Janet Cooke Award
Quayle Hunting:
ABC News
"Did he or did he not at the height
of the Vietnam War get the kind of help not available to many young men
of his age in order to join the National Guard? Did he evade the draft
to avoid Vietnam or did he fulfill his military service in an honorable
way?" So asked Peter Jennings in opening ABC's World News
Tonight on August 18, two days after Vice President Bush selected
Senator Dan Quayle as his running mate. But the media already had their
answer, and the rampage was on.
Though numerous network stories distorted
Quayle's record in a number of areas, two ABC News stories receive the
September Janet Cooke Award for being the least fair in
covering the Vice Presidential nominee: Judd Rose on the August 18 Nightline
and John Martin on the August 24 World News Tonight.
Ted Koppel launched the August 18 Nightline
with more than just a factual account of the day's events: "Why did
a hardline conservative and Vietnam hawk choose the National Guard over
service in Vietnam? And did family connections make that choice
possible?" Rose then dismissed Bush's masterful acceptance speech,
declaring: "The convention and nomination were his, but it didn't
matter. Once again George Bush was being overshadowed by someone
else." A short time later, he reported -- erroneously -- that an
ex-National Guardsman called the Guard on behalf of Quayle to get him
"ahead of the waiting list."
Next, Rose allowed liberal Washington
Post columnist Haynes Johnson to deliver the final blow to Quayle:
"He's a person who presents himself as an ardent anti-communist,
strong on defense, an expert in all these areas, strong defender of the
Vietnam War who it appears got out of service in the war by favoritism,
power, privilege, and political advantage." Rose gave time to
Senators Bob Dole and John McCain to defend Quayle, but not to rebut
Johnson's powerful image of an elitist draft-dodger.
In his conclusion Rose was already
spelling doom for the two day old Republican ticket: "George Bush
leaves New Orleans to the sounds of cheering, but it may have a hollow
ring soon enough. History's shown when a candidate becomes an issue it
can be damaging and even fatal to a campaign. Well Dan Quayle has become
an issue and he's made Bush an issue too. This, after all, was Bush's
first and biggest decision on his own. And the way it turned out has
hardly enhanced his image as a leader."
Both Koppel and Jeff Greenfield continued
the rampage. Greenfield characterized the debate over Quayle as one of
"elitism." Koppel added: "Jeff Greenfield used the term
elitism, let me use another term, how about 'hypocrisy.'"
Less than one week later, conclusive
proof showed that the Indiana Guard was not operating at full force at
the time and that Quayle in fact used no special privilege to enter the
National Guard. But Judd Rose, in a conversation with MediaWatch
defended his segment, claiming: "I don't think the facts have borne
out yet. But that's a political judgment... There was a frenzied
atmosphere that day. In that atmosphere sometimes things go into
extremes. In my case, though, I don't think that was the case."
Asked whether the Quayle focus might be
created by a media unsympathetic to the conservative cause, Rose excused
himself but indicted some of his colleagues: "You say a lot of
reporters are trying to crucify George Bush and conservatives. That may
be true. But that's not this reporter."
After Quayle was vindicated on all
counts, most media outlets called it quits. ABC's Richard Threlkeld even
delivered a half hearted apology for the media's over-indulgence. On
August 24, he admitted that reporting had been "inconsistent"
and that "there were in fact vacancies in Quayle's National Guard
unit when he joined and no waiting list, suggesting favoritism played no
crucial part in Quayle's enlistment." Added Threlkeld: "Some
of the reporting has involved things about Quayle that seem less than
front page news: what about that weekend with some golfing buddies and
the female lobbyist, how low were his grades in college, did he have to
talk his way into law school, is all of this getting to be too much.
Maybe so."
But just a few minutes earlier in
profiling the Indiana Senator ABC's John Martin reported on everything
Threlkeld labeled "less than front page news." Martin told MediaWatch
that it was his job to find out "Who Dan Quayle is?" What kind
of person did he find? Martin characterized Quayle as a "young
man...of ease and pleasure" and someone who "with family help
...avoided jobs and situations he didn't like." Martin repeated the
well worn and false media line on the Guard situation, asserting:
"Faced with the probability of being drafted, he sought help from
people in high places, starting with his grandfather's newspaper."
Even more significant, Martin distorted
what at least one source told him, charging that former Indianapolis
News Editor M. Stanton Evans was yet another of the many high
placed family friends who helped Quayle get ahead in life, this time by
landing him a job in the Indiana Attorney General's office. According to
Evans, however, in the course of a ten minute interview he emphatically
told ABC that at no time did Dan Quayle or his father ever ask him to
pull any strings on their behalf.
But Martin carefully selected a ten
second clip from Evans' statement that would -- intentionally -- give
viewers the exact opposite message. Reinforcing his theme, he declared:
"This wasn't unusual for Indiana, where political families can win
Evans explained to MediaWatch:
"It is very clear they picked what they could out of the interview
to document a preconceived thesis of Dan Quayle as a child of
privilege...It was a direct contradiction of ABC's own guidelines which
say that editing...[must] reflect the spirit, tone, and reality of the
interview....And that is just a basic rule of journalistic
Why didn't Martin take a few seconds to
explain Evans' interpretation of the event in question? Apparently,
because Martin simply disagreed. He told MediaWatch:
"What did Stan Evans do as a favor. He sat down with him and
advised him. Those are his [Evans'] words. He chose to say it's not a
favor ...Dan Quayle was able to turn to him. To me that was evidence
that he turned to people for help." Martin added: "[Evans] was
upset that we didn't air his opinion. The relevant point is that the
story never said Evans pulled strings." But that's just the picture
he painted. How else could viewers interpret Martin's conclusion:
"So now a young man who got a long way in life on the kindness and
power of family and friends must now convince voters he is qualified to
be Vice President, only a step away from the presidency."

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