Star Far Nicer to Bill Clinton's Mother In 1993 Interview
Page One
Connie Cons Newt's
Hoping to boost the ratings for an
upcoming Eye to Eye with Connie Chung, CBS News managed to mar Newt
Gingrich's first day as Speaker on January 4. The day before, CBS
released the text of an exchange taped 14 days earlier between Connie
Chung and Newt's mother. Chung coaxed Kathleen Gingrich into telling
what Newt thought of Hillary Clinton. Posing the now infamous "Why don't
you just whisper it to me, just between you and me," Mrs. Gingrich
whispered "She's a bitch."
CBS was engulfed in criticism for using a
statement which many thought Chung made clear was "off the record." CBS
News President Eric Ober bizarrely complained to The Washington Post:
"It's a legitimate, very good interview that has unfortunately been
reduced to one five-letter summary." Chung introduced the actual piece
on the January 5 Eye to Eye by saying, "You may have heard one small
portion of this interview. Now you will see it in context." It seems
both forgot it was CBS which promoted the excerpt and showed it on CBS
This Morning, CBS Evening News and Up to the Minute.
Even in context, Chung's interview was
very different than one she did with Bill Clinton's mom in 1993. She
questioned the motives for the Gingrich family interview: "Newt knows
you're talking to us, right?... Some people out there would say he just
wants the two of you to talk to us, and talk to the American people,
because he wants everybody to know that he's just a homespun kind of
guy." Chung dished some dirt: "According to a friend at the time, Newt
said he was divorcing [then-wife] Jackie because she wasn't young enough
or pretty enough to be the wife of a President and besides she has
cancer." She also ran down a list for the Gingriches: "These are some of
the things said about your son -- a very dangerous man...visionary...
bomb-throwing guerrilla warrior...abrasive."
A very different Chung interviewed
President Clinton's brother Roger and mother Virginia Kelley for the
debut of Eye to Eye on June 17, 1993. She elicited stories from them
showing the President in a positive light: how Bill Clinton protected
them from his abusive stepfather, how he served as a father figure to
his brother.
She never asked about any negative traits
of Bill Clinton's. In a previously unaired portion of the interview on
January 6, 1994, after Kelley's death, Chung asked: "It seems that both
of your boys have this desire to be famous, and to be loved, and to be
stars." She never read a list of adjectives, three-fourths negative, to
Kelley about Clinton. The closest she came was "You always see the good
and not the bad anyway, don't you?"

Magazines' Unrelenting Attacks
Newt World Order
Reporters often complain about personal
attacks in politics, especially when the target is a favorite -- like
Bill Clinton. But that sentiment hasn't stopped them from maligning
Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. Newsweek Senior Editor Joe Klein
posited in the December 19 issue that Gingrich "doesn't seem
entirely...solid, does he? It isn't just that he has smoked dope,
protested, and messed around -- and now seems desperate to `exorcise'
that past, as a friend says, by demagoguing on lifestyle issues (like
his outrageous assertions about White House staff drug use, later
regretted if not retracted). There is a blabby, effervescent, messianic
quality to his public persona."
In the January 9 Newsweek, the
"Conventional Wisdom Watch" referred to Speaker Gingrich's (returned)
book advance: "$4.5 mil -- that was a buck for every kid you chuck off
welfare. You're right: looks lousy." Jack E. White declared in the
January 16 Time: "Let's face it: to most African Americans Newt Gingrich
is one scary white man." In an article titled "Deal with the Devil,"
White relayed that "[Democratic] Congressman Major Owens predicts that
Gingrich's war on the welfare state will actually cause black children
to starve." With the Speaker's reference to inner-city schools in his
speech to Congress, White granted: "That could mean Gingrich is serious
about shedding his party's whites-only image. If so, blacks ought to
meet him halfway -- if only to temper the wilder impulses of one very
scary white man."
Leading into a discourse on Gingrich's
divorce and the death of his father in the January 9 Newsweek, reporter
Howard Fineman claimed: "Gingrich's opportunism...can be devastating in
private life. Gingrich has a deep feel for human history, but not always
for human beings." Isn't that the sort of personal attack the media love
to complain about?
Contract on Newt
The criticism spread from Gingrich's
persona to an intensified attack on his proposals to reduce the size of
government. Under the headline "A Poverty of Compassion" in the January
16 issue, Time Chief Political Correspondent Michael Kramer alleged:
"Republicans approved a bill requiring a three-fifths vote to raise
income taxes. A great idea -- if you're rich. The change applies only to
the most progressive form of taxation, the one that forces the well-off
to pay more than others." He thundered: "Upward income redistribution --
leaving the less fortunate less protected -- is part of what Newt's
revolution is all about."
Ignoring constant increases in
entitlement programs, he equated "cuts" in future spending with program
elimination: " responsible for ending malnutrition-related
diseases, which were rampant before LBJ's war began. Is this a program
we really want to cut?" Kramer warned of class warfare: "Millions of
Americans are only one disaster away from poverty. A divorce, an arrest,
a disabling illness can destroy a working family's financial
resources....`Poverty,' warned that ancient futurist Aristotle, `is the
parent of crime and revolution' -- a wise warning about an upheaval far
different from the one Gingrich has in mind." Newsweek's Jonathan Alter
wondered in the January 9 issue if "the gain to individuals ($20 a week
in many cases) and negligible economic benefits for the nation are worth
saddling the next generation with more debt." In the same issue,
Washington Bureau Chief Evan Thomas whined: "Republicans are only
willing to cut back programs that are unpopular or unknown or mostly
benefit the poor or the well-off elites."
Blaming the voters has also been a theme.
