CBS Conceded Tax Cut Support, But; Same Show, Two Stories on Gore’s Confused Voters; "More and More" Questioning Tax Cut
1) Thirteen days after skipping its own poll showing
support for Bush’s tax cut, the CBS Evening News did report on a new CBS
poll showing tax cuts are the public’s top priority. John Roberts
emphasized how more think Bush’s cut "benefits the rich" than
is "fair to all," but he failed to note how more believe
Bush’s plan than the Democratic one "would be fairest to people
like them." Viewers also didn’t hear how 71 percent oppose the
estate tax.
2) CBS’s Wyatt Andrews acknowledged the free market
could be better at protecting health than government regulators:
"Most U.S. ranchers...fear losing McDonald’s business more than
they fear the U.S. government."
3) On Monday, for the second straight night, ABC’s World
News Tonight highlighted the Florida newspaper guess about those who voted
for two presidential candidates. Peter Jennings: "Gore might have
received more than enough votes to win the state if the ballots had been
clearer and the voters had been more careful."
4) "More and more people are questioning"
Bush’s "massive tax cut" Tom Brokaw asserted before a story on
opposition from the "bi-partisan" Concord Coalition which ABC
also highlighted.
5) Most Americans do not have a gun in their house, the
New York Post pointed out in countering a claim made on Sunday’s This
Week by Cokie Roberts to which George Stephanopoulos had quipped:
"Unfortunately, yeah."
6) Charlton Heston appeared on NBC’s Today to plug the
release on DVD of Ben Hur, but Katie Couric took advantage of the
opportunity to pound away at him on gun control, pressing him with stats
and arguments from Handgun Control, Inc.
7) Larry King lifted a hunk of his USA Today column from
items circulating on the Internet. National Review wondered if he’ll be
punished like Jeff Jacoby.
days after the CBS Evening News ignored its own network’s poll which
found 67 percent supported Bush’s tax cut plan, the show reported on a
new CBS News/New York Times poll which determined 57 percent back Bush’s
proposal (with 36 percent opposed) to devote about one third of the
surplus to tax cuts, one third to reducing the debt and one third to more
spending. But in his CBS Evening News story on Tuesday night John Roberts
skipped that key finding which led the recitation of the poll
Instead, Roberts asserted that on Bush’s
effort to sell his tax cuts, "a new CBS News/New York Times poll
finds he has finally made it America’s top priority" as 18 percent
listed it as the number one problem they want addressed. But, the CBS News
poll taken after Bush’s February 27 address to Congress found that tax
cuts were the public’s top priority over spending on education and
Social Security as well as paying down the national debt. That survey
discovered 38 percent of those who watched the speech listed Bush’s tax
cut as the proposal they most preferred and it came out first overall too
since "thirty percent of those who did not watch or listen to the
speech chose tax cut."
But, as noted above, the CBS Evening News
didn’t mention those findings. For a reminder of how instead the show
focused on two women in Omaha opposed Bush’s tax cut and the next night
John Roberts stressed that "new voters leaning slightly
in favor of the Democratic plan," go to:
Back to Tuesday night, March 13, Roberts
emphasized how by 56 to 38 percent more think Bush’s tax cut
"benefits the rich" than is "fair to all," but he
failed to note how when asked which tax plan "would be fairest to
people like them," 44 percent chose Bush's proposal while 43 percent
picked the Democratic plan. In addition, an overwhelming 71 percent said
they oppose a tax on estates worth over $675,000.
Roberts began his CBS Evening News piece, as
transcribed by MRC analyst Brad Wilmouth: "For more than a year --
first as candidate, then as President -- George Bush has been beating the
drum on tax cuts. Now, a new CBS News/New York Times poll finds he has
finally made it America’s top priority, eclipsing traditional concerns
about education, the economy, Social Security, and health care."
An on screen graphic showed taxes at 18
percent, education at 10 percent, economy at 9 percent, Social
Security/Medicare at 8 percent and health care at 8 percent.
Roberts continued: "The poll also finds
that by a margin of eight points [49 to 41 percent], Americans prefer Mr.
Bush’s ambitious plans for the surplus over more conservative Democratic
George W. Bush: "The surplus is the
people’s money, it’s not the government’s money."
