One Reporter
Finds Strong Evidence Against Clinton, But He's Ignored
Page One
Paula Jones: Still No Anita Hill
Tim Russert asked Mary Matalin on the November 24
Meet the Press about Supreme Court arguments coming up in January
in the Paula Jones sexual harassment case: "How big of a political story
and a media story is that going to be?"
An odd question coming from the Washington Bureau
Chief of NBC News who had not yet assigned a story he thinks might be
"big." Other than a mention in one ABC story, the networks have not
aired a story in the two months since The American Lawyer
released the piece by former New York Times Supreme Court
reporter Stuart Taylor charging, "Paula Jones's allegations of
predatory, if not depraved, behavior by Bill Clinton is far stronger
than the evidence supporting Anita Hill's allegations of far less
serious conduct by Clarence Thomas."
Admitted Taylor: "I say this as one who voted for
President Clinton in 1992 and who may do so again (with multiple
misgivings), and as one who lamented Justice Thomas's confirmation to
the Supreme Court, and who disagrees deeply with much of his
arch-conservative jurisprudence."
Taylor's article spurred William Powers, the new media
columnist for The New Republic, to ask in his December 16 cover
story: "If Clinton may well have to stand trial for sexual
harassment during his second term, and if the case against him is
strong...isn't that relevant information the voters should have had as
they cast their votes?"
Powers' most revealing episode was a lunchtime
interview with New York Times Washington Bureau Chief Andrew
Rosenthal. When asked why the Times had never given readers a
thorough look at the Jones case, Rosenthal said "I don't have a very
good answer to it." Rosenthal also compared Jones' charges of
(non-consensual) sexual harassment charges with story of consensual
adultery with Gennifer Flowers. Said Rosenthal: "We just don't think
that that kind of private behavior is relevant to his public
Asked if the culture of the Times, rocked by
the front-page play of Kitty Kelley's unproven Nancy Reagan-Frank
Sinatra sex allegations, affected their judgment, Rosenthal admitted:
"Yes, there is a huge New York Times culture issue here..You
will find, I hope, a great shortage of 'is under investigation' stories
[in the Times]...and two, an aversion to personal behavior
stories or whatever you want to call them. Sex stories."
Rosenthal eventually answered Powers: "Did we have a
responsibility to remind voters of it [the Jones suit] before the
election? I guess we did not." Powers noted Rosenthal added that if
Clinton were found guilty in the Jones case, only "then it would be a
story for The New York Times." Tell that to Clarence Thomas.

Revolving Door
Battling for Boy George
ABC, CBS and CNN fought to land top Clinton aide
George Stephanopoulos, but ABC News won the battle. The
just-departed Senior Adviser to the President will have a far greater
role at ABC than Bill Kristol, the former chief of staff for Vice
President Dan Quayle.
While the Clintonite will spar with conservative
Kristol in discussions on This Week and Good Morning
America, The New York Times noted he also "is expected to do some
reporting as a correspondent." He'll work with This Week
Executive Producer Dorrance Smith to produce longer pieces for GMA.
Smith has also been through the revolving door, having put in a White
House stint advising President Bush on media matters.
How far were the other networks willing to go? As with
ABC, well beyond any position offered to former Reagan or Bush
administration political operatives. "A CNN source said yesterday,"
The Washington Post's John Carmody reported December 12, "the cable
network had been prepared to offer Stephanopoulos his own weekend
half-hour program and some other `innovative programming ideas.'" CBS
News proposed a slot on Face the Nation and a role in its
upcoming Eye on People cable channel.
Carmody noted that ABC hopes "that if things go well,
Stephanopoulos's role can be expanded to include doing some full-length
programming for ABC-owned cable channels like Arts & Entertainment and,
particularly, the History Channel, where, said Senior News Vice
President Joanna Bistany yesterday, `he can explore the issues.'" If
that's not enough, he'll "be available in 1998 for political coverage."
This isn't the first time Stephanopoulos, who served
as floor assistant to then-House Majority Leader Dick Gephardt before
joining Clinton campaign, has worked for a network. Back in 1985 he was
behind the camera as an Associate Producer for two CBS News specials on
the famine in Sudan.
Over for Ovitz
Just as George Stephanopoulos comes aboard ABC, the
network has lost the executive who helped raise the money that enabled
Stephanopoulos to push liberal policies. Michael Ovitz
stepped down in December as President of the Walt Disney Company, ABC's
owner. He held the slot for 16 months. In the 1993-94 election cycle the
Hollywood agent donated to just one Republican, but gave at least
$36,000 to Democrats. In 1993, the Los Angeles Times reported,
Ovitz "hosted and organized" a fundraiser for Clinton and the Democratic
National Committee which raised $450,000. BPI Entertainment Wire relayed
that he urged the celebrity crowd to give Clinton "the time he needs to
build a consensus and to enact change."