Newsweek's Thomas referred to voters "who depend on government benefits
while whining about too much government," and insisted: "Some voters may
be fooled by supply-side rhetoric, but Wall Street isn't." Karen Tumulty
reported in the January 9 Time that Gingrich "is becoming a chubby
repository of the tangled and contradictory hopes held by middle-income
Americans, who want their federal government to stop meddling in their
life, and at the same time, to improve it."

Double, Triple the Spending
It's Still Not Enough!
The media has holiday traditions: trimming the tree,
trimming the turkey, and the U.S. Conference of Mayors' report, warning
against trimming the budget. In December 1991, Dan Rather stated:
"There's no joy in reporting it, but the ranks of homeless and hungry
are up sharply and increasing." In the generous spirit of the season,
the networks have again promoted this self-interested lobby's findings
as objective news, without any opposing commentary.
For ten years running, the mayors have announced that
hunger is up, homelessness is up, and more federal funds are required.
Is this really news? All three networks thought so. On the December 19
World News Tonight, ABC's Carole Simpson pointed out "Almost a billion
dollars was spent this year on homelessness, double the budget last
year," but she added, "Some of the mayors are worried that the incoming
reform-minded Republican-dominated Congress may make things worse."
On the December 20 Today show, NBC's Bob Kur cited the
"bipartisan" mayors' report and upped the ante, saying "federal aid to
the homeless has tripled in three years." Yet Kur continued, "The mayors
say more spending is needed, not less."
CBS rehearsed its holdiay spirit as well."Winter
hasn't even started yet and the outlook for the nation's needy is
looking bleak," Dan Rather intoned in the introduction to Randall
Pinkston's December 19 CBS Evening News piece. Pinkston claimed "a
dramatic drop in federal food subsidies, from $80 million in the last
fiscal year, to $25 million now."
But Robert Rector, in a forthcoming monograph from the
Heritage Foundation, shows federal food aid is slated to increase by a
billion dollars in 1995, from a level of $35.4 billion to $36.4 billion,
with the emergency food assistance portion estimated to go from $122
million to $123 million. Still, Pinkston continued the media's trend of
selective concern over deficit spending: "Advocates worry that if
Republicans make good on their threatened budget cuts, whatever safety
net exists for America's needy won't exist anymore."
With Republicans talking of spending cuts, the same
party blamed for running up deficits in the 1980s is being deluged again
with future "victims" of spending cuts. And reporters wonder why it's so
hard to cut spending.

Cooke Award
U.S. News & World Report Warns of Dire
Consequences from Tax Cuts in the GOP Contract
The "Nonpartisan" Take on Reaganomics
From the isolation of their newsrooms inside the
Beltway, Washington journalists often see the nation's fiscal business
through the eyes of the federal bureaucracy. In the December 12 U.S.
News & World Report, Senior Writer Susan Dentzer suggested:
"Although recent polls show that more than 80 percent of Americans favor
a cut in taxes for most Americans, the key question is whether America
can afford all this government largess."
To Dentzer, the tax money taken out of Americans'
paychecks doesn't belong to the people, but is given to them by the
government as "largess." For criticizing tax cuts with liberal numbers
and advocacy in three stories, U.S. News & World Report earned
the Janet Cooke Award.
Dentzer's lead article claimed: "Several of the tax
cuts the Republicans have proposed -- notably the House GOP proposal to
cut capital gains taxes -- are fiscal time bombs that could explode into
hundreds of billions of dollars in lost tax revenue in future years."
Democrats made the same arguments in defeating capital
gains cut proposals in 1989. But Chris Frenze, majority staff economist
with the Joint Economic Committee, told MediaWatch the
predictions of formerly Democrat-controlled agencies like the
Congressional Budget Office, often touted by reporters, are very
inaccurate. "Actual capital gains realizations from 1989 to 1992 were
$527 billion less than the CBO estimated. That's more than half a
trillion dollars off the mark. CBO's static methodology created huge
forecasting errors that they failed to admit to the media or the public.
It is preposterous to tout the accuracy of the CBO on capital gains when
their track record is abysmal, if not embarrassing."
But U.S. News did just that -- tout the CBO's
accuracy. In a sidebar, Senior Editor David Hage implied GOP control
could damage the credibility of the CBO and the Joint Committee on
Taxation: "For years, the agencies have enjoyed reputations for
nonpartisan numbers and bipartisan whistleblowing. The CBO, for example,
regularly challenged the rosy economic forecasts of the Reagan
administration, and last year it embarrassed Bill Clinton by ruling that
his health care proposal would increase the federal deficit."
"Wrong," Frenze replied. "If you look at the actual
numbers, CBO's revenue estimates are very close to the White House
numbers in 1981." As for the CBO's mild rebuke of the Clinton health
plan (claiming insuring 37 million people would add $70 billion to the
debt over five years), Frenze argued: "The CBO liked the single- payer,
totally socialist approach, and claimed single-payer would save more
money than Clinton. They're not nonpartisan. They're to the left on both
But Hage concluded: "Capitol Hill centrists may yet
prevail in the choice of Congress's top number crunchers. But if they
don't, the nation may find itself buying bad economic policy at
misleading prices -- and paying the true cost for years to come."
Hage teamed with Senior Editor Robert F. Black for an
article titled "The Repackaging of Reaganomics: Republican tax cuts
could well boost the deficit." The duo recycled almost every liberal
argument against supply-side economics, which they wrote "never actually
appears in Newt Gingrich's `Contract with America'.... [but] has rallied
Washington Republicans like a lost battle cry."
