1. CBS, and Then ABC and NBC, Catch Up with Pelosi Jet Controversy On Wednesday evening, CBS became the first of the broadcast networks to cover the controversy over House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's efforts to acquire access to a larger military jet than what her predecessor used. CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric relayed that Pelosi's request for a "big travel upgrade" was coming at a time when "they're cracking down on congressional perks." After pointing out that Pelosi "finds herself on the defensive" as military officials are "grumbling," correspondent Sharyl Attkisson gave attention to House Republican Whip Roy Blunt's concern that the extra seats on such a large aircraft might be used for fund-raising purposes. ABC fully and NBC, barely, caught up on Thursday morning. Good Morning America news reader Chris Cuomo set up Jake Tapper's full story by dismissing the controversy: "Jake, is this about security or ego? Sounds like a case of jet envy." NBC's Ann Curry offered a brief mention in her 7am news update and then Matt Lauer squeezed in a question about it during a larger q and a with David Gregory: "Does it just look bad from a PR standpoint?" CBS's Early Show on Thursday ran a full report. 2. Schieffer Paints Republicans as Ones Blocking Iraq Resolution On Wednesday's Early Show, CBS's Bob Schieffer utilized Democratic Party spin in discussing Monday evening's procedural vote in the Senate that blocked a vote on a non-binding Iraq resolution. Schieffer, appearing in his weekly "Capitol Bob" segment, blamed Republicans for blocking the vote and dismissed their arguments: "So they did the only thing that they could do, they used the Senate rules to block the vote. Now that group will give you another version of all this, but basically that's what happened." Schieffer failed to mention the reason Republicans blocked the vote and that is because Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will not allow votes on two Republican alternatives. As the Washington Times noted on Wednesday: "Republican leader Sen. Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican, has said he won't allow a vote on the resolution of no confidence unless a similar vote is allowed on two other resolutions." 3. Liberal Label Left Out in Coverage of Ruling Against Wal-Mart Sometimes media bias can be found in what the networks don't say. On Tuesday, Wal-Mart suffered a major blow when the liberal 9th Circuit federal court in California ruled that a class action lawsuit claiming sex discrimination could proceed against the company. All three broadcast network evening newscasts reported the story, with ABC and CBS noting that a "federal appeals court" had sided with the female plaintiffs. Over on NBC, Nightly News anchor Brian Williams simply used the phrase "federal court." However, the 9th circuit isn't just any court. This is the group of judges that ruled the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional. And, according to a report by the Center for Individual Freedoms, 32 percent of the reversals by the United States Supreme Court in 2003 came from the 9th Circuit. 4. Ted Kennedy Hails Helen Thomas as 'One of the Greatest Reporters' At the Washington Press Club Foundation's Tuesday night dinner at the Ritz-Carlton in Washington, DC, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Ted Kennedy praised long-standing leftist UPI reporter Helen Thomas, now a Hearst columnist and author of a book scolding the rest of the press corps for being Bush tools (Watchdogs of Democracy? The Waning Washington Press Corps and How It Has Failed the Public). The Washington Post's Jose Antonio Vargas reported the praise offered by the two Democrats for Thomas, whom the foundation honored with a lifetime achievement award: "'On behalf of the House of Representatives, we salute Helen Thomas,' said Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. 'You could have gotten [this award] over and over again, Helen.'" And Kennedy hailed her as "one of the greatest reporters in the history of the republic." 5. "Top Ten Signs an Astronaut Is Trying to Kill You" Letterman's "Top Ten Signs an Astronaut Is Trying to Kill You."
