1. National Media Avoid IDing Levy Murder Suspect as an Illegal CBS, CNN, FNC and the AP on Tuesday all failed to identify Ingmar Guandique, for whom an arrest warrant was issued for the 2001 murder of Chandra Levy, as an illegal alien. In a full story on the CBS Evening News, reporter Bob Orr described him simply as a "Salvadoran immigrant." During CNN's Situation Room, Zain Verjee benignly called him "a laborer from El Salvador" and later, on Anderson Cooper 360, news reader Erica Hill referred to him as "a U.S. prison inmate from El Salvador." (In between, the contrarian Lou Dobbs did identify Guandique as "a criminal illegal alien.") FNC's Bret Baier, on his 6 PM EST show, cited the new charge against "a Salvadoran immigrant" while multiple dispatches from the AP's Brian Westerly described Guandique as "an imprisoned Salvadoran immigrant." 2. WashPost Reporter on MSNBC: GOP Nominee Must 'Stand Up to Rush' At the top of the 12PM EST hour of MSNBC news coverage on Tuesday, anchor David Shuster spoke with Washington Post reporter Keith Richburg about the recent divide between Rush Limbaugh and RNC Chair Michael Steele. Richburg observed: "You know, it's fascinating. It's like the circular firing squad. I mean, maybe this is what Rush had in mind when he was talking about 'Operation Chaos.'" Shuster later asked Richburg: "I mean, when Rush Limbaugh says that all Republicans want President Obama to fail. What's so difficult with somebody saying, 'no, no, we think that his policies may fail, but we don't want them to fail.' What's so difficult about that?" Richburg replied: " almost seems like the Republican Party needs a 'Sister Solja' moment...It seems like the Republicans need somebody who's willing to stand up and say Rush doesn't represent all of the views of the Republican Party and then not rush and apologize to him...I'll bet you whoever does that could end up as the, you know, the nominee of the party or at least the major party." 3. CNN's Jack Cafferty Confesses His 'Crush on Michelle Obama' CNN commentator Jack Cafferty flat out admitted in a commentary on Tuesday that he is "developing a crush on America's first lady," Michelle Obama: "Michelle Obama is more compelling than her husband. He's good, but she's utterly fascinating....Mrs. Obama has blown away the stale air in a White House musty from eight years of the Bushes. It's like the sun came out and a fresh spring breeze began wafting through the open windows." 4. CBS's Early Show Discusses Future of GOP with Liberal Journalists During a 6-minute segment on the Saturday Early Show on CBS, co-host Erica Hill spoke with liberal journalists Mort Zuckerman, editor in chief of U.S. News and World Report, and Steven Kornacki of the New York Observer, about the future of the Republican Party. Republican strategist and CNN contributor Leslie Sanchez was also part of the panel discussion, but was only allowed 44 seconds to speak during the segment, frequently being cut off by Hill, Zuckerman, and Kornacki. Zuckerman described the future of the GOP this way: "Obama's popularity is surging and the support for the Republican Party is declining, in part because if there is any symbol of the Republican Party, it was Bobby Jindal, the Governor of Louisiana, speaking after President Obama, and articulating a philosophy that was so completely discredited under the Bush administration that it's hard to imagine that they think they're going to do anything other than consolidate their support in a very small number of arch-conservative districts in the United States." 5. ABC Skips Key Facts, Continues to Fret About No Ice at North Pole Despite evidence to the contrary, Tuesday's Good Morning America continued to hype the idea that there could soon be no Arctic sea ice at the North Pole. Co-host Robin Roberts began a segment on the subject by fretting: "But, can you imagine going to the beach and finding it's not there? Sounds like science fiction." Referencing a group of scientists who are traveling 600 miles across the Arctic to test ice thickness she added, "Well, a new expedition is under way to find out if this could happen in the not-so-distant future." However, Good Morning America has been wrong on this issue in the past. On the June 28, 2008, GMA weekend anchor Kate Snow introduced a story on polar bears by worrying, "You know, the polar bear has become the iconic face of climate change and this summer scientists are saying the North Pole could be without ice, another symptom of a warming planet." Yet, by the fall of last year, the Arctic ice caps had grown by 150,000 square miles (which, while still low, is not the same as disappearing.)