Among the menu of charges, Hage and Black claimed:
"Unfortunately, when the supply-side doctrine was tested in the early
1980s, the Treasury Department lost $644 billion in foregone revenues,
the federal debt doubled in size, and there was no special burst of
worker productivity or investment activity."
"No special burst"? What happened to a historic
recovery? Hage and Black claimed "Net business investment in new
equipment and buildings also declined, from 3.2 percent of gross
national product in 1981 to 1.9 percent in 1986. And though the massive
tax cuts probably prolonged the economic expansion of the 1980s, overall
growth averaged 2.8 percent annually, far below the promised spurt."
In both cases, Hage and Black were finessing the
Reagan numbers to look bad. As former Reagan Treasury official Paul
Craig Roberts explained in the book The Right Data, "Net investment has
been falling as a share of U.S. GNP for the past 25 years...By
misinterpreting a change in asset mix as a decline in investment,
economists painted a false picture of disinvestment." Roberts noted that
the February 5, 1991 New York Times reported that the rate of
manufacturing productivity had tripled during the 1980s, and that
manufacturing's share of GNP had rebounded, reported the Times, to the
"level of output achieved in the 1960s when American factories hummed at
a feverish clip."
As for growth, Frenze explained that the 2.8 percent
number must include the years 1981 and 1990, both recessionary years. If
growth is measured from 1982 to 1989, overall GDP growth rises to 3.7
In an interview with MediaWatch, Hage
stuck to the claim that "the 1980s saw an expansion, but the growth of
productivity was less than the '70s, '60s, or '50s. Whether tax cuts are
good or bad -- we are agnostic on that issue -- what is clear is that
tax cuts did not produce the economic facts expected." Asked if their
critiques of Reaganomics didn't prove a liberal bias, Hage replied: "You
can say I'm liberal, and my friends at the AFL-CIO and the Economic
Policy Institute can say I'm conservative."
U.S. News also brandished
a chart headlined "Budget-buster" over a picture of Ronald Reagan, using
a CBO chart of individual income tax revenue as a percentage of gross
domestic product. Text accompanying the chart read: "During the early
Reagan years, income tax rates were slashed, and the tax cuts
contributed to a dramatic rise in the budget deficit." Frenze found the
chart a bit misleading: "Taxpayers paid less in income tax, but more in
social insurance taxes [from $182.7 billion in 1981 to $283.9 billion in
Individual income tax revenues never took a dramatic
dip, increasing from $285.9 billion in 1981 to $349.0 billion in 1986.
Overall revenues increased from $599.3 billion in 1981 to $769.1 billion
in 1986. The Reagan budget plan projected a revenue loss of $726
billion, but it wasn't really a "loss," but a reduced projection of
future taxing. Increasing demand for federal spending, not an actual
decline in revenues, expanded the deficit.
Hage and Black failed to report that in the last three
Reagan budgets, the deficit ended up around $150 billion, which
outperformed the Bush regime and so far, the Clinton administration as
well. U.S. News seemed more interested in the repackaging of
Reaganomics -- or any movement toward tax cuts -- as a disastrous
mistake, an unwise distribution of "government largess."

Would it be Christmas without the media
comparing Republicans to Ebenezer Scrooge? After ignoring the content of
the Contract with America before the election, reporters attacked the
Contract based on complaints by liberal interest groups.
Morton Dean introduced a December 21 Good
Morning America story, intoning: "The incoming Speaker of the House is
being called a modern-day Scrooge by a coalition of charities." Reporter
Bob Zelnick summarized Republican plans to return federal programs to
the states in block grants, then added: "Some of the nation's largest
charities charged that the plan would sharply increase hunger among the
poor." He cited the left-wing Food Research and Action Center, and said
charities fear "a huge cutback in federal food programs could generate
more hungry people than they could possibly accommodate."
The same day, NBC's Kenley Jones declared
on the Today show: "Churches and charities who deal with hunger lashed
out against the Republican Contract...comparing it to something Ebenezer
Scrooge would have dreamed up." Without citing any statistical evidence,
Jones asserted "the problem of hunger in Atlanta is getting worse" and
concluded: "Mission officials are worried that cutbacks in federal food
programs will bring more hungry people to their door but without the
money to feed them." Zelnick and Jones focused on the complaints of
service providers and poverty lobbyists, whose talk of unnamed "cuts"
are, to date, just as fictional as Scrooge.
Oh No! Bias!
Washington Post media reporter Howard Kurtz has found a practitioner of
media bias -- on the right. In a December 15 profile of ABC 20/20
correspondent John Stossel, Kurtz described his criticism of the Food
and Drug Administration: "such unabashed free-market advocacy has made
the ABC reporter the darling of conservative and industry groups.
Consumer advocates, not surprisingly, take a dimmer view." Kurtz warned:
"As television news has grown more crowded and magazine shows have
multiplied like rabbits, many network correspondents have become more
openly analytical -- some say to the point of editorializing -- in an
effort to stand out from the crowd. And while the news magazines have
always framed their stories around good guys and bad guys, Stossel seems
to go a step further." Further than whom? Dateline NBC on GM?
Such advocacy hasn't escaped the liberal
bias specialists at ABC. Kurtz quoted one unnamed ABC reporter who
regards Stossel's work as "bizarre" and "horribly thin, with almost some
kind of agenda." Kurtz added that Stossel's reporting places him in a
peculiar spot with the network brass. "Has Stossel gone too far? Richard
Wald, ABC's Senior Vice President, says Stossel's public call for deep-sixing
the FDA has not run afoul of a network ban on taking partisan stands
because it hasn't involved a current political controversy." Kurtz
didn't mention Wald's position on the reporting of Ned Potter or Peter
Snoozing Watchdogs
The media watchdogs who jumped on every
scandal, real and imagined, during the Reagan years continued their
slumber through the Clinton years. Two scandalous stories about
Clinton's close associates were ignored by the networks in December.
