1. CNN's Cafferty Slams Limbaugh as 'Corpulent Oxycontin Aficionado' CNN commentator Jack Cafferty labeled Rush Limbaugh "that corpulent Oxycontin aficionado of right-wing talk radio" during his usual "Cafferty File" segment on Tuesday's Situation Room. The slam came as Cafferty launched a mild criticism of President Obama's first week in office on issues such as his reluctance to answer questions from the press, the closing of Guantanamo Bay, and making an exception on his ban on lobbyists from his administration. Cafferty fretted: "And picking a fight with that corpulent Oxycontin aficionado of right-wing talk radio, Rush Limbaugh -- well, that mobilizes a bunch more on the conservative right, and eventually, it will begin to bring down your approval ratings." 2. Olbermann: Obama 'Separating Mullah Limbaugh from the Herd' On Monday's Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann branded Rush Limbaugh as the "extreme right," and made an analogy between Barack Obama talking about trying to divide jihadists from Muslim moderates during his inauguration, and the President's current efforts to isolate Limbaugh from other conservatives. Hosting Newsweek's Jonathan Alter as guest, Olbermann began: "In his inaugural address, the President essentially tried to create a wedge between those who are reasonable and those who are not. Of course, he was talking about the Muslim world. Is it possible in this different context that he's trying to do the same as he seeks bipartisanship with the Republicans, sort of, you know, separate, Mullah Limbaugh from the herd?" 3)Marveling on Monday's Late Show about how people were lining up during the inauguration "to buy merchandise with any depiction" of President Barack Obama, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams expressed his pleasure at seeing so many people "that excited about our new chief executive after a line of what the ordinary voter would maybe describe as bad choices or choices of evils, for years, generations." All the Presidents going back for "generations" before Obama were "evils"? Williams likely meant to say past presidential victors were seen as the "lesser of two evils," but a greater percent of voters cast their ballot for Ronald Reagan in 1984 (58.7%) -- when plenty of Americans outside the media were excited about re-electing that President -- and George Bush in 1988 (53.7%) than chose Obama (52.8%). Williams soon insisted "none" of his personal excitement over Obama's presidency "is about a party" since, he quite seriously maintained, "none of us have a party in my line of work. We all try to call balls and strikes down the center." Yet, Williams proceeded to trumpet how "we have a dazzling family in the White House" and tout how Obama "has an enormous brain." Then, the "down the center" Williams endorsed Obama's "stimulus" plan. 3. Brian Williams: Obama 1st Non 'Choice of Evils' in 'Generations' Uniquely among Monday's broadcast evening newscasts, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams read a short item citing a "disheartening" report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicting that the world is in danger of suffering effects of global warming that will take 1,000 years to reverse unless "immediate action is taken to cut greenhouse gases." Williams: "The folks at NOAA ... say that if carbon dioxide continues to build up unchecked in our atmosphere, then the effects of global warming could be irreversible for more than a thousand years. That could mean severe drought in some parts of the world. Researchers conclude things are not hopeless as long as immediate action is taken to cut greenhouse gases." 4. NBC: 'Immediate Action' Needed to Stop 1,000 Yrs Global Warming In an interview with Marisa Guthrie of Broadcasting & Cable magazine, NBC Meet the Press host David Gregory insisted that the on-air Chris Matthews tingles over Obama and Keith Olbermann send-Bush-to-jail Special Comments at MSNBC are not to be confused with NBC: "NBC News as an organization is not influenced by those passionate, opinionated people that we have on the air." Gregory was objecting to the notion that MSNBC's "in the tank" political coverage harms NBC's reputation for fairness. 5. Gregory Insists NBC News 'Not Influenced' by MSNBC's Hosts According to Nightline co-anchor Cynthia McFadden, during the 2008 presidential campaign "many in the media" saw Barack Obama as a "bright hope in the distance." The ABC journalist made that admission during a "Morning Media Menu" podcast interview with TV Newser editor Steve Krakauer on Tuesday. In a justifying tone, she quickly added: "It's also clear that a lot of Americans thought that." McFadden didn't explain if she felt it was the role of journalists to simply reflect public will. The discussion on Obama media bias was prompted by Krakauer's mention of the new Bernie Goldberg book on the same subject, "A Slobbering Love Affair." Defending fellow co-anchor Terry Moran, McFadden asserted: "Anyone who knows Terry and his work would say there's nothing slobbering about him. I mean, he's as tough as they come. I think he brought a very jaundiced eye to the campaign." In actuality, with a few notable exceptions, Moran frequently slobbered over Barack Obama. 