Many media outlets — radio, television and print — regularly feature MRC guests on their programs, quote MRC spokespeople in their articles, and cite MRC research in their stories. Below is a sampling of MRC making news in the news media. Links are provided when available, and were active when posted.
Investor's Business Daily, October 28, 2002
Omission Journalism (excerpt)
Media: Metro Washington breathes easier in the post-sniper world. But the press, in an attempt to buff its politically correct credentials, remains breathless. To show how tolerant they are, the mainstream media are ignoring the elephant in the newsroom....according to the Media Research Center, no one relying on Thursday's network news would know Muhammad is a Muslim who apparently has close ties to Louis Farrakhan's radical Nation of Islam. Or that Malvo is an illegal alien who jumped ship with his mother in Miami. It's not that the information isn't out there. It is. But many of the elitists who filter the news are downplaying or ignoring Muhammad's conversion to Islam and his reported approval of the Muslim mass murderers who hit the U.S. last year. To explain Muhammad's rampage, some journalists are blaming America first. A reporter from Reuters, the news service that refuses to identify anyone as a terrorist, asked Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld if the U.S. military "felt responsible for creating the alleged killer."
White House Weekly, October 29, 2002
Reporter's Notebook (excerpt)
The White House: Home Of The Whopper?... The White House was unusually steamed at Dana Milbank of The Washington Post last week for writing a front-page, above-the-fold article headlined, "For Bush, Facts are Malleable." The piece listed various public assertions by Bush that Milbank called "dubious, if not wrong."
White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, who spent hours gathering evidence to refute Milbank's conclusions several days before they were published, gave the reporter an earful on the day of publication. Fleischer buttonholed the correspondent in an airplane hangar in Bangor, Maine, where the president was giving a speech....
The conservative Media Research Center accused The Post of making "a big splash by putting a really, really slanted news item on its front page for lazy and liberal TV reporters to simplify and quote for days on end." The MRC called Milbank's piece a "snotty" editorial masquerading as news.
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The Union Leader (Manchester NH), October 18, 2002
"Anti-war bias; Networks promote anti-war politicians" (excerpt)
CONGRESS VOTED last week to give President Bush the authority to use force in Iraq. The vote was not even close -- 296-133 in the House and 77- 23 in the Senate. But you would never know that from watching the major television networks.
A study by the Media Research Center found that in the month leading up to the vote, the major networks dramatically skewed their coverage in favor of the anti-war side.
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National Syndication, October 11, 2002
"Networks' rush to irrelevance," by Oliver North (excerpt)
And when the Media Research Center analyzed Peter Jennings' "ABC World News Tonight" in September, it found that ABC reporters "were nearly four times more likely to voice doubt about the truthfulness of statements by U.S. officials than Iraqi claims. At the same time, correspondents frequently used language painting America, not Iraq, as the aggressor."
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The Hotline, October 9, 2002
Bush Gives Cable A Boost
Media Research Center's Brent Bozell, on the major networks not covering the speech: "You know, the excuse is that the White House did not formally ask for the air time, but what was also very clear what that the White House didn't want to formally ask for air time because they didn't want to cause a panic in Washington, D.C. ... The news reporters were reporting that this was going to be an important speech, but then push comes to shove and 'Drew Carey' and 'Fear Factor' became more important to the networks than covering the president. These same networks have been harping on the fact that ... The president just hasn't made his case. So he gives a sober 30-minute address making his case and no one covers it" ("Hannity & Colmes," FNC, 10/9).
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