NPR: Radio's Voice of Hypocrisy
by L. Brent Bozell III
February 6, 1997
National Public Radio hasn't shrunk from presenting itself
as the scourge of corporate bigotry. Recently, NPR reporter Jim Zarroli and
others reported at least ten news stories and three commentaries on the Texaco
racial discrimination controversy, employing the familiar formula of guilty
racist corporation versus heroic left-wing activists (never labeled that way,
of course) like Jesse Jackson. "All Things Considered" host Robert
Siegel even rehashed fifty-year-old stories about Texaco supplying the Nazis
with oil.
On "Talk of the Nation" December 30, NPR host Ray
Suarez gave the NPR company line on corporate racism: "You'll often find
in the details of the settlement package released by the company an odd mix of
fanfare and contrition, a commitment to diversity training, or multicultural
management workshops, or some form of penance. When I read that, I sometimes
wonder: what do the accused and the aggrieved think is going to be
accomplished by this? Does using these classes as traffic school for bigots
change mores, what deTocqueville called 'habits of the heart'? Or do they form
in managers a determination to be more cagey the next time?"
If ever a pot called a kettle black, this is it. NPR
deserves to be nicknamed "Voice of Hypocrisy." This champion of the
onerous anti-discrimination regimes which thrive on claims of "hostile
environments" and ubiquitous "disabilities" continues to be
pecked by chickens coming home to roost. The newest lawsuit comes from NPR
reporter Sunni Khalid, a black Muslim who served as Cairo bureau chief. He
charges his NPR superiors discriminated against him for being black and being
To listen to his rants is to conclude that Khalid is neither
an objective reporter nor a particularly nice person. On C-SPAN in 1994,
Khalid compared Newt Gingrich to Haitian Marxist Jean-Bertrand Aristide:
"I think there's a big difference when people told Father Aristide to
sort of moderate his views. They were concerned about people being dragged
through the streets, killed and necklaced. I don't think that's what Newt
Gingrich has in mind. I think he's looking at a more scientific, more civil
way of lynching people."
Khalid's incessant pro-Arab slant has also triggered
complaints from the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America
(CAMERA): "Khalid appears to have adopted many of the views of his
various Arab hosts," CAMERA executive director Andrea Levin wrote
NPR, "repeating their partisan attacks on Israel and ignoring altogether
or downplaying Arab aggression toward Israel as well as ongoing Arab abuses of
human an political rights in their respective states."
Now Khalid has a new target, NPR, and a new victim, himself.
Khalid's suit complains former NPR Vice President Bill Buzenberg promised
Khalid "would be assigned to Johannesburg after a year in Cairo,"
causing Khalid to "turn down a job offer from a major commercial news
organization, which was a highly paid position that would have greatly
advanced his career." (If true, it would be intriguing to learn what
"news" organization offered this blowhard a job, wouldn't it?)
In his suit, Khalid also whines NPR failed to pay for Arabic
lessons while it provided language training for white reporters; paid him less
than white foreign correspondents; failed to provide him with sufficient
travel allowances; and suffered from a superior who repeatedly called Arabs
"ragheads" in staff meetings.
Khalid's complaint further alleges "NPR has no
African-American hosts of an NPR show, or African-American senior editors
assigned to NPR's major news programs. Four of five NPR desks do not have a
minority senior editor. Further, each time African-Americans at NPR have
organized, NPR has refused to address the problem of discrimination in a
comprehensive manner." It adds that black employees are often subject to
retaliation for their complaints -- including Deborah Williams, an assistant
producer on the supposedly vigilant Ray Suarez's "Talk of the
Nation," who has "been subjected to verbal abuse by her superiors
and has been repeatedly overlooked for promotion."
It's unimportant how specious you and I might (and I do)
feel these charges to be. The question is this: given that these charges
parallel the Texaco complaints; and given the saturation media coverage Texaco
received; and given the taxpayer-funded nature of NPR -- where are our
illustrious journalists now? Why no pressure on black NPR President Delano
Lewis to release copies of a report NPR recently commissioned from an outside
law firm that allegedly confirmed that "racism is pervasive in the NPR
Last year, NPR and the rest of the Anita Hill-loving media
ignored the sexual discrimination charges of Katie Davis, whose complaint also
included other employees' claims of sexual harassment by NPR managers. Now
it's Khalid's turn to be ignored by a press that continues to spare its
politically correct NPR colleagues the slings and arrows it relishes shooting
at everyone else. In the final analysis, aren't Khalid and NPR made for each
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