6. McFadden: Reporters Saw Obama as 'Bright Hope in the Distance' Catching up on an item from Friday night, the three broadcast evening newscasts aired virtually nothing on January 23 about President Obama's executive order permitting federal funding of abortions, overturning orders signed by President Bush in his first week in office back in 2001. Both CBS and NBC's White House reporters squeezed in a single sentence about Obama's action during stories about the economic stimulus bill, while ABC's World News said nothing about the orders on Friday. But on Sunday's World News, ABC's Dan Harris highlighted conservative criticism of Obama's abortion decision, arguing that it showed how "despite his desire to reach out to people who disagree with him, the new President may find that on some issues, it may be impossible to find common ground." Correspondent Sharyn Alfonsi also painted the President -- whom she said hoped "not to provoke" conservatives by banning photographs of the signing -- the victim of a "brutal" reaction from conservatives. 7. ABC Highlights 'Brutal' Reaction to Obama's Abortion Order
Oxycontin Aficionado' CNN commentator Jack Cafferty labeled Rush Limbaugh "that corpulent Oxycontin aficionado of right-wing talk radio" during his usual "Cafferty File" segment on Tuesday's Situation Room. The slam came as Cafferty launched a mild criticism of President Obama's first week in office on issues such as his reluctance to answer questions from the press, the closing of Guantanamo Bay, and making an exception on his ban on lobbyists from his administration. Cafferty fretted: "And picking a fight with that corpulent Oxycontin aficionado of right-wing talk radio, Rush Limbaugh -- well, that mobilizes a bunch more on the conservative right, and eventually, it will begin to bring down your approval ratings."
Cafferty began his commentary, which aired nine minutes into the 5 pm Eastern hour of the CNN program, by acclaiming the apparent success of President Obama's first week in the White House: "It's been exactly one week since Barack Obama became our 44th president -- what a week it's been: signing executive orders; meeting with his teams of advisers on the economy, national security, Iraq, the Middle East." He continued by focusing on how the new President has also been "learning some things along the way," and began his critique of some of the actions by the Democratic executive, which included his smear of the conservative talk show host. CAFFERTY: For example, the White House press room is where the press is, and if you don't want the press to ask you questions, then don't go there. And if you're going to ban lobbyists from working for you, then you have to ban the one that used to lobby for Raytheon from working in the Defense Department as well. And if you're going to close Guantanamo, you have to have a plan for what to do with the inmates there. You see, a couple of them have turned up in recent al Qaeda videos. And you cannot overturn President Bush's executive order banning abortion funding for charitable groups overseas without incurring the wrath of the anti-abortionists in this country. And picking a fight with that corpulent Oxycontin aficionado of right-wing talk radio, Rush Limbaugh -- well, that mobilizes a bunch more on the conservative right, and eventually, it will begin to bring down your approval ratings. The CNN commentator's broadside against Limbaugh seems to come with a lack of understanding on his part, to say the least, since Cafferty himself admitted to a long struggle with alcoholism in the past. Stay classy, Jack. For more on Cafferty, including his past struggles with alcoholism, see Time magazine's September 15, 2007 interview, "CNN's Jack Cafferty Mouths Off," at: The full transcript of Cafferty's "Question of the Hour" segment, along with his reading of some of the viewers responses from near the top of the 6 pm Eastern hour of Tuesday's Situation Room:
CAFFERTY: It's been exactly one week since Barack Obama became our 44th president -- what a week it's been: signing executive orders; meeting with his teams of advisers on the economy, national security, Iraq, the Middle East. He's also been meeting with lawmakers from both parties, trying to win support for that emergency stimulus package.
5:52 pm EST
from the Herd' On Monday's Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann branded Rush Limbaugh as the "extreme right," and made an analogy between Barack Obama talking about trying to divide jihadists from Muslim moderates during his inauguration, and the President's current efforts to isolate Limbaugh from other conservatives. Hosting Newsweek's Jonathan Alter as guest, Olbermann began: "In his inaugural address, the President essentially tried to create a wedge between those who are reasonable and those who are not. Of course, he was talking about the Muslim world. Is it possible in this different context that he's trying to do the same as he seeks bipartisanship with the Republicans, sort of, you know, separate, Mullah Limbaugh from the herd?" Inspiring laughter from Olbermann, Alter's opening act was to take a jab at Limbaugh's past addiction to Oxycontin in distinguishing him from the Islamic mullahs: "Yes, I do think that`s what [Obama is] doing, although the mullahs don`t send their maid out into the parking lot to score drugs for them, so I`m not sure about the comparison."