On December 16, The Washington Post
reported in a page one story that the Clinton presidential campaign paid
$37,500, including $9,675 in federal matching funds, to settle a sexual
harassment claim against longtime Clinton friend and Hillary business
partner David Watkins. Although many top Clinton campaign and White
House officials knew of the payoff, Watkins was appointed head of the
White House Office of Administration and served until he was fired for
taking a presidential helicopter to a golf course. Network coverage of
Watkins' hush money? ABC's Good Morning America broadcast a short piece
read by anchor Morton Dean. The other networks and all the news
magazines ignored it.
On December 21, U.S. District Judge Royce
Lamberth asked the District of Columbia U.S. Attorney to examine White
House aide Ira Magaziner's testimony on the health care task force for
perjury and contempt of court violations. Magaziner headed Clinton's
health care task force and helped conceive and author the Health
Security Act. In response to a lawsuit trying to stop the committee
developing the health care plan from working in secret, Magaziner gave a
sworn declaration that only federal government employees were working on
the health plan. Judge Lamberth wrote that Magaziner must have known his
declaration was false, because employees of his private consulting firm
were working on the task force. Network and news magazine coverage of
Magaziner's lie? Zero.
No Jesse Jackson Gaffes
You didn't know that Jesse Jackson made
statements equating conservatives, specifically the Christian Coalition,
with Nazis, slave owners and white supremacists? You're not alone.
During a meeting with the Chicago
Sun-Times editorial board in early December, Jackson claimed: "The
Christian Coalition was a strong force in Germany. It laid down a
suitable, scientific, theological rationale for the tragedy in Germany.
The Christian Coalition was very much in evidence there." In remarks
broadcast Christmas Day on British television, Jackson continued his
attack: "We must no longer allow the clock to be turned back on human
rights, or put up with political systems which are content to maintain
the status quo. In South Africa the status quo was called racism. We
rebelled against it. In Germany it was called fascism. Now in Britain
and the U.S., it is called conservatism." Both stories were covered in
many newspapers, but network evening news shows didn't find Jackson's
hate-filled tirades newsworthy enough to report. Has Jackson ever
whispered to Connie Chung that Nancy Reagan or Barbara Bush is a bitch?
We would never know, since the media protect their liberal brethren from
the gaffe-of-the-day coverage they apply to conservatives.
Another Counterculture McGovernik
The same media which raked Dan Quayle
over the coals over his service and his views on the Vietnam War ignored
Vietnam-era letters from Al Gore to his then-Senator father quoted in
the November 28 New Yorker. The letters revealed a very radical Al: "We
do have inveterate antipathy for communism -- or paranoia as I like to
put own belief is that this form of psychological ailment -- in
this case a national madness -- leads the victim to create what he fears
the most. It strikes me that this is precisely what the U.S. has been
doing. Creating -- and if not creating, supporting, energetically
supporting -- fascist totalitarian regimes in the name of fighting
totalitarianism....For me the best example of all is the U.S. Army."
The networks all but ignored the Gore
letters. Only CNN carried a brief story on the Nov. 20 World News. The
only news magazine mention came from baby boomer Jonathan Alter, who
spun to the rescue in the December 5 Newsweek: "Zero damage done -- the
man is '60s proof."
Democratic Orange County Treasurer Robert
Citron's speculative investments cost the county's investment fund
billions in taxpayers' money. But in a December 23 Money section cover
story, USA Today reporter David J. Lynch blamed voters for passing
Proposition 13, which limited property taxes 16 years ago. Lynch
asserted: "But if one man's hubris fueled this crisis, the kindling that
turned his [Citron's] flaw into a county's tragedy lies elsewhere:
voters' fierce anti-tax sentiment; public clamor for services; and an
outmoded county government." The problem? "Residents' anti-tax fervor
collided with their demand for roads, libraries, and schools." Lynch
wrote: "Citron appeared a savior...he saved Orange County from a budget
crunch by producing unexpected interest income. The cash helped save
popular programs, such as an anti-gang initiative, without higher
In the January 9 Investor's Business
Daily, Charles Oliver reported: "In Orange County, total general revenue
increased from $1,683 per capita to $1,721" between 1977-1989, adjusted
for inflation. Even Lynch later admitted that Orange County's "$2.3
billion annual budget -- [totaled] almost seven times the fiscal 1974-75
figure." Since he never broke down the expenditures, it's hard for a
reader to see how Prop. 13 led to an underfunded Orange County.
Death Penalty Detractors
When is a statistic wrong to the media?
When it doesn't prove a liberal point. On the December 5 NBC Nightly
News, reporter Jim Cummins didn't let statistics ruin his story on the
death penalty in Texas. Cummins stated: "Since Texas resumed executions
12 years ago, the murder rate has dropped about 25 percent." But Cummins
lined up criminologist James Marquart to dispute that: "Marquart is
convinced the resumption of executions had nothing to do with that
reduction in the murder rate." Cummins offered no alternative cause for
the reduction of murders.
Then Cummins found a statistic more to
his liking. "Capital punishment is expensive. A Duke University study
found the average cost of convicting and executing a murderer is
$329,000. It costs little more than half that to convict and imprison
the same murderer for 20 years." But criminals facing the death penalty
often file multiple appeals. Many murderers plea bargain for life in
prison, causing much less money to be spent on their conviction.
