1. MSNBC's O'Donnell Hails Obama's 'Cajones' in Bashing Limbaugh On Monday afternoon, MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell wondered: "Does President Barack Obama finally have the cajones, that some Democrats haven't had in the past, in saying to other Republicans 'you don't have to listen to Rush Limbaugh?'" Democratic strategist Penny Lee agreed with O'Donnell and replied: "Enough with this politics of personal destruction. Let us get back to business and you don't have to listen to the extremes on either side." O'Donnell also spoke with Republican strategist Phil Musser and asked: "What out does it give the Republican Party to have Rush Limbaugh out there saying, who is the voice of many conservatives, that he hopes the President fails. I mean, that's kind of lame, isn't it?" 2. NBC's Mitchell Calls Smearing of Caroline Kennedy 'Inexcusable' Acting like Caroline Kennedy's PR flack, NBC's Andrea Mitchell, on Monday's Today show, first delivered the news that the Kennedy family was "furious," at the way her Senate bid was treated by New York Governor David Paterson, but then she quickly merged her own personal opinion into the story, calling the smearing of the former First Daughter "inexcusable." Curiously Mitchell never revealed to viewers what specifically Paterson or those close to Paterson had said of Kennedy, only vaguely mentioning "they went after her on personal issues." 3. In 17 Minutes of Blago Coverage, ABC Skips Fact He's a Democrat On Monday's Good Morning America, the ABC morning show featured four segments on scandal-ridden Democratic Governor Rod Blagojevich. And over the course of 17 minutes and 38 seconds, not one host or reporter mentioned his party affiliation. Co-host Diane Sawyer interviewed Blagojevich for two segments and simply referred to him as the Governor or Governor Blagojevich. The Illinois politician, who is accused of attempting to sell the former Senate seat of now-President Barack Obama, was identified in an onscreen graphic only. It read "(D) Illinois." (A more effusive graphic, which appeared during the show's opening tease, screamed, "Illinois Governor, Live!") But neither Sawyer, nor reporter Chris Bury (who filed two additional segments on the topic), actually used the word Democrat. In fact, the only time it came up was during the second interview when Blagojevich himself referred to "my fellow Democrats." 4. ABC vs. ABC: Excited Over Obama Inaugural; Not So Much With Bush Proving that four years can make quite a difference, ABC's Good Morning America featured an excited, hyperbolic open for the show's special edition on the inauguration of Barack Obama. As the program began last Tuesday, an ABC announcer trumpeted: "This morning, a new dawn: Barack Obama sworn in as the 44th president of the United States. A new face from a new generation. Driven by an audacity to hope." So, how did ABC begin Good Morning America on January 20, 2005, the day George W. Bush was sworn in for a second term? A voice simply announced: "This is a special edition of 'Good Morning America.' The second inauguration of George W. Bush." That's it. In contrast, the Obama open heaped generous praise on the new Democratic President: "The nation's capital, filled to capacity. A journey of millions, fueled by hope and the shared dreams of a renewed America," the unidentified person exclaimed. 5. CNN's Sanchez 'Making News' on Torture Case Against Rumsfeld? During the 3 PM EST hour on Monday, anchor Rick Sanchez trumpeted a United Nations investigator's apparent finding against former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld concerning torture: "[W]e're making news here, because I just heard you on the record say that there does seem to be enough evidence to be able to make a case against Donald Rumsfeld specifically." He also asked why Rumsfeld had been "singled out [and] not Cheney [or] Alberto Gonzalez?" Sanchez had Manfred Nowak, the United Nations special investigator on torture, as a guest beginning at the bottom half of the 3 pm Eastern hour of the CNN program. He introduced Nowak by reading a quote by the investigator himself: "The government of the United States is required to take all necessary steps to bring George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld before a court." Sanchez highlighted how the statement "isn't being said by just anyone. This is being said, again, by Mr. Nowak, who is the United Nations special investigator on torture -- specific enough and important enough for us to have him on to talk about this now." 6. Olbermann: Gitmo Inspired Innocent Ex-Detainee to Go Terrorist If we are to believe Keith Olbermann's latest wild theory espoused Thursday and Friday nights, an innocent, mild mannered