Pelosi Jet Controversy On Wednesday evening, CBS became the first of the broadcast networks to cover the controversy over House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's efforts to acquire access to a larger military jet than what her predecessor used. CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric relayed that Pelosi's request for a "big travel upgrade" was coming at a time when "they're cracking down on congressional perks." After pointing out that Pelosi "finds herself on the defensive" as military officials are "grumbling," correspondent Sharyl Attkisson gave attention to House Republican Whip Roy Blunt's concern that the extra seats on such a large aircraft might be used for fund-raising purposes. ABC fully and NBC, barely, caught up on Thursday morning. Good Morning America news reader Chris Cuomo set up Jake Tapper's full story by dismissing the controversy: "Jake, is this about security or ego? Sounds like a case of jet envy." NBC's Ann Curry offered a brief mention in her 7am news update and then Matt Lauer squeezed in a question about it during a larger q and a with David Gregory: "Does it just look bad from a PR standpoint?" CBS's Early Show on Thursday ran a full report. According to a Nexis search, before Wednesday evening the only non-FNC television mentions of the controversy -- first highlighted by the Washington Times -- came several times this week on CNN's Lou Dobbs Tonight and once on MSNBC's Tucker. For a Wednesday NewsBusters posting, the MRC's Brad Wilmouth provided a transcript of the February 7 CBS Evening News story: Katie Couric: "Now, to a story that has Washington buzzing tonight. At a time when they're cracking down on congressional perks, the new Speaker of the House is apparently asking for a big travel upgrade. Sharyl Attkisson reports from Capitol Hill."
Sharyl Attkisson: "Ever since 9/11, a small military jet like this has been made available to transport the Speaker of the House for security reasons. The Speaker is second in the line of succession to the presidency. Back then, it was Republican Dennis Hastert. Now it's Democrat Nancy Pelosi. But she may be getting a little more leg room. Speaker Pelosi is reportedly asking for a much bigger jet, a government version of the Boeing 757 that can make the trip between Washington and her San Francisco home without stopping to refuel. The Speaker's critics have dubbed it Pelosi One. Military officials are said to be grumbling about it, and the Speaker finds herself on the defensive. Today she insisted size doesn't really matter."
Chris Cuomo: "We begin with the turbulence over Speaker Nancy Pelosi request for a new plane. A request that has been quickly turned down. Senior national correspondent Jake Tapper has the latest on the controversy from Capitol Hill. Jake, is this about security or ego? Sounds like a case of jet envy."
Jake Tapper: "Well, Chris, I guess it depends upon who you ask. Ever since 9/11, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, which is second in line to the presidency behind only the Vice President, been afforded use of the military jet to travel for security reasons. But Speaker Pelosi wanted use of a plane that could get her all the way to her California district without having to stop and refuel, perhaps even a large luxury plane. And just a few hours ago, the Pentagon rejected her request. Former Speaker Dennis Hastert used a 12-passenger C-20 plane to fly him to and from his Illinois district."
Lauer: "Hey David before I let you go let's talk about the, the size of the plane that Nancy Pelosi has requested from the Pentagon. Depending on the spin you want to believe here. Either, either the Speaker says it's to travel efficiently back and forth to her home district. The Republicans are saying it's an abuse of power. Either way does it just look bad from a PR standpoint?"
Blocking Iraq Resolution On Wednesday's Early Show, CBS's Bob Schieffer utilized Democratic Party spin in discussing Monday evening's procedural vote in the Senate that blocked a vote on a non-binding Iraq resolution. Schieffer, appearing in his weekly "Capitol Bob" segment, blamed Republicans for blocking the vote and dismissed their arguments: "So they did the only thing that they could do, they used the Senate rules to block the vote. Now that group will give you another version of all this, but basically that's what happened."
Schieffer failed to mention the reason Republicans blocked the vote and that is because Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will not allow votes on two Republican alternatives. As the Washington Times noted on Wednesday: "Republican leader Sen. Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican, has said he won't allow a vote on the resolution of no confidence unless a similar vote is allowed on two other resolutions." See: [This item is adopted from a posting, by Michael Rule, Wednesday on the MRC's blog, ]
But the fact that it may be the most popular measure, is that enough reason to forbid a vote on it? It would appear not as even the New York Times editorial page criticized Senator Reid on his decision to bar votes on alternative proposals: "But the right way for the Senate to debate Iraq is to debate Iraq, not to bar proposals from the floor because they might be passed. The majority leader, Harry Reid of Nevada, needs to call a timeout and regroup." See: Indeed, on Tuesday night FNC's Brit Hume had scolded the mainstream media for framing their coverage, of the Senate battle over Iraq resolutions, around a spin favorable to Democrats. Citing headlines, such "GOP blocks a debate over Iraq policy" in the New York Times, Hume countered: "In fact, of course, both sides were trying to have the debate on terms most favorable to their party, but in this case as it happened, the Republicans were actually seeking a broader debate with more resolutions considered while the Democrats wanted to address just those that seemed most likely to come out their way." For more, check the February 7 CyberAlert: Schieffer's February 7 segment:
Hannah Storm: "This morning in Washington, the Senate is in a stalemate. Democrats and Republicans cannot agree on a non-binding resolution to show disapproval for President Bush's troop surge in Iraq. To find out why, we turn to 'Capitol Bob,' CBS News Chief Washington Correspondent and host of 'Face the Nation' Bob Schieffer. Good morning, Bob."