Moving On
Colette Rhoney,
Producer of NBC's Meet the Press and CNBC's Tim Russert,
has quit so she can do some traveling. She "had a key role in the
network's coverage of the last three election cycles," The
Washington Post reported November 25. In 1984 she worked for the
unsuccessful Texas Senate campaign of Lloyd Doggett, a liberal
Marla Romash, a
Good Morning America Associate Producer in the mid-1980s and
Communications Director for Vice President Al Gore in 1993, served as an
adviser this fall to Jeanne Shaheen, the successful Democratic candidate
for Governor of New Hampshire.

Victims Who Don't Work
Welfare Deformed
The Congressional Budget Office recently estimated
welfare reform will result in a seven percent annual increase in federal
poverty spending over the next seven years. With inflation projected to
average 2.8 percent a year, the nominal increase in federal poverty
spending translates into an inflation-adjusted increase of more than
four percent a year.
But CBS didn't serve up this figure on the
Thanksgiving edition of the Evening News. Instead they offered
up the usual holiday turkey, stuffed with labeling leftovers from the
Medicare debate about nonexistent budget "cuts," and scary anecdotes
about potential riots in the streets.
Anchor Harry Smith announced: "For the first time in
decades the federal government will no longer guarantee open-ended help
to the poor. Case in point, food stamps. As Diana Olick reports, this
could mean hunger in America will grow, even in places famous for food
and plenty of it."
From New Orleans, Olick introduced a welfare recipient
who didn't seem to fit the usual liberal stereotype: "37-year-old Denise
Lee has been on food stamps most of her life. She doesn't want to work,
but she's now planning to get a job. She fears though that others will
turn to crime instead to pay for food." While conservatives would paint
Lee as the reason reform was needed, Olick didn't challenge Lee's
self-serving vision of the future, with welfare checks as the only thing
keeping America from anarchy. Lee charged: "They say times is hard, and
crime is up, and this and that, but they ain't seen nothing yet."
Next Olick breezed through the CBS version of new
math, claiming: "In the 35-year history of the food stamp program there
has never been a cut this drastic." Although some people will no longer
be eligible, overall spending will increase beyond the rate of
Olick did quote a pro-welfare reform source, Rep.
Robert Ney (R-Ohio). But Olick concluded by seeming shocked that welfare
reform would require recipients do what most people have done for years:
"The cut in food stamps will force many people to go to work. But in New
Orleans, where there are more people than jobs, some, like Denise Lee,
are worrying how they will carry this new financial burden once the
government stops carrying them."

Cooke Award
Networks Present Soviet Spy as Brilliant,
Vindicated Symbol of "McCarthy Era Witch Hunts"
Alger Hiss, Beneficiary of TV Laziness
The threat of expanding slavery and death under
communism ended with the Soviet Union in 1991. But the network
obituaries of Soviet spy Alger Hiss on the night of November 15
suggested that ignorance lasts forever. For inaccurately remembering
Hiss that evening with tales of red-baiting hysteria and Russian-based
vindications, ABC, CNN, and NBC earned the Janet Cooke Award.
Since the statute of limitations for espionage had
expired, Hiss was convicted of perjury in 1950. His guilt was underlined
in 1978 with the publication of Allen Weinstein's book Perjury,
and then again this year with the National Security Agency's release of
the Venona transcripts, which detailed the activities of a spy
code-named "Ales" which mirrored the allegations raised against Hiss by
Whittaker Chambers. Only CBS, which aired only a few seconds notice of
Hiss's death, covered the Venona transcripts (in a March 5 story by
reporter David Martin).
The other network obituaries had a very uniform
structure, proclaiming Hiss was (1) a well-established, brilliant public
servant; (2) until he was accused of spying by Whittaker Chambers and
exploited for political gain by Richard Nixon; (3) who protested his
innocence against the anti-communist insanity of his times; (4) then
cleared by Russian officials of ever being a spy.
On ABC's World News Tonight, Peter Jennings
oozed sympathetically: "Alger Hiss was an accomplished lawyer and a
diplomat until a man named Whittaker Chambers accused him of being a
communist who passed state secrets to the Soviets. At congressional
hearings he defended himself against a young Richard Nixon. Hiss was
ultimately convicted of perjury. He lost his livelihood and his
marriage. He protested his innocence until the very end, and last year,
we reported that the Russian President Boris Yeltsin said that KGB files
supported Mr. Hiss's claim."