Suspect as an Illegal CBS, CNN, FNC and the AP on Tuesday all failed to identify Ingmar Guandique, for whom an arrest warrant was issued for the 2001 murder of Chandra Levy, as an illegal alien. In a full story on the CBS Evening News, reporter Bob Orr described him simply as a "Salvadoran immigrant." During CNN's Situation Room, Zain Verjee benignly called him "a laborer from El Salvador" and later, on Anderson Cooper 360, news reader Erica Hill referred to him as "a U.S. prison inmate from El Salvador." (In between, the contrarian Lou Dobbs did identify Guandique as "a criminal illegal alien.") FNC's Bret Baier, on his 6 PM EST show, cited the new charge against "a Salvadoran immigrant" while multiple dispatches from the AP's Brian Westerly described Guandique as "an imprisoned Salvadoran immigrant." An AP story: Wednesday's front page Washington Post article cited the murder suspect's immigration status, but not until the third paragraph: "Guandique, who entered the United States illegally in 2000 and had trouble scraping together a new life in Washington..." Post story: In contrast, the free Washington Examiner put the relevant fact in the lead of its story for the Wednesday paper: "Nearly eight years after the disappearance of congressional intern Chandra Levy dominated national headlines, D.C. authorities charged with murder an illegal immigrant who had been questioned in the early stages of the investigation." See: [This item, by the MRC's Brent Baker, was posted late Tuesday night on the MRC's blog, ] Neither ABC's World News nor the NBC Nightly News mentioned the arrest warrant. Bob Orr began his piece for the March 3 CBS Evening News: "Police identified the killer of Chandra Levy as Ingmar Guandique, a Salvadoran immigrant who's already in a California prison for assaulting two other women in the same Washington park where Levy was murdered..."
Must 'Stand Up to Rush' At the top of the 12PM EST hour of MSNBC news coverage on Tuesday, anchor David Shuster spoke with Washington Post reporter Keith Richburg about the recent divide between Rush Limbaugh and RNC Chair Michael Steele. Richburg observed: "You know, it's fascinating. It's like the circular firing squad. I mean, maybe this is what Rush had in mind when he was talking about 'Operation Chaos.'" Shuster later asked Richburg: "I mean, when Rush Limbaugh says that all Republicans want President Obama to fail. What's so difficult with somebody saying, 'no, no, we think that his policies may fail, but we don't want them to fail.' What's so difficult about that?" Richburg replied: " almost seems like the Republican Party needs a 'Sister Solja' moment...It seems like the Republicans need somebody who's willing to stand up and say Rush doesn't represent all of the views of the Republican Party and then not rush and apologize to him...I'll bet you whoever does that could end up as the, you know, the nominee of the party or at least the major party." [This item, by the MRC's Kyle Drennen, was posted Tuesday afternoon on the MRC's blog, ] Richburg went on to describe the problem with the Republican Party: "One of the main problems they have is they're almost like the British conservative party was after Tony Blair took over in 1997. They're looking out of touch. They're older. They're whiter. They're more regionally based in south than ever before. And they're in danger of irrelevance unless they can find some way to do really what Ronald Reagan did, which was appeal to moderates, appeal to Democrats, appeal to those Macomb County, Michigan suburbs. And, you know, if you just go for a straight base strategy, conservative strategy like Rush Limbaugh is saying, you're going to lose that, kind of, center ground there."