furniture salesman and humanitarian from Riyadh may have been inspired to become an al-Qaeda leader because he was falsely imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay, courtesy of Olbermann's favorite target, the Bush administration, who "created [his] reason for hating us." In light of reports that a former Guantanamo Bay detainee, Said Ali al-Shihri, who was released in 2007 and has now become an al-Qaeda leader in Yemen believed responsible for a September embassy bombing, Olbermann seemed to seriously suggest that al-Shihri may have been an innocent man when he was first jailed at Gitmo, and then became a terrorist leader as a result of his imprisonment. The Countdown host plugged the story before a commercial break: "But perhaps the real question is: Since we never tried him, never found him guilty, and the Bush administration set him free, what if he wasn't a terrorist in the first place but we turned him into one by sending him to Gitmo?" But Olbermann was disputing a take on Shihri's terrorist activities that is at odds with his own network's reporting on the story from NBC Nightly News, in a report filed by Jim Miklaszewski, who treated concerns about closing Gitmo with credibility. MSNBC's O'Donnell Hails Obama's 'Cajones' in Bashing Limbaugh On Monday afternoon, MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell wondered: "Does President Barack Obama finally have the cajones, that some Democrats haven't had in the past, in saying to other Republicans 'you don't have to listen to Rush Limbaugh?'" Democratic strategist Penny Lee agreed with O'Donnell and replied: "Enough with this politics of personal destruction. Let us get back to business and you don't have to listen to the extremes on either side." O'Donnell also spoke with Republican strategist Phil Musser and asked: "What out does it give the Republican Party to have Rush Limbaugh out there saying, who is the voice of many conservatives, that he hopes the President fails. I mean, that's kind of lame, isn't it?" Musser responded: "He is raising some legitimate issues in the context of what some would characterize as maybe impolitic language, but that's his business." However, he later attacked Limbaugh: "...the Republican Party is now the minority party and in a lot of ways, we're back to throwing the bombs from the sidelines... And that's one of the things that I think Rush Limbaugh is stepping up to try to capitalize on." [This item, by the MRC's Kyle Drennen, was posted Monday afternoon on the MRC's blog, ] Later in the 3:00 PM EST hour segment, O'Donnell attempted to portray Obama's comments about Limbaugh as political savvy: "But isn't this exactly the kind of fight that Obama wants to have? Don't fight with the Republicans in the House, don't fight with the Republicans in the Senate, because you have to work with them. But find somebody like a Rush Limbaugh, who they can argue is on the fringe, and fight with him, score points with your base and not lose out with the Republicans that you need?" Lee replied: "Absolutely. I mean, Rush Limbaugh is on the extreme. He is, again, he takes the -- and I'm sure he will ratchet up his vitriolic -- you know, to get all of his supporters on board and rally around all things. They need to ignore. If they really want to do and get this country back on the right track, they will ignore Rush Limbaugh and all of the crazies that go along with him on all the radios, and diddoheads, and everybody else that is out there. They will stop listening to him and actually get back to the will of the American people." Musser then added: "68% today, going to 58% in two weeks if we keep fighting with Rush Limbaugh. I'd ignore." Here is the full transcript of the January 26 segment:
NBC's Mitchell Calls Smearing of Caroline Kennedy 'Inexcusable' Acting like Caroline Kennedy's PR flack, NBC's Andrea Mitchell, on Monday's Today show, first delivered the news that the Kennedy family was "furious," at the way her Senate bid was treated by New York Governor David Paterson, but then she quickly merged her own personal opinion into the story, calling the smearing of the former First Daughter "inexcusable." Curiously Mitchell never revealed to viewers what specifically Paterson or those close to Paterson had said of Kennedy, only vaguely mentioning "they went after her on personal issues." [This item, by the MRC's Geoffrey Dickens, was posted Monday evening on the MRC's blog, ] The following exchange occurred on the January 26 edition of the Today show:
MATT LAUER: While Caroline Kennedy's Senate bid crashed and burned some Democrats are burning at the way New York's governor handled the whole affair. NBC's Andrea Mitchell is in Washington. Andrea, good morning to you.
