Clinton's Peculiar Arms Control Methods
by L. Brent Bozell III
April 17, 1998
If we had a national media dominated by conservatives, they
might have put an unflattering spin on Bill Clinton's peculiar methods of arms
control as they unfolded in early April. The President banned the importation
of more foreign-made "assault weapons" by executive order. But he
allowed friendly defense contractors to export nuclear missile technology to
communist China. In a nutshell, the question could become: who needs the right
to bear arms, when all you've got to fend off a Chinese missile is an assault
The Chinese-missile story in question is an April 4 New York
Times front-page scoop by Jeff Gerth and Raymond Bonner ignored by almost
every other print and broadcast outlet. The Justice Department was looking to
prosecute two defense contractors - Loral and Hughes Electric, a division of
General Motors - who may have illegally provided China with space expertise
that "significantly advanced Beijing's ballistic missile program."
But in February, Bill Clinton "quietly approved the export to China of
similar technology by one of the companies under investigation."
Gerth and Bonner noted that Loral has a number of business
ties with China. Its chairman, Bernard Schwartz, was the largest individual
contributor to the Democratic National Committee in 1997. Loral flacks claim
Schwartz never spoke to Clinton or other administration officials about the
matter. But the genuflection to Loral clearly appears to be the latest in a
series of policy decisions demonstrating Clinton's donation-driven
quid-pro-quo attitude toward China. The Times scoop also suggests two
undercovered Clinton defense policy developments: the hollowing out of the
military (the Democrats' idea of "reinventing government") and the
complete post-Cold War collapse of American export-control policy. If the
story hasn't been about sexual harassment by commanding officers or adulterous
female fighter pilots (another story to which the pro-Clinton press avoids
making any uncomfortable parallels), the networks have taken a pass. They've
hardly covered defense policy since the Gulf War.
But let's get back to the political spin on these matters.
If Clinton truly faced an adversarial press, they'd be endlessly running clips
of his 1992 campaign talk excoriating George Bush for coddling Deng Xiaoping.
But this is Clinton, and the pro-Clinton press doesn't feel the need to
underline the obvious point that Clinton never means what he says.
Now, when Clinton's doing something "for the
children," it's an altogether different story. Pandering to soccer moms
is genuine news, at least to soccer moms, who are a prized network
demographic. Gun rights groups were furious when Clinton blatantly bypassed
Congressional authority to ban importation of more foreign semi-automatic
guns. Oh, the press did attack the President - for not going far enough. NBC's
David Bloom and CBS's Scott Pelley were competing in the White House briefing
room to see who could sound more like Sarah Brady and press Mike McCurry into
advocating repeal the Second Amendment.
On the April 6 "CBS Evening News," Pelley
continued the anti-gun crusade: "Dan, the assault gun ban bans the
importation of 58 kinds of military style weapons. Now that sounds impressive
but the ban actually has a loophole in it that is big enough to drive a tank
through." Pelley dutifully spotlighted Clinton's announcement exploiting
the Jonesboro shooting, but didn't have time for an opposing viewpoint from
the National Rifle Association. He also didn't make the sort of adversarial
points White House reporters used to make in the Reagan-Bush years. For
example: the boy killers in Jonesboro weren't exactly using foreign-made
assault weapons.
Right after Pelley's report, CBS's Jim Stewart blamed guns,
not criminals, for recent tragedies. "Pick almost any scene from a
slaughter in recent U.S. history and at the core of it you will find a madman
and his assault weapon." (Coded message: only madmen don't favor banning
these weapons.) Stewart recounted infamous shootings at a Stockton, California
schoolyard, a Texas McDonald's and last year's Hollywood bank robbery
shootout. Stewart painted a dire portrait of America without more gun
controls, noting "lone crazies" and organized-crime types both
"like the large capacity magazines which are now illegal to manufacture,
but still easy enough to find...they turn your average semi-automatic assault
gun into its full blown military cousin. And in the blink of an eye turn an
otherwise ordinary crime scene into a virtual war zone." Mission
accomplished: you've scared a bunch of soccer moms. And CBS could care less
that the President lacks the legal authority to ban whole classes of weapons
by executive order.
Despite Clinton's complete lack of a hard-and-fast ideology,
these two recent actions both qualify as a classic liberal two-fer, the
podium-pounding tough pose on gun control and the dangerously Jello-soft
back-door sellouts on national defense. If our media weren't so stacked with
Clinton-loving liberals, wouldn't the news be a lot more interesting to watch?
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