Roberts: "But underlying the apparent good
news for President Bush is a striking contradiction. Americans are unsure
if there is enough money for tax cuts and other priorities [on screen,
"not possible: 43 percent"]. The majority also believes the Bush
plan unfairly benefits the rich ["fair to all: 38 percent,
unfair/benefit the rich: 56 percent"] and that at the end of the day
taxpayers won’t see any extra money in their pockets." ["will
you have more money? yes 39 percent, no 54 percent"].
Craig Crawford, The Hotline: "And it’s
clear from this poll that Americans are confused and want some more
answers about the tax cut."
Roberts lectured: "Answers they didn’t
get, say critics, in last week’s rush to propel the tax cut through the
House. Senior Republicans charged with navigating the plan through the
Senate concede they have work to do to convince a skeptical public."
Senator Charles Grassley: "I don’t blame
the average citizen if it sounds almost a dreamworld, but it’s not a
Roberts concluded: "In an interview with CBS
Radio today, Vice President Cheney admitted there may be some
modifications to President Bush’s tax plan but predicted that in the end
Congress will give the President most of what he asked for. Dan."
Amongst the interesting findings outlined in
the story on the poll but not mentioned by Roberts in his
admittedly limited time:
-- "The public is divided as to which tax
plan would be fairest to people like them: 44 percent say Bush's would be
fairer to them, and 43 percent say the Democrats' would be."
-- "There is strong public support for
one aspect of Bush's proposed tax bill, and that is eliminating the estate
or ‘death’ tax. Seventy-one percent of Americans oppose placing a tax
on assets someone leaves when they die if the assets are worth more than
$675,000 today. And, this issue is not impacted by partisanship -- similar
percentages of both Democrats and Republicans oppose the estate tax.
"The public also agrees that those who
inherit small businesses, farms and ranches should be exempt from having
to pay this tax at all. Eighty-one percent say people who inherit this
type of property should not have to pay the estate tax."
-- "A majority agrees with the argument
offered by the Republican President in defense of his tax cuts, that it is
necessary to cut taxes in order to keep Congress from spending the
surplus: 56 percent agree this is the case, and 35 percent disagree."
To read the full poll results, go to:,1597,278532-412,00.shtml

inadvertent credit to how the free market can be more powerful in
protecting public health than a huge government regulatory bureaucracy?
Check out how Wyatt Andrews concluded a
Tuesday CBS Evening News story on how McDonald’s had decided that to
protect against Mad Cow disease it will demand proof no animal materials
are in cattle feed given to any cows processed into meats it buys:
"The cattle and feed industry say they
welcome the McDonald’s move because it will focus farmers and ranchers
on the potential Mad Cow threat from cattle feed. Most U.S. ranchers, they
believe, fear losing McDonald’s business more than they fear the U.S.

ABC News
felt the Palm Beach Post story, on how if the intent of voters who voted
for two candidates could be divined Al Gore would have gained over 6,000
votes in Palm Beach County, was so important they reported it two nights
in a row.
As noted in the March 12 CyberAlert, ABC’s
World News Tonight/Sunday reported the story published that morning. And
then on Monday’s World News Tonight Peter Jennings highlighted the topic
again, as taken down by MRC analyst Jessica Anderson:
"In Florida today, another media recount of
presidential election results -- not the last one. In this case, the Palm
Beach Post has examined the ballots in Palm Beach County and they suggest
that Mr. Gore might have received more than enough votes to win the state
if the ballots had been clearer and the voters had been more careful.
President Bush made his first visit to Florida today as President, and as
Mr. Bush found out today, some Floridians continue to hold a grudge."
Terry Moran then relayed: "As President
Bush arrived in Florida, memories of the bitter battle that won him the
state and thereby the White House seemed far away, but local Democrats
were not going to allow Mr. Bush to forget the election contest, running
an ad in a few markets that targeted both the President and his brother,
Florida's Governor."
Clip of ad: "Jeb Bush didn't stand up to
count Florida's votes right and George Bush's budget undermines
prosperity. Bush fuzzy math, it doesn't add up."
Moran: "The President fired back."
President Bush: "Some of the Democrats here
want to keep re-voting the election, but if they would listen to America,
they'd find that Americans want to move forward."
Moran: "The ad reflects a sharpening of
Democratic attacks on the President's tax and budget proposals as Mr.
Bush's opponents sense vulnerability and a new flexibility in the
administration's position...."