CNN anchor Linden Soles lectured on PrimeNews:
"Hiss was a Harvard-educated lawyer with a distinguished career in
government when he was accused in 1948 of helping pass secret documents
to the Soviets. The case attracted national attention and helped spurn a
period of blacklisting and hysteria over the communist threat. Richard
Nixon's political career got a major boost after his aggressive efforts
in Congress against Hiss. Hiss was later convicted of perjury and spent
the rest of his life trying to clear his name."
Over on the NBC Nightly News, Tom Brokaw
proclaimed: "He was a public servant of rising prominence in the 1930s
and 1940s when suddenly he was caught up in a spy scandal and he was
accused of being a member of the Communist Party. In 1948 he was charged
with helping pass State Department secrets to the Soviets. His case drew
unprecedented attention and he was pursued tenaciously by a freshman
Congressman -- Richard Nixon. Despite the support of many prominent
Americans, Hiss was sent to prison for almost four years. It's a case
that still divides many people in this country, but at the end of his
life, Hiss considered vindication a declaration by a Russian general who
controlled the KGB archives, saying that Hiss had never been a spy."
(On NBC spinoff MSNBC's The News with Brian
Williams, anchor Brigitte Quinn announced Hiss "was a symbol of the
Cold War and the McCarthy witch hunts that haunted that era....In 1987,
a Russian general declared that Hiss was never a spy, but a victim of
Cold War hysteria." Quinn was wrong: Gen. Dmitri Volkogonov made his
declaration in 1992 -- and then admitted he hadn't thoroughly reviewed
the files.)
Three days later, Tom Brokaw told viewers of
Volkogonov's admission, without underlining Hiss's guilt: "Last week on
this program we reported on the death of Alger Hiss, the establishment
intellectual who was at the center of a bitter debate about his
Communist Party credentials and suspected Soviet spy activity. Late in
his life, we reported, he felt vindicated by a Russian general's claim
that there were no records to support the claim that Hiss was a spy.
However, the Russian general admitted he didn't have access to all
The next night, Peter Jennings retracted ABC's claims:
"We have a clarification tonight...In the obituary of Alger Hiss, we
reported that Russian President Boris Yeltsin had said that KGB files
supported Hiss's contention that he had never spied for the Soviets, as
he insisted all his life. It was actually a member of Yeltsin's staff,
General Dmitri Volkogonov, who made the statement. He later said the
evidence wasn't conclusive because there were other Soviet intelligence
agencies whose files were not available." So two networks switched their
reports on Hiss from vindicated to uncertain -- not to the truth that
Hiss was a spy for a foreign power.
How is it that all these whitewashed reports echo one
another in tone? Perhaps the best answer is a 334-word Associated Press
dispatch labeled "Urgent" put out at 5:11 the night of November 15 with
the headline "Alger Hiss, Nixon Nemesis, Dead at 92." It read: "Alger
Hiss, the patrician public servant who fell from grace in a Communist
spy scandal that propelled Richard Nixon to higher office, died Friday
afternoon...Hiss' life can be neatly broken into two parts. The first
was a stellar rise to a brilliant academic career, clerking for U.S.
Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, a series of important posts
in the New Deal and the foreign policy establishment, foundation work.
But on Aug. 3, 1948, a rumpled, overweight magazine editor named
Whittaker Chambers alleged that 10 years earlier, Hiss had given him
State Department secrets....For the rest of his life, he worked for
vindication, both in court and in the court of public opinion. He
proclaimed that it had come finally in 1992, at age 87, when a Russian
general in charge of Soviet intelligence archives declared that Hiss had
never been a spy, but rather a victim of Cold War hysteria and the
McCarthy Red-hunting era."
By 9:26 PM, AP was distributing a longer story by
Jerry Schwartz that mentioned the Venona files and the Volkogonov
admission, but it was too late. ABC and NBC failed to return phone
calls, but CNN spokesman James Holland told MediaWatch:
"We did treat all aspects of the issue, with the weight of the evidence
toward the mainstream, what the common thoughts are on this particular
individual and his history."
Liberals insist conservatives see an organized
conspiracy in media bias. What the Hiss TV stories prove is that
sometimes, biased reporting just happens when lazy reporters can't
manage to do more legwork on a world-historical story than walk across
the room and rewrite a biased AP dispatch. Newspapers work up obituaries
years in advance on major historical figures. Why couldn't the net-
works do more?