In 17 Minutes of Blago Coverage, ABC Skips Fact He's a Democrat On Monday's Good Morning America, the ABC morning show featured four segments on scandal-ridden Democratic Governor Rod Blagojevich. And over the course of 17 minutes and 38 seconds, not one host or reporter mentioned his party affiliation. Co-host Diane Sawyer interviewed Blagojevich for two segments and simply referred to him as the Governor or Governor Blagojevich. The Illinois politician, who is accused of attempting to sell the former Senate seat of now-President Barack Obama, was identified in an onscreen graphic only. It read "(D) Illinois." (A more effusive graphic, which appeared during the show's opening tease, screamed, "Illinois Governor, Live!") But neither Sawyer, nor reporter Chris Bury (who filed two additional segments on the topic), actually used the word Democrat. In fact, the only time it came up was during the second interview when Blagojevich himself referred to "my fellow Democrats." [This item, by the MRC's Scott Whitlock, was posted Monday afternoon on the MRC's blog, ] Additionally, Sawyer, through almost 14 minutes of interviews with the governor, never asked what one would assume to be a logical question: Did you ever talk to Barack Obama about the Senate seat? And, while she did press Blagojevich on the issues of corruption and selling the seat, she tossed in a few softballs at the end, such as this query: "And your children, Amy, 10, Annie, 4, what have you said to them? How are they doing?" A transcript of the first Blagojevich interview, which aired at 7:11am, follows:
7am tease
ABC vs. ABC: Excited Over Obama Inaugural; Not So Much With Bush Proving that four years can make quite a difference, ABC's Good Morning America featured an excited, hyperbolic open for the show's special edition on the inauguration of Barack Obama. As the program began last Tuesday, an ABC announcer trumpeted: "This morning, a new dawn: Barack Obama sworn in as the 44th president of the United States. A new face from a new generation. Driven by an audacity to hope." So, how did ABC begin Good Morning America on January 20, 2005, the day George W. Bush was sworn in for a second term? A voice simply announced: "This is a special edition of 'Good Morning America.' The second inauguration of George W. Bush." That's it. In contrast, the Obama open heaped generous praise on the new Democratic President: "The nation's capital, filled to capacity. A journey of millions, fueled by hope and the shared dreams of a renewed America," the unidentified person exclaimed. [This item, by the MRC's Scott Whitlock, was posted Monday afternoon on the MRC's blog, ] Cutting in clips of Obama speeches, the announcer continued, "And a call to overcome challenges not seen in generations...Now, live, a special edition of 'Good Morning America' from Washington D.C., the inauguration of Barack Obama." The best thing that can be said about the brief 2005 open is this: GMA followed the old admonition that many mothers give their children. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. For more on the January 20 GMA open, see a January 21 CyberAlert posting, with video: A transcript of the two contrasting show opens follows:
January 20, 2005:
January 20, 2009:
CNN's Sanchez 'Making News' on Torture Case Against Rumsfeld? During the 3 PM EST hour on Monday, anchor Rick Sanchez trumpeted a United Nations investigator's apparent finding against former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld concerning torture: "[W]e're making news here, because I just heard you on the record say that there does seem to be enough evidence to be able to make a case against Donald Rumsfeld specifically." He also asked why Rumsfeld had been "singled out [and] not Cheney [or] Alberto Gonzalez?" Sanchez had Manfred Nowak, the United Nations special investigator on torture, as a guest beginning at the bottom half of the 3 pm Eastern hour of the CNN program. He introduced Nowak by reading a quote by the investigator himself: "The government of the United States is required to take all necessary steps to