Ruling Against Wal-Mart Sometimes media bias can be found in what the networks don't say. On Tuesday, Wal-Mart suffered a major blow when the liberal 9th Circuit federal court in California ruled that a class action lawsuit claiming sex discrimination could proceed against the company. All three broadcast network evening newscasts reported the story, with ABC and CBS noting that a "federal appeals court" had sided with the female plaintiffs. Over on NBC, Nightly News anchor Brian Williams simply used the phrase "federal court."
However, the 9th circuit isn't just any court. This is the group of judges that ruled the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional. And, according to a report by the Center for Individual Freedoms, 32 percent of the reversals by the United States Supreme Court in 2003 came from the 9th Circuit:
And yet, none of the network anchors thought this a pertinent point. World News anchor Charlie Gibson instead chose to hype the enormity of the case as he led with it: In fact, the 9th circuit became so notorious, that there has been talk of dismantling it: However, in the February 6 story, ABC's Jim Avila seemed almost excited by the "message" that would be sent to corporate America: "Wal-Mart attorneys lost their argument that defending a class-action suit is unfair because it would be impossible to cross-examine each of the two million women accusing them. Wal-Mart claimed its workers should be required to sue each store individually. Today, the court majority said that is impossible. But the lone dissenting judge worried that a class-action suit would reward all plaintiffs equally and enrich undeserving workers and lawyers. Next for Wal-Mart, attorneys will appeal to anyone who will listen, from the full appeals court to the Supreme Court. But if Wal-Mart loses, it could cost them billions in damage, sending an expensive message to corporate America that no matter how big you are, employee discrimination can be costly." Both the NBC Nightly News and the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric featured news briefs on the story. Neither mentioned the 9th Circuit's liberal history or proclivity to be overturned. Apparently labels are only necessary when one is discussing conservatives.
of the Greatest Reporters' At the Washington Press Club Foundation's Tuesday night dinner at the Ritz-Carlton in Washington, DC, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Ted Kennedy praised long-standing leftist UPI reporter Helen Thomas, now a Hearst columnist and author of a book scolding the rest of the press corps for being Bush tools (Watchdogs of Democracy? The Waning Washington Press Corps and How It Has Failed the Public). The Washington Post's Jose Antonio Vargas reported the praise offered by the two Democrats for Thomas, whom the foundation honored with a lifetime achievement award: "'On behalf of the House of Representatives, we salute Helen Thomas,' said Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. 'You could have gotten [this award] over and over again, Helen.'" And Kennedy hailed her as "one of the greatest reporters in the history of the republic."
The story by Vargas appeared on the front of the "Style" section in Wednesday's "final" edition and inside "Style" in Thursday's home delivery editions:
to Kill You" From the February 6 Late Show with David Letterman, the "Top Ten Signs an Astronaut Is Trying to Kill You." Late Show home page: 10. Says, "This is a giant leap for mankind" as she tosses you off a bridge 9. You turn on CNN and see the Hubble Telescope focusing on your house 8. She promises to "Take you out like Pluto" 7. It sounds crazy, but you could swear Mars is following you 6. You were on the "Maury" episode: "I Had A Booty Call And Now An Astronaut Is Trying To Kill Me" 5. Her previous attempts to kill you have been postponed due to high winds 4. She poisons your Tang 3. Says she looks forward to being the first to walk on your lifeless corpse 2. Been getting threatening emails from 1. She keeps stabbing you with a pen that writes upside down
-- Brent Baker ![]()
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