Alter admitted that he and Olbermann did not like the period since the mid-1990s when Limbaugh was so much in the center of politics, and argued that the conservative talk radio host is now moving to the "fringes," with the Newsweek editor opining, "which is where he belongs." In his last question, Olbermann used the term "Reaganesque" to describe Obama's personality, but seemed to hesitate in using the term, which probably indicates a not unexpected negative view of Ronald Reagan on Olbermann's part: "If we can collectively pardon this expression, there may have been a certain, all right, Reaganesque quality in the Obama words today, it was tough talk about no longer ignoring facts, not passing the buck. So far, is the President effectively going over the heads of conservative punditry and even going over the heads of GOP leaders in trying to sell this idea and other ones?" After Alter talked about how Obama, like Reagan, tries to talk about the big picture, Olbermann made another one of his infamous jabs at the physical appearance of conservatives, which at times have come in the form of fat jokes. Olbermann: "And we won`t make any large jokes about Mr. Limbaugh." Last September, while discussing one of the presidential debates in which Henry Kissinger was brought up, Olbermann talked about the possibility of Obama "throwing Henry Kissinger back in Senator McCain's face," adding that doing so "is physically a tough act to do certainly." In September of 2006, Olbermann made several fat jokes about Fox News Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes, which can be found here: On January 5, Olbermann referred to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell as "that one guy who always looks like he has not readjusted after somebody popped a flash bulb too close to him." Below is a complete transcript of Olbermann's interview with Jonathan Alter from the Monday, January 26, Countdown on MSNBC:
KEITH OLBERMANN: And if the Republican theme is obstruction, much of its authorship comes from the same group of conservative commentators with whom the President dined a few days before he took office, many of them now bemoaning the Obama stimulus package as all bad, all the time, like David Brooks in his column in the New York Times. "It is an unholy marriage that manages to combine the worst of each approach -- rushed short-term planning with expensive long-term fiscal impact." And the fired again Bill Kristol on "Fixed News" (Olbermann's name for Fox News), quote, "The stimulus has so much bad stuff in it they let the House Democrats get out of control in sort of writing a pork-laden bill. Politically, I think the Republicans have more room to argue for changes and ultimately vote against it." And the Washington Post's ever-happy columnist, Charles Krauthammer, telling Fox News, quote, "Look, this is one of the worst bills in galactic history. FDR left behind the Hoover Dam, and Eisenhower left behind the interstate highway system. We will leave behind, after spending $1 trillion, a dog run in the East Potomac Park."
of Evils' in 'Generations' Marveling on Monday's Late Show about how people were lining up during the inauguration "to buy merchandise with any depiction" of President Barack Obama, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams expressed his pleasure at seeing so many people "that excited about our new chief executive after a line of what the ordinary voter would maybe describe as bad choices or choices of evils, for years, generations." All the Presidents going back for "generations" before Obama were "evils"? Williams likely meant to say past presidential victors were seen as the "lesser of two evils," but a greater percent of voters cast their ballot for Ronald Reagan in 1984 (58.7%) -- when plenty of Americans outside the media were excited about re-electing that President -- and George Bush in 1988 (53.7%) than chose Obama (52.8%). Williams soon insisted "none" of his personal excitement over Obama's presidency "is about a party" since, he quite seriously maintained, "none of us have a party in my line of work. We all try to call balls and strikes down the center." Yet, Williams proceeded to trumpet how "we have a dazzling family in the White House. I don't think they take a bad picture" and tout how Obama "has an enormous brain. He's a hugely capable man." Then, the "down the center" Williams endorsed Obama's "stimulus" plan: "If we can rebuild the United States, which everybody agrees it needs doing, and put these people to work, use that trillion dollars to help fellow citizens who are going to have it rough in these coming months and years..."
Seeing the primary role of the federal government is to resolve his driving challenges in Manhattan and speed up his commute to DC, Williams contended: As for the New York City roadways and bridges, they are in a city and a state controlled by liberal Democrats with big spending governments, so why aren't their roads and bridges the best in the nation? Williams did at least resist taking Letterman's bait when Letterman blamed the "bereft" Bush administration for all the problems Obama must fix. From the Monday, January 26 Late Show with David Letterman on CBS; closed-captioning corrected against the video by the MRC's Brad Wilmouth:
DAVID LETTERMAN: Paint for us the word picture about the inauguration. It was something for the ages. ... WILLIAMS: I'd like to say something because, you know, people were in tears on the air on Inauguration Day. My friend Juan Williams works for Fox News. It's impossible to watch the clip of Juan without crying yourself. None of this is about a party. None of us have a party in my line of work. We all try to call balls and strikes down the center. But we have seen an extraordinary thing that our country has just done. We have a dazzling family in the White House. I don't think they take a bad picture. ....