Berating Burton.
In the December 9 issue, Time reporter James Carney
profiled the new head of the House Committee on Government Reform and
Oversight, Rep. Dan Burton (R-Ind.). Carney claimed: "On the other side
of Capitol Hill, the President's chief inquisitor on such issues as the
Democratic fund-raising scandal will be a man who has never pretended to
be impartial."
Time underlined their
spin with the headline: "In the House, a Zealot Talks Softly." So who
does Time think is a zealot? Could a liberal be one? Not
really. A Nexis search of Time since January 1992 looking for
the word "zealot" found 39 references to the word, 37 of which were used
to describe a conservative or right-wing point of view. In most cases,
"zealot" was used to describe the Christian right or pro-life movements,
such as references to "religious zealots," "anti-choice zealots," "Gingrichian
zealotry," "capitalist zealots," and one reference claiming that "Not
long ago, America's Christian right was dismissed as a group of
pasty-faced zealots."
Missing Militias.
Every network has reported numerous stories on the "right-wing" militia
movement, from the Freemen to more obscure outlets like Arizona's Viper
Militia and the Phineas Priesthood. But when it comes to left-wing
militias, it's a very different story. Dan Rather reported on the
November 12 CBS Evening News: "Police in Brooklyn discovered a
huge cache of arms in a quiet apartment complex. They seized 25 lbs. of
gunpowder, 45 weapons including submachine guns and thousands of rounds
of ammunition. Police also found a web of tunnels linking the
apartments. Tonight, police said 38 people are in custody and the group
was part of an organization calling itself the Provisional Party of
Communism." Other network coverage of a story right in their own
backyard? None.
Two days later on the Evening News, reporter
Art Rascon offered this story on one cause of riots in St. Petersburg,
Florida: "Police now say they know who was responsible for the rioting.
This man: Omali Ushelton, the founder of the National Uhuru Movement. He
admitted encouraging racial unrest just before going underground earlier
this week...The Uhurus are a loosely organized, small but potent group
with chapters nationwide. Its leader has not only incited riots in this
city, he has also called for the assassination of the mayor and the
police chief.
That has only caused hostility and division within the
black community." Other network coverage of this story? None.
Can't Afford a Movie?
When a congressionally appointed panel reported that the Consumer Price
Index (CPI) overstated inflation, leading to excessive entitlement
payments, the networks automatically took the victims angle -- not of
the taxpayers who forked over hyperinflated payments for decades, but
for the beneficiaries. On the December 4 World News Tonight,
ABC's Peter Jennings opened: "We begin tonight with money. Maybe a
little less for you, depending on who you are, and certainly a little
more for Uncle Sam." Reporter Lisa Stark noted: "One-third of the
federal budget is tied to the CPI, so cutting the official inflation
measurement 1.1 percent would lower all government payments based on the
cost of living, saving the government a trillion dollars over the next
12 years. But cutting those payments would affect 60 million Americans,
including seniors who stand to lose an average of $100 a year in Social
Security." Only in Washington (and in newsrooms) could a
smaller-than-projected increase be a loss or a "cut."
Dan Rather had the same spin on that night's CBS
Evening News: "A plan officially proposed in Washington today could
affect the incomes of millions of Americans, especially those older or
at the lower end of the economic scale." Reporter Ray Brady illustrated:
"Take the average Social Security check: It will rise from $724 to $745
a month in January, but it would rise to just $737, a difference of
eight dollars if the congressional commission has its way." Brady spoke
to a woman at a senior center who illustrated how this would affect her:
"For many people who come here, eight dollars a month is a big loss.
That may be the only eight dollars they have to ever go to the movies."
Another Favorite Victim.
CBS White House reporter Rita Braver mourned Hillary Rodham
Clinton's domestic woes as the First Lady traveled through Asia. On the
November 25 Evening News, Braver noted sympathetically: "But
throughout this Pacific journey she has taken a higher profile than she
has at home of late. And she seems more comfortable overseas, where her
popularity has not been diminished by problems like Whitewater."
Casting the First Lady as a trailblazer for the
oppressed souls of past First Ladies, Braver added: "Perhaps Mrs.
Clinton best expressed her own awkward situation when she told an
Australian audience that the only way for a First Lady to escape
criticism is never to express opinions or ideas." The notion that it's
those ideas rather than her gender that make the First Lady
worth discussing didn't surface in Braver's story -- as it hasn't in
many others.