Despite ABC’s evening show obsession with
the flaky Palm Beach Post story, it should be noted that overall the story
generated less network air time than did the late February Miami Herald
analysis of Miami-Dade County ballots in which voters only chose one
presidential candidate but the machine did not record a vote. That review
found that even counting "dimpled chads" gave Gore only a net
pick up of 49 votes. All three morning shows ran short items on that story
as did the ABC and CBS evening shows. With this week’s Palm Beach Post
story, though the NBC Nightly News picked up on it while having ignored
the Miami Herald review, the CBS Evening News skipped it Monday night (NCAA
basketball pool show bumped the show on Sunday night). Neither ABC’s
Good Morning America or CBS’s The Early Show mentioned it Monday
morning. It came up on Monday’s Today in a question to David Von Drehlee,
author of a book about the Florida election mess.
ABC and
NBC jumped Monday night on how the "bi-partisan" Concord
Coalition announced its opposition to Bush’s tax cut plan.
Picking up with Terry Moran’s March 12 World
News Tonight story where we left off in item #3 above, Moran warned:
"In the Senate, only one Democrat has
publicly committed to support the Bush tax cut. Six Republicans have
openly expressed reservations about the size of the cut, and today a
bi-partisan budget watchdog group called for a smaller, more cautious tax
Peter Peterson, President of Concord Coalition:
"However, there is no reason to lock in a large, 10-year tax
reduction to give short-term fiscal stimulus."
Moran: "Stung by the defections in the
Senate, the President has begun talking about compromise.
President Bush: "I'm willing to listen to
the hundred different voices who've got different views about where this
package ought to go."
Moran concluded: "All along the President's
strategy on the tax cut has been to hang tough until the final vote
approaches, then cut a deal. It sounds increasingly as if Mr. Bush will
have to come to the bargaining table sooner rather than later."
Over on Monday’s NBC Nightly News, after the
lead story on the plunging stock market, Tom Brokaw warned: "All of
this comes as President Bush steps up his campaign for that massive tax
cut, a tax cut that more and more people are questioning. Is the President
too optimistic about the prospects for continuing record surpluses?"
David Gregory began: "Tom, the President
has repeatedly argued that the government can easily afford his tax cut,
given the projected budget surpluses are likely to grow larger still. But
critics warning now that it's days like this on Wall Street that should
make the White House think twice. With the President in Florida today for
the first time since last fall's recount battle, more pressure back in
Washington to compromise. The bi-partisan Concord Coalition claiming today
that forecast budget surpluses are overstated and that the $1.6 trillion
Bush tax cut risks a return of the quote, ‘spend and borrow vicious
cycle.’ Instead, the group which includes Bill Clinton's Treasury
Secretary Robert Rubin and former Republican Senator Warren Rudman,
advocates a rolling tax cut."
Robert Rubin, former Treasury Secretary:
"You start with a moderate tax cut and two, three, four years down
the road, if the projections materialize, you can decide what to do."
Gregory: "In Florida, where some took to
the streets to dispute the president's victory in the state last November,
Democrats have launched a TV ad campaign linking the tax cut debate to the
election standoff."
TV ad announcer: "Jeb Bush didn't stand up
to count Florida's votes right, and George Bush's budget undermines
prosperity. Bush fuzzy math, it doesn't add up."
scary gun owners who vote the wrong way are not so prevalent as ABC’s
Cokie Roberts and George Stephanopoulos worried on Sunday, the New York
Post’s "MediaWatch" column pointed out on Tuesday.
The March 13 "MediaWatch" column
recounted the Monday CyberAlert item about how on Sunday's This Week
Stephanopoulos remarked: "There's no question [that] the single best
predictor of how someone was going to vote in the last election was did
you have a gun in the house -- by 40 points they went for Bush."
Roberts interjected: "And most Americans
have a gun in the house." To which Stephanopoulos confirmed his
Democratic allegiance: "Unfortunately, yeah."
The New York Post countered in its March 13
"MediaWatch" column: "No, most Americans do not have a gun
in the house.
According to the Sourcebook of Criminal Justice
Statistics, only 36 percent of U.S. households had guns in 1999 -- down
from 51 percent just six years earlier. Indeed, as USA Today reported,
‘the number of American households with guns has sharply and steadily
declined.’ The political impact? As Stephanopoulos himself noted, ‘if
you look at the three states where the NRA spent the most money --
Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania -- [Al] Gore won all three of
those.’ So their point is -- what?"
Good question.