bring George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld before a court." Sanchez highlighted how the statement "isn't being said by just anyone. This is being said, again, by Mr. Nowak, who is the United Nations special investigator on torture -- specific enough and important enough for us to have him on to talk about this now." [This item, by the MRC's Matthew Balan, was posted Monday evening on the MRC's blog, ] During the initial segment, there were audio difficulties with the feed from Nowak, who appeared via video phone. Sanchez stopped the interview after the second question and again underlined the apparent importance of Nowak's finding: "We're going to try and reschedule this and see if we can just get you on a better contact, if we can. If we can do it before the end of this newscast, we will. If not, we'll try to reschedule this for tomorrow, because it's an important conversation that obviously needs to be heard by a whole lot of people. My thanks again to Manfred Nowak for the valiant effort." The audio issues were apparently resolved quickly, as Nowak was back during the following segment. Sanchez asked the U.N. investigator, "So what happens if the Obama administration says...we've got bigger problems in this country than to deal with whatever my -- the past administration did, we're not going to do it, we're not going to get involved in that, we're going to leave it alone. Is he violating any laws, any principles? What would happen then?" Nowak replied, "I would say the first obligation is to really investigate -- have an independent investigation about what happened during this eight years of the so-called war against terror." The CNN anchor then reworded his question: "If there were requirements and obligations and they are ignored by the Obama administration -- you as the investigator of torture around the world, as one of the foremost authorities on torture around the world -- what will you do? Where will you take this?" Nowak invoked one of President Obama's buzz words in his answer: "I will remind the United States of America of its obligations and I will try to convince them that they should live up to these obligations, and President Obama has made it very clear that he wants change, and that means also that he wishes to comply with international human rights obligations." Sanchez concluded his interview of Nowak by asking if torture charges could be brought up against other Bush administration officials: "One final question, sir: why [are] President Bush and Rumsfeld singled out? Why not Cheney? Why not Alberto Gonzalez?" The U.N. investigator denied singling out Bush, despite Sanchez's earlier quote, which Harper's magazine also had picked up on: NOWAK: I have not singled out President Bush. I only have said the U.S. has an obligation to investigate....[I]n our report that we sent to the United Nations, we made it clear that Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld clearly authorized torture methods, and he was told at that time by Alberto Mora, the leading counsel of the Navy -- Mr. Secretary, what you are actually ordering here amounts to torture. So there we have the clear evidence that Mr. Rumsfeld knew what he was doing, but nevertheless, he ordered torture, and that's why there is strong evidence. I have not said anything about President Bush, and others...." For Harper's report on Nowak's findings against Bush and Rumsfeld, see Scott Horton's January 21, 2009 item, "UN Rapporteur: Initiate criminal proceedings against Bush and Rumsfeld now," at: The transcript of the second segment of Rick Sanchez's interview of Manfred Nowak, which began 37 minutes into the 3 pm Eastern hour of Monday's Newsroom program:
SANCHEZ: So what happens if the Obama administration says look, we've got too many -- much bigger fish to fry, we've got bigger problems in this country than to deal with whatever my -- the past administration did, we're not going to do it, we're not going to get involved in that, we're going to leave it alone. Is he violating any laws, any principles? What would happen then?