LETTERMAN: The symbolic import of this is not lost on anyone. But another part of the thing which is great, we actually have a guy who might be able to live up to this incredible challenge.
1,000 Yrs Global Warming Uniquely among Monday's broadcast evening newscasts, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams read a short item citing a "disheartening" report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicting that the world is in danger of suffering effects of global warming that will take 1,000 years to reverse unless "immediate action is taken to cut greenhouse gases." Williams: "The folks at NOAA ... say that if carbon dioxide continues to build up unchecked in our atmosphere, then the effects of global warming could be irreversible for more than a thousand years. That could mean severe drought in some parts of the world. Researchers conclude things are not hopeless as long as immediate action is taken to cut greenhouse gases."
Below is a complete transcript of the item from the Monday, January 26, NBC Nightly News, as read by Williams:
by MSNBC's Hosts In an interview with Marisa Guthrie of Broadcasting & Cable magazine, NBC Meet the Press host David Gregory insisted that the on-air Chris Matthews tingles over Obama and Keith Olbermann send-Bush-to-jail Special Comments at MSNBC are not to be confused with NBC: "NBC News as an organization is not influenced by those passionate, opinionated people that we have on the air." Gregory was objecting to the notion that MSNBC's "in the tank" political coverage harms NBC's reputation for fairness:
Q. Do you think the "in the tank" criticism that was leveled at MSNBC was fair? And do you think the image of the network has been resuscitated post-election? SUSPEND EXCERPT
For the complete interview of Gregory by Guthrie, see "Q&A: David Gregory's Sunday Grill," at: It's always annoying when liberal media elites try to insist that their critics have an "ideological prism" that they completely lack. Gregory also insisted that Tim Russert's Democratic political background was an "extra qualification" and suggested the press will be tough on Team Obama, eventually:
Q. Do you ever feel that no matter how smart the question is or how well you follow it up, that Tim Russert had built-in advantages because Russert worked in the political sphere? END EXCERPT Gregory also promised tougher times for Obama earlier on The Colbert Report. "I think the press will do a good job, I think the press will ask the right questions," he said. "I think you will see this press corps â€" I certainly will ask the same kinds of questions to this administration that I asked to the last. I think I asked tough questions of the last administration and I will do the same."
Hope in the Distance' According to Nightline co-anchor Cynthia McFadden, during the 2008 presidential campaign "many in the media" saw Barack Obama as a "bright hope in the distance." The ABC journalist made that admission during a "Morning Media Menu" podcast interview with TV Newser editor Steve Krakauer on Tuesday. In a justifying tone, she quickly added: "It's also clear that a lot of Americans thought that." McFadden didn't explain if she felt it was the role of journalists to simply reflect public will. For TV Newser's January 27 interview: The discussion on Obama media bias was prompted by Krakauer's mention of the new Bernie Goldberg book on the same subject, "A Slobbering Love Affair." Defending fellow co-anchor Terry Moran, McFadden asserted: "Anyone who knows Terry and his work would say there's nothing slobbering about him. I mean, he's as tough as they come. I think he brought a very jaundiced eye to the campaign." In actuality, with a few notable exceptions, Moran frequently slobbered over Barack Obama.