Here is the full transcript of the March 3 segment:
on Michelle Obama' CNN commentator Jack Cafferty flat out admitted in a commentary on Tuesday that he is "developing a crush on America's first lady," Michelle Obama: "Michelle Obama is more compelling than her husband. He's good, but she's utterly fascinating....Mrs. Obama has blown away the stale air in a White House musty from eight years of the Bushes. It's like the sun came out and a fresh spring breeze began wafting through the open windows." Such high praise for a member of the Obama family isn't something new for Cafferty. Almost a week earlier, the CNN commentator gushed over President Obama's seeming calm in the midst of all the serious issues that the country faces: "...[O]ur president seems remarkably unruffled by all of this, serene in an inner confidence that he's got what it takes to lead this country back into the sunlight." [This item, by the MRC's Matthew Balan, was posted Tuesday afternoon on the MRC's blog, ] For more on Cafferty's recent praise of President Obama, particularly related to his address to a joint session of Congress, see the February 27 CyberAlert item, "CNN: Obama Leading U.S. 'Into Sunlight' & 'Up to Mountaintops,'" at: After admitting his crush and comparing her to fair weather, Cafferty pushed Mrs. Obama's populist credentials, compared to past First Ladies: "It's the people's house, and Michelle Obama totally gets it. So much so that she has taken to inviting people in from the streets to see her home. Nice touch -- one completely lacking in her recent predecessors." The commentator then focused the next few paragraphs to how well people react to the current First Lady, all the time exuding his admiration for her: "Watch her when she visits a local school and you see the warmth and affection she instantly triggers in people. Kids are pretty much totally honest with very good BS-detectors. If they sense you're a phony, forget it. But around the first lady, they want to hug her and laugh with her and tell her stories." He also extended this admiration to the entire Obama family: "You can see the same qualities these kids recognize in her daughters. She is the consummate mother as evidenced by the poised, polite smiling children she and her husband are raising. I have four daughters, and trust me -- they don't turn out like the Obama children without devoted parents....The Obamas bring a humanity and humility to their tasks which sets them far apart from the run-of-the mill phonies who populate Washington. It's exactly what the doctor ordered for this wounded nation." He concluded his commentary by recounting how his colleagues in the fashion media are likewise raving over Mrs. Obama: Michelle Obama's unassuming, but dead-on, sense of style has the fashion press gushing all over itself. Her arms are becoming the stuff of legend. Who appears sleeveless on the cover of Vogue, let alone in front of a joint session of Congress while her husband delivers one of the most important speeches of his life? And the reviews were rave. Cindi Leive, the editor of Glamour magazine gushed, "Oh my god! The first lady has bare arms in Congress in February at night!" If she keeps it up, Seventh Avenue will soon stop making women's clothes with sleeves. Ok, I admit it. When it comes to the first lady, I'm smitten. END of Excerpt For Cafferty's March 3 posting: The only conclusion you can draw from this is that Jack loves Michelle Obama as much as he loathes Sarah Palin. For more on Cafferty's loathing of Sarah Palin, see the October 1 CyberAlert item, "CNN's Jack Cafferty's Palin Derangement Syndrome Reaches New Heights," at:
GOP with Liberal Journalists During a 6-minute segment on the Saturday Early Show on CBS, co-host Erica Hill spoke with liberal journalists Mort Zuckerman, editor in chief of U.S. News and World Report, and Steven Kornacki of the New York Observer, about the future of the Republican Party. Republican strategist and CNN contributor Leslie Sanchez was also part of the panel discussion, but was only allowed 44 seconds to speak during the segment, frequently being cut off by Hill, Zuckerman, and Kornacki. Zuckerman described the future of the GOP this way: "Obama's popularity is surging and the support for the Republican Party is declining, in part because if there is any symbol of the Republican Party, it was Bobby Jindal, the Governor of Louisiana, speaking after President Obama, and articulating a philosophy that was so completely discredited under the Bush administration that it's hard to imagine that they think they're going to do anything other than consolidate their support in a very small number of arch-conservative districts in the United States." [This item, by the MRC's Kyle Drennen, was posted Tuesday morning on the MRC's blog, ]
