Janet Cooke Award
Favoring Fidel: CBS This Morning
The earthquake in Soviet Armenia led
Mikhail Gorbachev to cancel his planned trip to communist Cuba. It also
left CBS This Morning on their own for two days of reporting
from the island nation. How did co-host Kathleen Sullivan and the This
Morning crew fill the time? By giving an excessively glowing and
romantic view of life in Fidel Castro's Cuba. For their coverage from
Havana on December 8 and 9, CBS This Morning receives the
December Janet Cooke Award.
The morning show all but ignored the
totalitarian nature of the Cuban regime, only alluding in passing to the
human rights violations, the lack of civil liberties, and the disastrous
economic condition brought on by the communist system. What did Sullivan
prefer to highlight? Take, for example, her opening on December 9:
"Meanwhile here in Cuba, it has been life under Castro for 30
years. It is a country with a struggling economy, but also with a model
health care program and a lively arts scene. All morning we're going to
have a taste of Cuba."
A half hour later, she again dismissed
the violations, emphasizing two supposed accomplishments of the
communist regime: "Going around Havana, it's easy to see buildings
in disrepair, the food rationing, and limited freedom of dissent, but
Cubans are most proud of their schools -- almost everyone can read here
-- and they are most proud of their medical care -- free for
everyone." Her most incredible claim was that the youth of the
nation "all have benefitted from Castro's Cuba."
Echoing the rhetoric of the regime on
health care she declared: "[This] is a clinic, and it is the heart
of a health care system which has been called a 'revolution within a
revolution.' Of all the promises made by Fidel Castro in 1959, perhaps
the boldest was to provide quality health care free for every
citizen." Did Castro accomplishment that? Yes, according to
Sullivan, who gave statistics on the rise in life expectancy and the
plunge in infant mortality all since Castro came to power. She went on
to inform viewers that Cubans are provided "high-tech
medicine," "multiple organ transplants, and "primary
care...in the neighborhood." In addition, "the elderly get
checkups at their home once a year just to see if anything's
Sounds like a veritable paradise!
Sullivan obviously thought so, gushing: "Enough people expect such
good medical care here that Cubans are offering packaged surgery tours
to other Latin Americans. The price includes air fare, hospital stays,
and even some free site-seeing." But Sullivan neglected to mention
that all her statistics were official government ones which are suspect
-- at best. Independent sources, such as National Academy of Sciences
demographer Kenneth Hill and Poverty of Communism author Nick
Eberstadt have shown that: that the Cuban government may indeed be
glossing over poor health statistics; that infant mortality is not
decreasing and may even be on the rise; and Cuban health conditions are
no better, perhaps worse, than in other Latin American countries.
And how do Cubans really feel about their
medical care? According to a confidential report by the Cuban Communist
Party, obtained by the Cuban American National Foundation, of 10,756
respondents to a 1987 survey in one province, 87.6 percent are
disappointed with their health care. Complaints revealed accounts of
women dying during childbirth due to incompetent doctors, infections
from surgery, and shortages of vital medical instruments.
Over the two day period, everyone
interviewed by Sullivan was a friend of the Castro regime. On the first
day, Sandra Levinson, of the left-wing Center for Cuban Studies,
complained: "I think there are a lot of young people who simply
cannot appreciate... what the revolution has given them. They take for
granted free health care, free education."
On Day Two, Sullivan interviewed the
Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister, Ricardo Alarcon, but she wasn't
interested in Cuba's continued engagement in Angola, asking instead
"Why didn't [South Africa] want to sign [the withdrawal
agreement]?" She did ask why Cuba continues to send troops around
the world, but never challenged Alarcon when he preposterously claimed
Cuba only sent doctors and teachers to Nicaragua and that Cuba came to
the aid of the Angolan government only after South Africa invaded.
Sullivan devoted another segment to the
arts, declaring: "Well we should point out that there is really no
state censor here in Cuba." Who better to back her up than a
communist writer, Pablo Antonio Hernandez, who concluded: "There is
not. There is not. There is not." She didn't mention his Castro
connection. Were any political dissidents or human rights activists
brought on to counter the communist officials? Not one. Sullivan tried
to explain why: "The Cubans wouldn't allow us to see their prisons
where many human rights violations have been reported. In fact, we
contacted some prominent human rights activists to appear with us,
government officials heard about it, they weren't very happy, and pretty
soon the activists stopped returning our telephone calls."
But what about prominent Cuban dissidents
who now reside in the United States, such as Ricardo Bofill who was
forced to leave Cuba in October. He was leader of the Cuban Human Rights
Committee, a group which counted up to 15,000 imprisoned in Cuba for
political reasons. Certainly, Cuban authorities couldn't have stopped
that interview.
Why would CBS News give in to demands to
show only what made Castro look good? Would CBS This Morning
have ventured to Chile if Pinochet denied them access to his opponents,
allowing them only to air the views of his admirers?
No CBS News employee was willing to
defend the segments. Numerous calls to Kathleen Sullivan went
unreturned. Calls to Senior Producer Gail Steinberg were also ignored.
Producers Bebe Crouse and Gordon Rothman accompanied Sullivan to Cuba,
but refused to discuss the show, as did press spokesman Tina Wynn. They
referred MediaWatch to CBS News Vice President
Ted Savaglio and Executive Producer David Corvo, both of whom were,
coincidentally, on vacation.
It seems CBS treated the trip as a
holiday vacation, not as a serious, investigative endeavor. "There
is something that is really special about this place," Sullivan
marveled at one point, "and it's a fever and a life that is all of
what the samba is about and all that the Latin beat that you do feel
very much coming about."

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