Heston agreed to an appearance on NBC’s Today to plug the release on DVD
of Ben Hur, but after just a little bit of time on that Katie Couric
pounded away at the NRA President on gun control, pressing him with stats
and arguments from Handgun Control, Inc.
MRC analyst Geoffrey Dickens took down her
arguments in the form of questions on the March 13 show:
-- "Obviously because of your role in the
National Rifle Association I want to get a couple of quick comments if I
could Mr. Heston from you on this recent shooting. Particularly at, in
Santana High School outside of San Diego. When you heard about that, I
mean what was your reaction?"
-- "Some people, some people though feel it,
it may be about maladjusted kids. But it is about guns as well and, and
how easy it is to get guns in this country. Do you think-"
-- "Well, you know, this, this boy Andy
Williams' father did have guns in the home. What do you think about some
kind of smart technology that would make it more difficult for children to
use guns?"
-- "Well, what, I mean is that something you
could support as an advocate of the National Rifle Association?"
-- "And do you think gun manufacturers will
be more receptive than they have been already? Some are making a move in
that direction?"
-- "Handgun Control cites a statistic that
our firearms deaths of children under the age of 15 is twelve times that
of 25 other industrial nations combined. Is it all about maladjusted kids,
if, if those, those numbers are so stunning are there that many more
maladjusted kids in this country than there are in 25 industrial nations
-- "Do you think that, that, that guns are
to blame at all in any way shape or form for the increase in violence in
this country?"
-- "Do you find that you have, that you have
a more receptive audience for that philosophy with, with the Bush
-- "This is gonna be my last question. Do
you, do you feel more comfortable with George W. Bush in the White House?
Do you think you have a more receptive administration?"
-- "Alright Charlton Heston. Again,
congratulations on the DVD release of Ben Hur."
Nice afterthought.
benefits of being a liberal held to no standards. National Review’s
Washington Bulletin on Tuesday, picking up on an item about how Larry King
lifted part of his USA Today column from fun facts circulating on the
Internet, contrasted the non-condemnation of King with how the Boston
Globe suspended the conservative Jeff Jacoby for non-attribution of some
Here’s a reprint of the March 13 item by
John J. Miller and Ramesh Ponnuru:
Why won't Larry King credit his sources?
The Boston Globe suspended columnist Jeff Jacoby for four months
without pay last summer for doing what Larry King did yesterday in his USA
Today column. As Alex Gordon of Hockey Digest pointed out on Jim
Romenesko's media website, King "appears to have fallen prey to the
sin of cutting and pasting from one of those oft-forwarded 'little known
facts' e-mails" right into his piece. Gordon says a quick web search
turned up a dozen sites containing the material King tossed into his
column. They are, of course, not credited. "The laziest column writer
in the world just set a new standard for laziness," writes Gordon.
King wrote: "Dreamt is the only English word that ends in the
letters 'mt.'... Almonds are a member of the peach family.... Tigers have
striped skin, not just striped fur.... All clocks in the movie Pulp
Fiction are stuck on 4:20.... Two-thirds of the world's eggplants are
grown in New Jersey.... (Is this fascinating or what?) The longest
one-syllable word in the English language is screeched.... A shark is the
only fish that can blink with both eyes...There are 293 ways to make
change for a dollar.... All 50 states are listed across the top of the
Lincoln Memorial.... Maine is the only state whose name is just one
syllable..... Los Angeles' full name is 'El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la
Reina de Los Angeles de Porciuncula.'"
Suspend Reprint
NR noted that the whole column may be read at:
And, the results of a Google search looking
for this material may be read at:
Resume reprint:
Last July, Boston Globe editors accused Jacoby of "serious
journalistic misconduct" for penning a column on the fates of the
signers of the Declaration of Independence. They said he had not properly
acknowledged source material located on the Internet and elsewhere. Many
speculated that Jacoby, a conservative on a liberal editorial page, was
being unfairly punished for his political views. (Howard Kurtz's
Washington Post story on Jacoby may be read at:
Whatever the case, Jacoby's punishment was far too harsh. But that
doesn't mean King should be totally off the hook. It will be interesting
to see whether USA Today makes him go back and list his sources.
END Reprint.
NR’s daily Washington Bulletin is online at:
I think it’s safe to say that this is the
first time National Review or CyberAlert have relied upon a Hockey Digest
reporter to identify news media bias.