On November 6, 2006, he famously gushed that Obama was "an American political phenomenon" and, perhaps hopefully, he wondered, "Is Barack Obama the man, the black man, who could lead the Democrats back to the White House and maybe even unite the country?" See a November 8, 2006 CyberAlert posting for more: On January 29, 2008, Moran promised Nightline viewers a "tough" interview with the Democratic presidential candidate. That apparently included lauding Obama's ability to make "connections." The co-anchor went on to coo, "That's what is at the heart of Obama's politics, the notion that divisions are artificial and can be overcome by an act of will and of imagination." See a January 31, 2008 CyberAlert posting for more: After Obama's election, on the November 5, 2008 show, Moran described the victory celebration: "No one who was in Grant Park in Chicago last night will ever forget it. The jubilation. The emotion. The pride." See a November 6, 2008 NewsBusters posting for more: As noted earlier, there are exceptions. On February 25, 2008, Moran challenged Obama and noted that the politician was a "reliable liberal Democratic vote" in the state legislature. He pointed out that Obama supported numerous tax increases and partial birth abortion. The journalist also highlighted how often the then-state senator often voted present and Obama's relationship with convicted Chicago businessman Tony Rezko. On another occasion, Moran pressed Obama on his former preacher Jeremiah Wright. These interviews, however, were not the norm. In McFadden's podcast interview, she knocked the John McCain campaign for being "hard to cover" and not providing access. It's not hard to see why. On September 18, 2008, Moran slammed McCain for being hypocritical. He assailed, "Make no mistake, John McCain very well may defeat Barack Obama. But to do so, has he compromised principles in the style that got him this far?" On October 13, he asked Joe Biden if the rhetoric of McCain's running mate, Sarah Palin, made the senator "concerned" for "Senator Obama's safety." See a September 22, 2008 CyberAlert posting: And a October 14, 2008 posting: McFadden, who touted the fairness of Nightline while talking to TV Newser, also has a history of touting a Democratic presidential candidate: Hillary Clinton. On two separate occasions, starting on December 19, 2007, she asked Clinton variations on this question: "There's never a night when you go back to whatever hotel room, whatever city you're in that night, and crawl in a ball and say, 'I just, this just hurts too much?" See a February 4, 2008 CyberAlert posting for more: A transcript of the relevant portions of the podcast interview follow:
11:27 into 15 minute interview
Abortion Order Catching up on an item from Friday night, the three broadcast evening newscasts aired virtually nothing on January 23 about President Obama's executive order permitting federal funding of abortions, overturning orders signed by President Bush in his first week in office back in 2001. Both CBS and NBC's White House reporters squeezed in a single sentence about Obama's action during stories about the economic stimulus bill, while ABC's World News said nothing about the orders on Friday.
But on Sunday's World News, ABC's Dan Harris highlighted conservative criticism of Obama's abortion decision, arguing that it showed how "despite his desire to reach out to people who disagree with him, the new President may find that on some issues, it may be impossible to find common ground." Correspondent Sharyn Alfonsi also painted the President -- whom she said hoped "not to provoke" conservatives by banning photographs of the signing -- the victim of a "brutal" reaction from conservatives:
Eight years ago, however, the burden was all on George W. Bush when he revoked Bill Clinton's executive orders permitting federal funds to go to abortions. Highlights from the January 22, 2001 evening newscasts, which cast the news as a controversy needlessly instigated by Bush to appeal to his right-wing base (no one this week suggested Obama was appealing to his left-wing base with his abortion orders): ABC's Terry Moran: "One of the President's first actions was designed to appeal to anti-abortion conservatives. The President signed an order re-instating a Reagan-era policy that prohibited federal funding of family planning groups that provided abortion counseling services overseas. Press Secretary Ari Fleischer was peppered with questions about the order at his first daily briefing." CBS's John Roberts: "The President waded into controversy on his first day. In a nod to anti-abortion groups on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, he announced he'll cut federal funding to organizations that provide family planning and abortion counseling overseas. Abortion rights activists fear there's more to come."
NBC's Tom Brokaw: "We'll begin with the new President's very active day, which started on a controversial note...." For more on how the networks handled Bush's executive orders, and how their approach contrasted with their coverage of Bill Clinton in 1993, check the January 23, 2001 CyberAlert: LINK: Here's how CBS and NBC covered Obama's abortion orders on their Friday, January 23 evening newscasts: CBS's Chip Reid: "Meanwhile, the president overturned yet another Bush administration policy today by executive order, this one on abortion, ending the ban on federal funding for international organizations that perform the procedure or do abortion counseling. But Mr. Obama continued another controversial Bush administration policy, allowing two missile strikes inside Pakistan that killed at least one al-Qaeda operative." NBC's Savannah Guthrie: "One other note from here tonight, Brian, late this afternoon the president signed an order ending the ban on federal funding to international organizations that provide abortion services or abortion counseling. Brian, back to you." And while ABC's World News did not mention the controversy on Friday, World News Sunday offered an entire segment about how conservatives were lambasting Obama's new policy:
DAN HARRIS: President Obama has another big fight on his hands, this one with social conservatives. Despite his desire to reach out to people who disagree with him, the new President may find that on some issues, it may be impossible to find common ground. Here's ABC's Sharyn Alfonsi.
-- Brent Baker ![]()
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