Olbermann: Gitmo Inspired Innocent Ex-Detainee to Go Terrorist If we are to believe Keith Olbermann's latest wild theory espoused Thursday and Friday nights, an innocent, mild mannered furniture salesman and humanitarian from Riyadh may have been inspired to become an al-Qaeda leader because he was falsely imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay, courtesy of Olbermann's favorite target, the Bush administration, who "created [his] reason for hating us." In light of reports that a former Guantanamo Bay detainee, Said Ali al-Shihri, who was released in 2007 and has now become an al-Qaeda leader in Yemen believed responsible for a September embassy bombing, Olbermann seemed to seriously suggest that al-Shihri may have been an innocent man when he was first jailed at Gitmo, and then became a terrorist leader as a result of his imprisonment. The Countdown host plugged the story before a commercial break: "But perhaps the real question is: Since we never tried him, never found him guilty, and the Bush administration set him free, what if he wasn't a terrorist in the first place but we turned him into one by sending him to Gitmo?" [This item, by the MRC's Brad Wilmouth was posted Monday night on the MRC's blog, ]
During the show's regular "Still Bushed" segment that derides George W. Bush, renamed from "Bushed" since President Bush left office, Olbermann contended that the conservative "knee-jerk" reaction was to argue that Shihri's terrorist activity after release from Guantanamo was evidence that Gitmo should not be closed as President Obama plans. The Countdown host then pushed a counterintuitive theory to explain the connection between being a prisoner at Gitmo and engaging in terrorist acts. Olbermann began: "It would seem the commentary on this is bass ackwards." After listing the original charges against Shihri, the MSNBC host continued: But Olbermann was disputing a take on Shihri's terrorist activities that is at odds with his own network's reporting on the story from the same day's NBC Nightly News, in a report filed by Jim Miklaszewski, who treated concerns about closing Gitmo with credibility. The NBC correspondent began his report: "You know, today we got a grim reminder of one of the real dangers in closing the Guantanamo prison, that once detainees are released, there's a good chance the U.S. will have to fight them all over again. ... Said al-Shihri is not just any terrorist. He's al-Qaeda's deputy commander in Yemen. But perhaps more troubling, he's a former prisoner at Guantanamo Bay. After three years in custody, al-Shihri was considered to no longer be a threat, and in 2007 was released to Saudi Arabia." After recounting that Shihri is believed to be responsible for the September embassy bombing, Miklaszewki brought up other cases of former Gitmo detainees taking part in terrorist activities after their release: "Salim al-Ajmi was also released from Guantanamo, but last March in this al-Qaeda video carried out a suicide bombing against Iraqi police in Mosul....Of the 525 detainees released from Guantanamo, the Pentagon claims 61 of those, nearly 12 percent, are believed to have rejoined al-Qaeda in the fight against the U.S. Some in Congress fear that President Obama 's order to close Guantanamo in a year will only provide al-Qaeda with more reinforcements." Notably, just the night before, also during the "Still Bushed" segment, Olbermann had theorized that the Bush administration had routinely lied about the number of former Gitmo detainees who returned to terrorism because the Pentagon had allegedly cited conflicting numbers, and suggested that one former detainee sue President Bush personally for a very high number of dollars. After relaying the story of former Gitmo detainee Sayad Iqbal, who is trying to sue the U.S. government, Olbermann recounted the story of Seton Hall Professor Mark Denbeaux, who appeared on the January 16 Rachel Maddow Show and contended that there were inconsistencies in the numbers cited by the Pentagon. Olbermann suggested: "So here's a wild guess: the administration just made the numbers up, like Joe McCarthy used to. Which is what Mr. Iqbal should do. Make up a really high number and sue us for that. And then make up a higher number and sue George Bush personally for that." Also of note, on the Thursday, August 7, Countdown, one night after accusing President Bush of not doing enough to protect America from Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda organization before the September 11th attacks, Olbermann seemed sympathetic to the plight of bin Laden's former driver, Salim Hamdan, and expressed outrage that the Pentagon might keep him imprisoned beyond the time of his sentence. Olbermann: "So, besides urinating on the Constitution and the rights and freedoms every American soldier has ever fought to win and protect, the Bush administration has now decided that when its victims have actually served their sentences, doled out under its own medieval, quote, 'justice,' unquote, system, it still might not choose to set them free, thereby giving that Constitution and our country a second pass on the way out." The August 8, 2008, CyberAlert, recounting Olbermann's defense of bin Laden's driver: Below is a transcript of the relevant portions of the Thursday, January 22, Countdown show on MSNBC; and the Friday, January 23, Countdown; followed by a complete transcript of Miklaszewski's story from the Friday, January 23, NBC Nightly News: # From the Thursday, January 22, Countdown show on MSNBC:
KEITH OLBERMANN, DURING THE SHOW'S "STILL BUSHED" SEGMENT: Number one, the other aspect of torture-gate. This has probably been in the back of your head all this time that we were detaining foreign nationals at Gitmo and in Gulags in Eastern Europe, never charging them, denying them counsel or appeal or habeas corpus. After they were finally liberated, wouldn't at least one of them sue us? Mohammad Sayad Iqbal of Pakistan was seized nearly seven years ago. Our people claimed he had talked about building a shoe bomb and had gone to Afghanistan. We stuck him in Gitmo. We left him there. No charges. We just sent him home. His attorney here is now suing the U.S. government. No figures yet mentioned. No, the only figures are the kinds of figures you`ll hear are the propaganda numbers still being broadcast on places like CNN, that 61 released detainees have now been linked to some kind of terror activity.
