media See Election Theft in November
May 20 
Worst of
the Week: CNN Skips Own Tape to Push False Partisan Shot at
May 13 
Worst of
the Week: GOP Peddles "Slime and Hate"; Interviewers Coddle
May 06 
Worst of the Week:
Feeling Barack Obama's Pain; Old Folks Hungry & Homeless
April 01  Media Rally 'Round Latest Democratic Deity
Journalists Glorify Barack Obama as Martin Luther, Jonas Salk and Nelson Mandela of Campaign ’08
March 17 
Five Years of Slant
Against Iraq War Success
MRC Studies: Nets Minimize Iraq Success and Heroism, Emphasize
Setbacks and Purported Atrocities
March 03  The Audacity of Silence About Tony Rezko
Broadcast Networks, News Magazines Ignore or Downplay Barack Obama’s Sleazy Home Purchase
February 28  Fewer U.S. Dead = Less TV Coverage of Iraq
Networks Minimize Good News From Iraq, Don’t Press Democrats on “Wrong-Headed” Predictions
January 30  Networks Swoon Over New King of Camelot
Broadcast and Cable Networks Offer Oohs and Ahhs For Kennedy Family Endorsements of Obama

“The Media Research
Center is the indispensable counter-punch to liberal reporting,
providing timely, accurate, and balanced analyses of the most
egregious examples of media bias.”
~ Robert Novak, Nationally Syndicated Columnist
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