Cummins' conclusion was no more
convincing. He stated that the death penalty "doesn't solve the larger
problem. Texas and the other states that execute the most murderers
still have persistently high murder rates." Cummins failed to point out
that states without a death penalty, like New York (13.2 homicides per
100,000) or the District of Columbia (75.2 per 100,000), have
persistently higher murder rates than states that do execute murderers.
Carter Coronation
The media continue to bolster their
favorite ex-President, Jimmy Carter, peripatetic peacemaker, hopping
from hot spot to hot spot. On the December 19 ABC World News Now, former
ABC News Washington Bureau Chief George Watson nominated him Man of the
Year, over Time's selection of the Pope: "But who, pray tell me, has
made more of a positive difference this year?....Because of his illness,
the Pope had to cancel his trip to Sarajevo. Jimmy Carter was there."
On the December 18 CBS Evening News,
Cinny Kennard also got religion: "The people in Sarajevo prayed for a
breakthrough this Sunday. The Cardinal spoke of unity, perhaps welcoming
President Carter when he said what we need here now is good people with
good hearts."
But the ultimate Nobel Prize endorsement
came from Los Angeles Times Washington Bureau Chief Jack Nelson. Over
the December 17 headline "Carter, Driven to Do Good, Looks to Bosnia
Quagmire," Nelson wrote that in 1980, Carter "immediately went back to
what he had done much of his life; pursuing lost and neglected causes
with a missionary's zeal....anyone who has followed his career closely
can understand why he has legions of admirers here and abroad who view
him not as self-absorbed but as a dedicated political leader who is
driven by moral principles and who devotes his life to resolving
conflicts and helping the unfortunate."
This is nothing new for Nelson. Three
years ago on the PBS special Jimmy Carter: Speaking Out, he narrated,
"The more people see of this Jimmy Carter, the more likely they are to
warm to him. Negative feelings toward Carter's personality clouded the
public's perception of his White House achievements. A more open Jimmy
Carter may lead to a more objective assessment of his presidency."

Revolving Door Spins More for Clinton
Administration than Bush's
A Very Comfortable Relationship
As Bill Clinton's nomination became secure in 1992,
former Newsweek reporter Mickey Kaus predicted reporters would be
rewarded. In the May 11 New Republic he wrote: "Many pro-Clinton
journalists can reasonably hope for something more than glamorous
candlelight dinners in the Clinton White House. They can hope for jobs
in the Clinton White House."
A MediaWatch study of this "revolving door" has proven
Kaus prophetic. In just two years, more than twice as many members of
the media have joined the Clinton administration (33) as jumped to the
Bush team in four years (15). The study counted those with influence
over news coverage at a national media outlet who left to take a
politically appointed slot with the administrations. Those who decided
to join Clinton's team held higher profile or more influential media
slots than did those whom Bush attracted:
While no on-air network TV reporter joined the Bush
team, so far six have taken Clinton jobs.
Ten network producers, executives, and researchers
have made the jump to Clinton's staff, compared to just three during the
Bush years.
Another 13 major newspaper and magazine reporters
hopped aboard the Clinton team while just eight put in a stint for Bush.
In alphabetical order, here are the revolvers listed with their
administration title and dates of service, followed by their media
Clinton Administration:
- Kevin Anderson: Health care spokes-man, White House
public affairs office, 1993USA Today Money section reporter
- Kenneth Bacon: Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Public Affairs, 1994-Wall Street Journal Washington bureau reporter,
- Donald Baer: Director of White House speechwriting
and research, 1994- U.S. News & World Report Asst. Managing Editor,
1991-94; Senior Ed.,1988-91
- Daniel Benjamin: White House speechwriter on
foreign policy, 1994-Wall Street Journal Berlin reporter, 1992-94;
Time reporter, 1988-92
- Douglas Bennet: Assistant Secretary of State for
intergovernmental orgs., 1993-President of National Public Radio (NPR)
, 1983-93
- William Blacklow: Dep. Asst. to the Sec. of Defense
for public affairs, 1994-ABC News D.C. producer, 1969-72
- Bob Boorstin: foreign affairs speechwriter, 1994- ;
Special Asst. to the President for Policy Coordination, 1993-; media
adviser for health care, 1993 New York Times metropolitan reporter,mid-'80s
- Carolyn Curiel: White House speechwriter,
1993-Nightline producer, 1992; New York Times editor, 1988-92;
WashingtonPost editor, 1986-88
- Kathleen deLaski:
Chief Public Affairs officer, Department of Defense, 1993-94ABC News
D.C. reporter, 1988-93
- Tom Donilon: Assistant
Secretary of State for Public Affairs; 1993-CBS News consultant for
'88 campaign
- Anne Edwards: Director
of White House press advance, 1993- NPR Senior Editor, 1985-91; CBS
NewsWashington assignment editor, 1980-84
- David French: Deputy
Director for Communications, CIA, 1993-CNN weekend Washington
anchorand reporter, early 1980s-1993
- Chris Georges:
speechwriter to Dep. Treasury Secretary Roger Altman, 1994Wall Street
Journal Washington bureaureporter, 1994- ; Washington Post
Outlooksection staffer, '93; producer, CNN in-vestigative unit in
D.C., 1990-91
- David Gergen:
Counselor to the Sec. of State, 1994; Counselor to the President,
'93-94Editor-at-Large, U.S. News & WorldReport, 1988-93;
Editor, 1985-88
- Vernon Guidry: policy
assistant to the Dep. Secretary of Defense, 1994-; policy asst. to the
Sec. of Defense, 1993-94Washington bureau defense reporterfor the
Baltimore Sun, 1980-87
- Rick Inderfurth:
Deputy to UN Ambassador Madeleine Albright, 1993-ABC News reporter,
1981-1991 (Pen-tagon, national security, Moscow)
- Kathryn Kahler:
Director of Communications, Dept. of Education, 1993-Newhouse News
Service Washingtonbureau reporter
- Susan King, Exec.