Kornacki shared a similar view, suggesting Republicans give up on conservative principles and simply follow Democratic Party ideals: "Republicans in Congress, the Republicans on talk radio, on Fox News, Republicans who are dominating the party and driving the philosophy of their party right now and they are denying reality...2008 was a revolt against the excesses of the Reagan philosophy, and the Republicans right now seem to be saying...'we got to click our shoes together three times, repeat our favorite Reagan catch phrase and poof, we're going to be good again.' It's not going to work. The public is looking for people who want government to take a leading, active, and aggressive role. Republicans aren't even speaking to that." Sanchez attempted to counter those arguments: "But you know there's a -- I think that's simplifying it. This massive expansion of government is what people fear. They want efficient government. They want government that's going to make a difference." Kornacki replied: "Isn't this massive expansion of government Republicanesque?" Sanchez began to respond: "No, no, I-" but he cut her off: "$6 trillion in debt." Sanchez attempted to continue: "I think there's fault on either side, I don't think -- there's mud on both boots." She was then silenced by Hill, who gave Zuckerman the last word: "Mort, I want to end with a final thought from you." Here is a full transcript of the February 28 segment:
About No Ice at North Pole Despite evidence to the contrary, Tuesday's Good Morning America continued to hype the idea that there could soon be no Arctic sea ice at the North Pole. Co-host Robin Roberts began a segment on the subject by fretting: "But, can you imagine going to the beach and finding it's not there? Sounds like science fiction." Referencing a group of scientists who are traveling 600 miles across the Arctic to test ice thickness she added, "Well, a new expedition is under way to find out if this could happen in the not-so-distant future." However, Good Morning America has been wrong on this issue in the past. On the June 28, 2008, GMA weekend anchor Kate Snow introduced a story on polar bears by worrying, "You know, the polar bear has become the iconic face of climate change and this summer scientists are saying the North Pole could be without ice, another symptom of a warming planet." Yet, by the fall of last year, the Arctic ice caps had grown by 150,000 square miles (which, while still low, is not the same as disappearing.) [This item, by the MRC's Scott Whitlock, was posted Tuesday afternoon on the MRC's blog, ] Additionally, Discovery News reported on March 2 of this year that global warming may be on hold. On the Discovery Channel web site, Michael Reilly wrote: "Earth's climate continues to confound scientists. Following a 30-year trend of warming, global temperatures have flatlined since 2001 despite rising greenhouse gas concentrations, and a heat surplus that should have cranked up the planetary thermostat." See Discovery News: And Bloomberg reporter Alex Morales noted on February 20 that a satellite glitch had resulted in scientists underestimating the amount of Arctic sea ice by 500,000 square kilometers. See Bloomberg: Yet, ABC's on-screen graphic didn't mention any of this and instead asked, "Explorers Begin North Pole Trek: Is all the Ice Disappearing?" GMA reporter Nick Watt featured no opposing views and only stated: "Their [Arctic scientists] data might tell us how soon the polar ice could disappear completely." ABC viewers should expect more of this type of reporting, as the correspondent explained that in a few weeks, Good Morning America would be joining the expedition and will track the progress of the scientists investigating the level of sea ice. The ABC morning show has developed quite a reputation for global warming alarmism. Weatherman Sam Champion famously hosted a segment on January 31, 2007 that featured a hyperbolic graphic which screamed: "Will Billions Die from Global Warming? New Details on Thirst and Hunger." See a February 1, 2007 CyberAlert posting for more: A transcript of the March 3 segment, which aired at 7:37, follows:
ROBIN ROBERTS: But, can you imagine going to the beach and finding it's not there? Sounds like science fiction. Well, a new expedition is under way to find out if this could happen in the not-so-distant future. It's an expedition to the North Pole that will take a look at the ice caps. And our Nick Watt went along for the ride.
-- Brent Baker ![]()
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