KEITH OLBERMANN, BEFORE COMMERCIAL BREAK AT 8:14 P.M.: There is another riddle inside a second enigma tonight. A detainee released from Guantanamo Bay is now found to be leading al-Qaeda operations in Yemen. The knee-jerk questions: Since the guy went back to his terrorist ways, does that not mean we can never close Gitmo? But perhaps the real question is: Since we never tried him, never found him guilty, and the Bush administration set him free, what if he wasn't a terrorist in the first place but we turned him into one by sending him to Gitmo? ... OLBERMANN, BEFORE INTRODUCING THE SHOW'S ODDBALL SEGMENT AT 8:28 P.M.: "Still Bushed" in a moment, and what if the head of al-Qaeda in Yemen was not a terrorist before we sent him to Gitmo? ... OLBERMANN: But first, because they may be gone, but their deeds outlive them, the headlines lingering from the previous administration's 50 running scandals, "Still Bushed." Number three, "Wicked Witch of the West-Gate": We're beginning to understand the context of the uproarious welcome at State yesterday for new Secretary Clinton. The careerists over there really didn't like the old Secretary. Harper's reported that one of them had said she was looking forward to the "Glenda party." That was yesterday's arrival of Secretary Clinton. Scott Horton writes that he asked the employee if Hillary is Glenda, the Good Witch of the South from the Wizard of Oz, did that make Condoleezza Rice the Wicked Witch of the West? The answer he got was, "You're on to it." Another 20-year vet at State said that upon Rice's confirmation as Secretary, the tone of internal department publications had changed. They began to praise and glorify Rice. No prior Secretary did anything like this." ...
And number one, terrorist-gate, the New York Times, of all outfits, reporting that a guy we released from Guantanamo Bay a year ago, is now the deputy leader of al-Qaeda's group in the nation of Yemen. Said Ali al-Shihri was sent home to Saudi Arabia in 2007, went through this Saudi rehab program, supposedly went to work in the family business, but he is now a suspect in the bombing of our embassy in Yemen last September. The Times wrote that this, quote, "has underscored the potential complications in carrying out the executive order President Obama signed Thursday that the detention center" â€" that would be Gitmo â€" "be shut down within a year." Conservative politicians have gone nuts, saying this shows you can't close Gitmo ever, and you certainly can't release anybody from Gitmo and they were right and they told you so. Bill O'Reilly tonight led his newscast with this as a warning to President Obama.
BRIAN WILLIAMS: On the other major front the President is dealing with, how we deal with our enemies. That, as of today, includes the closing of Guantanamo Bay, Gitmo, in Cuba, and the first military strike of the Obama presidency just today. More on both of those fronts from our Pentagon correspondent Jim Miklaszewski. Jim, good evening.
JIM MIKLASZEWSKI: Good evening, Brian. You know, today we got a grim reminder of one of the real dangers in closing the Guantanamo prison, that once detainees are released, there's a good chance the U.S. will have to fight them all over again. Seen here in this recent al-Qaeda video, Said al-Shihri is not just any terrorist. He's al-Qaeda's deputy commander in Yemen. But perhaps more troubling, he's a former prisoner at Guantanamo Bay. After three years in custody, al-Shihrih was considered to no longer be a threat, and in 2007 was released to Saudi Arabia. NBC News visited the same program where the Saudis tried to break al-Shihrih of his terrorist connections, but last year rejoined al-Qaeda in Yemen, where he's believed responsible for last September's bombing of the U.S. Embassy. Salim al-Ajmi was also released from Guantanamo, but last March in this al-Qaeda video carried out a suicide bombing against Iraqi police in Mosul. The time that these two spent at Guantanamo elevates them to hero status with al-Qaeda.
-- Brent Baker
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