Director of the Commission on the Family Medical Leave Act, 1994-ABC
News D.C. bureau reporter, 1981-82;weekend reporter in D.C. for CNN,
- Alison Muscatine:
White House speechwriter, 1993-Washington Post sports and Metro
re-porter, 1981-93
- Dianna Pierce: Special
Asst. to the Counselor to the President, 1993-94Producer, ABC News
Nightline inWashington, 1994- ; Special Asst. tothe
Editor-at-Large, U.S. News, 1990-93
- Marla Romash:
Communications Dir. to VP Al Gore, 1993; health care spokesman for
White House, 1993 Associate Producer, ABC's Good MorningAmerica,
- Thomas Ross: Special
Asst. to the President and Senior Director for Public Affairs at the
National Security Council (NSC), 1994-Senior Vice President, NBC News,
- Sydney Rubin: Director
of Media Relations, Overseas Private Investment Corp., 1994-Associated
Press correspondent inEurope, 1987-93; in New York 1985-87
- Lois Schiffer: Asst.
Attorney General, Environment & Natural Resources division,
1993-General counsel, NPR, 1984-90
- Heidi Schulman: US
Information Agency programming consultant, 1993-94; Hollywood
celebrity coordinator for Hillary Rodham during 1992 campaign NBC News
reporter, 1973-90
- Cherie Simon: Dir. of
Public Affairs, National Endowment for the Arts, 1994-Operations and
broadcast producerin Washington, ABC World News Tonight,1982-89
- Tara Sonenshine:
Special Asst. to the President and Dep. Director for communications,
National Security Council, 1994Editorial Producer, ABC News Night-line,
1991-94; D.C. bureau producer, '82-89
- Jonathan Spalter:
public affairs assistant, National Security Council, 1994-; Special
Asst. to the principal Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for policy,
1993-94PBS MacNeil-Lehrer NewsHour off-air reporter
- Miranda Spivack:
public affairs specialist, Department of Defense, 1993-94Washington
bureau reporter, HartfordCourant, early 1980s-1993
- Carl Stern: Director
of Public Affairs, Justice Dept, 1993-NBC News Washington
reporter,1967-93 (legal affairs and Supreme Court)
- Strobe Talbott: Deputy
Secretary of State, 1994-; Ambassador-at-Large to the former Soviet
Republics, 1993-94Time Editor-at-Large 1989-92; Time Washington Bureau
Chief 1985-89
- Ginny Terzano: Dep.
White House Press Sec., 1993- ; Dir. of Public Affairs, National
Endowment for the Arts, 1993researcher, CBS News election unit, 1988
- Victor Zonana: Deputy
Asst. Secretary for Public Affairs, HHS, 1993-Los Angeles Times
reporter (New Yorkbureau), 1990-93
Bush Administration:
- Jean Becker: Deputy
Press Secretary to the First LadyUSA Today reporter, 1985-88
- David Beckwith: Press
Secretary to Vice President Dan Quayle, 1989-93Washington bureau
reporter, Time, 1980-88
- Robert Bork Jr.: Sp.
Asst. for Communications, Office of U.S. Trade Rep., 1990-91Associate
Editor, U.S. News, 1987
- Richard Burt: Chief
Negotiator for START talks, 1989-90; Ambassador to Federal Republic of
Germany, 1985-89New York Times national security corre-spondent,
- Richard Capen:
Ambassador to SpainVice Chairman, Knight-Ridder cable tele-vision
operations, 1989-92; Publisher ofthe Miami Herald, 1983-89
- Ed Dale: Director of
External Affairs, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) New York Times
reporter, 1970s
- Kimberly Timmons Gibson:
Deputy Director for External Affairs, OMB, 1989-92Associate Producer
in Washington, Good Morning America, 1986-88
- Henry Grunwald:
Ambassador to Austria, 1987-89Editor-in-Chief, Time Inc., 1979-87
- Smith Hempstone: Amb.
to Kenya, '90-91Editor of The Washington Times,
1984-85;reporter, Assoc. Editor, ed. page editorWashington Star,
- Loye Miller: Director of Public Affairs, Department
of Justice, 1988-89 Newhouse D.C. bureau reporter, 1979-85
- Peggy Noonan: White House speechwriter, 1992; for
George Bush, 1988-89writer of Dan Rather commentaries forCBS Radio,
- Andy Plattner: Director of Communications for the
Office of Educational Research, Department of Education, 1990-91
Associate Editor, U.S. News, 1985-90
- Sherrie Rollins: Asst. to the President for Public
Liaison and Intergovern. Affairs, 1992; Asst. Secretary for Public
Affairs, HUD, 1989-90 Dir. of News Info.., ABC News, 1990-92
- Dorrance Smith: Assistant to the President for
Media Affairs, 1991-93 Executive Producer, ABC News Nightline,
1989-91; Exec. Producer of This Week with David Brinkley, 1981-89
- Kristin Clark Taylor: Director of Media Relations,
the White House, 1989-90 USA Today reporter, editorial writer, '82-88.
Reagan Administration:
- David Gergen
- Joanna Bistany
- Richard Burt
- Patrick Butler -- Executive Editor of
communications (1987), was VP of Times Mirror Washington office. In
1991 became VP of Newsweek and Legi-Slate
- Ed Dale
- Sid Davis
- Bernard Kalb
- Bob McConnell
Number of On Air Network Reporters:
Bush: 0 Clinton: 5
Clinton Administration:
- Marla Romash -- was Communications Dir to VP Gore,
was GMA Associate Producer
- Strobe Talbott -- Dep Sec of State, was Time
- Tom Donilon -- Asst Sec of State for PA, was 1988
CBS News consultant
- Samuel Popkin -- member of Clinton pollster Stanley
Greenberg's team during 1992 campaign, was CBS News election unit
- Rick Inderfurth -- Dep to UN Ambassador, was ABC
News reporter
- Carolyn Curiel -- WH speechwriter, was Nightline
producer and Wash Post and NYTimes editor
- Douglas Bennet -- Asst Sec of State for
intergovernmental organizations, was NPR President
- Carl Stern -- Dir PA for Justice Dept, was NBC News
- Anne Edwards -- Dir of WH press advance and advance
director for Clinton-Gore in 1992, was NPR Senior Producer and in
1980-84 CBS News DC assignment editor
- David Gergen -- was Republican
- Victor Zonana -- Dep Asst Sec for PA at HHS, was LA
Times reporter
- David French -- CIA Dep Dir for communications, was
CNN anchor
- Kathryn Kahler -- Dir of communications at
Education Dept, was Washington Newhouse News Service reporter
- Ginny Terzano -- Dep WH Pres Sec, was CBS News
election unit researcher
- Alison Muscatine -- WH speechwriter, was Wash Post
sports and Metro reporter
- Roger Kennedy -- Park Service Director, was NBC
News reporter in 1950s
- Kathleen deLaski -- Chief PA officer at DOD, was
ABC News reporter
- Kevin Anderson -- was health spokesman in WH
communications office, was USA Today "Money" reporter
- Miranda Spivack -- DOD public affairs specialist,
was Hartford Courant Washington reporter
- Vernon Guidry -- policy asst to Sec of Defense
Aspin, was Baltimore Sun reporter
- Jonathan Spalter -- Special Assist to the principal
Dep Undersec of Defense for policy, was MacNeil-Lehrer reporter
- Heidi Schulman -- USIA programming consultant and
Hollywood celebrity coordinator for Hillary Rodham during '92
campaign, was NBC News LA reporter
- Joyce Kravitz -- USIA Senior Adviser, was Dir of
Information for ABC News
- Lois Schiffer -- Asst AG for envir and natural
resources, was NPR general counsel
- Karen Kay Christensen -- NEA general counsel, was
Asst general counsel at NPR
- William Blacklow -- Dep Asst to the Sec of Defense
for PA, was ABC News Washington producer in early 1970s
- Tara Sonenshine -- Dep Dir of Communications for
NSC, was Nightline producer
- Cherie Simon -- NEA Dir of PA, was ABC World News
Tonight Washington producer
- Sydney Rubin -- Dir of media relations for the
Overseas Private Investment Corp, was AP reporter in Europe
- Donald Baer -- Dir of WH speechwriting, was USN&WR
Asst Managing Editor, Senior Ed and Associate Ed.
- Thomas Ross -- Spec asst to the President and
Senior Dir for PA at the NSC; was NBC News Senior VP
- Kenneth Bacon -- Assistant Secretary of Defense for
public affairs, 1994- ; was Wall Street Journal Washington bureau
reporter for 25 years
- Chris Georges -- speechwriter to Deputy Treasury
Secretary Roger Altman, 1994; joined Wall Street Journal Washington
bureau in 1994 to cover budget and economics beats, was Washington
Post Outlook section staffer, producer with CNN investigative unit in
D.C. 1990-91
- Bob Boorstin -- Special Assistant to the President
for policy coordination and as of mid-1994 a foreign affairs
speechwriter, media adviser for health care proposal in 1993; was New
York Times metropolitan reporters from mid-'80s to 1988
- Martin Schram -- co-author of PPI's Mandate for
Change, was Newsday and Washington Post reporter
- Robert Shapiro -- VP of PPI and Clinton campaign
adviser, was Associate Editor at USN&WR
- Anne Reingold -- Dir of media relations and of 50
person video production team for DNC's 1992 convention, was CBS News
- Elaine Kamarck -- VP Gore's office, was Newsday
special correspondent
- George Stephanopoulos, was Associate Producer of
two 1985 CBS News specials on the famine in Sudan
Reverse revolver:
- Tad Devine -- consultant to CBS News during
Democratic National Convention, was 1998 Dukakis and 1992 Kerrey
Bush Administration:
- Dorrance Smith -- Asst to the President for media
affairs, was Exec Producer of weekend Washington-based ABC News shows
and EP of Nightline (1989-91)
- David Beckwith -- Press Sec to VP Quayle, was Time
magazine reporter
- Sherrie Rollins -- Asst to the President for public
liaison, was Dir of News Information for ABC News in Washington and
previously Asst Sec for PA at HUD
- Andy Plattner -- Dir of communications for the
Office of Educational Research at the Dept of Ed, was Associate Ed of
- Peggy Noonan -- WH speechwriter, was writer of Dan
Rather commentaries
- Richard Capen -- Ambassador to Spain, was Vice
Chairman of Knight Ridder and Miami Herald Publisher
- Chase Untermeyer -- Director of VOA and previously
Dir of Personnel, was a local Houston Chronicle reporter
- Tony Snow -- Chief speechwriter, was Detroit News
and Washington Times editorial writer
- Kristin Clark Taylor -- WH Dir of media relations,
was USA Today reporter and editorial writer
- Jean Becker -- Dep Press Sec to the First Lady, was
USA Today reporter
- Robert Bork Jr. -- Spec Asst for communications at
the Office of the U.S. Trade Rep., was Associate Ed of USN&WR
- Kimberly Timmons Gibson -- Dep Dir of External
Relations for OMB, was GMA Associate Producer
- Ed Dale -- Dir of External Affairs at OMB and from
'81-87 Asst Dir of PA at OMB, was NYTimes reporter
- Smith Hempstone -- Ambassador to Kenya, was Editor
of Washington Times
- Loye Miller -- Dir of PA at Justice Dept., Press
Sec to Education Sec Bennett in Reagan Admin, was Newhouse and Knight
Ridder Washington reporter
- David Runkel -- Dir of PA at Dept of Justice, was
Philadelphia Inquirer Washington reporter
- Henry Grunwald -- Ambassador to Austria, was Editor
in Chief of Time Inc.
- Richard Burt -- Chief negotiator for START,
previously Ambassador to Fed Repub of Germany (1985-89), was NYTimes
national security reporter
Reverse revolvers:
- Ceci Cole McInturf -- VP of CBS Inc for federal
policy, was Dir of voter outreach for Bush/Quayle '88 campaign; Spec
Asst to the President for political affairs 1985-87
- Daphne Polatty -- Manager of News Information for
ABC News, was RNC staffer in conventions and meetings office
Reagan Administration:
- David Gergen
- Joanna Bistany
- Richard Burt
- Patrick Butler -- Executive Editor of
communications (1987), was VP of Times Mirror Washington office. In
1991 became VP of Newsweek and Legi-Slate
- Ed Dale
- Sid Davis
- Bernard Kalb
- Bob McConnell
Number of On Air Network Reporters:
Bush: 0
Clinton: 5

the Bright Side
Martin's Unmatched
ABC's John Martin ended a year of "Your Money, Your Choice" segments on
the December 26 World News Tonight by following up on this year's
stories. Peter Jennings asked the series' regular question: "How
efficiently is the government spending your hard-earned dollars?" Martin
noted: "For the year, we reported on $91.563 billion in projects; some
of them lasting many years, but virtually all of them financed from a
single source -- that is, your money."
Martin found his reporting, a beat left empty by the
other networks, had some positive impact -- an unneeded desalting plant
in Arizona has been mostly defunded, rich farmers with unpaid federal
loans are expected to settle, and congressional pension reform is being
introduced in Congress.
But a visitor's center for the Hoover Dam cost $120
million, four times what the Interior Department estimated. Martin
updated the story: "Since then the cost has climbed another $2 million.
The complex opens next June -- four months behind schedule."
A Triumph of Substance
CNN's in-depth Inside Politics look at the GOP Contract with America
outshined the competition. For two weeks in December, reporter Frank
Sesno laid out the highlights of each item of the 10-point plan followed
by an analysis of its possible implications Each segment spelled out
precisely what the contract called for. Noticeably absent were
exaggerated statements about orphanages. CNN also stood apart by
following each Sesno segment rebroadcast on Prime News with debate
between Crossfire liberal co-host Michael Kinsley, and either
conservative Pat Buchanan or John Sununu.

Back Page
Abramson-Mayer Book Eviscerated
"Impeccable Research"?
Despite embarrassing obstacles, liberal journalists
continue to defend Strange Justice, the book-length attack on Justice
Clarence Thomas by Wall Street Journal reporters Jill Abramson and Jane
The Los Angeles Times picked the very self-interested
NPR reporter Nina Totenberg, who broke Hill's unproven sexual harassment
charges, to review the pro-Hill book. On November 13, she declared David
Brock's "factually flawed" book The Real Anita Hill "is not viewed
seriously in either the academic or journalistic communities." But
Abramson and Mayer are "both highly regarded for their journalistic and
investigative skills" and their book was "far more comprehensive,
investigative, and probing."
On C-SPAN's Journalists Roundtable December 30, Wall
Street Journal Washington Bureau Chief Alan Murray agreed: "I think
anyone who reads both books would have to say without question that
Strange Justice is fully, fully documented. All the quotes are on the
record. Everything is clearly sourced. It's an impeccable piece of
But David Brock took an axe to Strange Justice in the
January American Spectator, declaring it "one of the most outrageous
journalistic hoaxes in recent memory." Brock detailed numerous examples
of misquotation, fabrication, and factual errors. But the same media
which booked Abramson and Mayer all over television without any critics
continued to ignore Brock.
Among their errors: Andy Rothschild, who worked with
Thomas when John Danforth was Attorney General of Missouri, denied that
he told Jill Abramson that Thomas made "gross and at times off-color
remarks," only that Thomas had a great sense of humor. Brock noted it
was unlikely Abramson asked Rothschild about off-color remarks in their
only interview in July 1991, three months before Hill's charges came
Abramson and Mayer claim Frederick Cooke "saw
Thomas...standing with a triple X videotape entitled The Adventures of
Bad Mama Jama." But later in the book, a note on page 330 read: "Reached
on two separate occasions, Cooke would neither confirm nor deny the
account." Brock even noted that Nina Totenberg told him "Cooke wouldn't
talk to me, so it wasn't a story," and also that the owner of the video
store supposedly supplying Thomas with porn videos was "scuzzy, not
reliable." So why did Totenberg praise Strange Justice, full of stories
she felt didn't meet her standards, such as they are?
Despite Brock's 22-page refutation, New York Times
columnist Frank Rich renewed his attack on Brock December 29, claiming
wrongly that Brock was "unable to find mistakes larger than a few
mangled job titles."

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