Hillary Clinton: Icon, Saint. Newsweek
Washington bureau Chief Evan Thomas pulled together numerous reports
from the magazine's correspondents to provide a fresh, behind-the-scenes
look at major players in the Presidential and congressional campaigns
for its Campaign `96 wrap-up in the November 18 issue. But when it came
to Hillary Clinton, Thomas had nothing to offer but the same old suck-up
schtick Newsweek has offered since her arrival on the national
scene in 1992.
Thomas lovingly wrote that "The Chicago convention
promised to be a moment of liberation for Hillary Clinton. It has been a
bumpy year for her -- in many ways a bumpy four years. In the world
beyond the Beltway, she was something of an icon, even a saint, for many
women; thousands flocked to see her in her travels in America and
abroad, teetering on folding chairs in crowded halls just to catch a
glimpse. But back home in Washington, she felt trapped inside her
caricature as a pushy Yuppie overachiever who would bend the rules and
sacrifice her friends to have her way.
Her split image `beflummoxed' her, an aide said,
though she herself seemed at times to make it worse with her lawyerly
caginess under fire."
In an article about Whitewater and the campaign,
Thomas ruminated: "Was she really hiding something? Or was she just
embarassed to be seen having tried to make a fast buck? In 1992, the
Clintons had campaigned against the excesses of the `80s, the
get-rich-quick schemes of the Reagan era. It would hardly do for Mrs.
Clinton, advocate of the rights of poor children, to look like a greedy
Yuppie who tried to use her husband's office to cash in on land deals
and cattle futures. Or maybe Mrs. Clinton really believed what she said:
that her private finances were none of the press's business."
Hearty Heil Kesslers.
Food and Drug Adminstration chief David Kessler's surprise resignation
clearly disappointed his fans at the networks. While conservatives
derided Kessler for an overzealous regulatory overreach in areas like
tobacco and food product regulations, NBC's Robert Hager gave a big
thumbs-up on the November 25 Nightly News: "Kessler was
controversial from the start, loved going after the big guys, set the
tone immediately six years ago by telling Procter & Gamble to get the
word 'fresh' off its frozen orange juice. When the company ignored him,
Kessler began seizing the product...And he was bipartisan too, appointed
by the Republican Bush, kept on by the Democrat Clinton."
Hager aired a soundbite from Newt Gingrich criticizing
Kessler for being too slow in approving drugs but offered no examples of
how Kessler's agency may have overreached. "But all this was prelude to
his landmark decision to go after big tobacco, some of the nation's
wealthiest corporations. Call cigarettes a drug, he said, and regulate
them." Hager oozed Kessler was "leaving history to judge the difference
he may have made in American health."
Hager was not alone in admiring Kessler's cause of
saving Americans from themselves. CNN's Jeff Levine bemoaned Kessler's
loss on The World Today: "When David Kessler was sworn in as
commissioner six years ago, his agency was plagued by scandal and low
morale. Now Kessler says he's quitting after setting the US Food and
Drug Administration on a new course...It was clear from the beginning
that under David Kessler it would not be business as usual. Whether it
was seizing orange juice that didn't live up to its freshness claim or
requiring food to carry labels informing consumers of nutritional
content or pulling silicone gel-filled breast implants off the market
until they could be proven safe, Kessler was not afraid to act when he
thought it was in the public interest."
Neither reporter noted how Kessler seized Fresh Choice
orange juice for being misleading though the cartons were labeled "from
concentrate." Nor did they note how he refused to reverse his ban on
silicone breast implants even after studies proved they were not
Last Digs at Dornan.
The defeat of conservative Rep. Bob Dornan (R-Calif.) by Democrat
Loretta Sanchez generated stories on all the networks portraying the
result as a shocker in the "conservative" 46th District. On the November
13 CBS Evening News, Bob Schieffer reported: "It's a win all
the sweeter for Democrats coming as it does in heavily conservative
Orange County at the expense of Congress's leading Clinton-basher."
On ABC's Good Morning America the next
morning, reporter Carol Lin asserted: "For the last 12 years this
heavily Republican district has been represented by Bob Dornan's
conservative opposition to abortion, communism and gay rights. And his
unrelenting support of the military and bombastic attacks against
President Clinton." On NBC's Today that same morning, co-host
Katie Couric interviewed Sanchez: "As you know your district, which
includes Orange County, is considered a bastion of Republican
conservatism. How do you think a Democrat was able to get elected?"
Couric did note that "the Democrats have steadily been making gains
through the years in your district, isn't that right?" But then she
wondered about a larger message: "You like the message that this sends
out to the rest of the country about Orange County. What kind of message
do you think it sends?"
Only CNN's Bernard Shaw offered a reality check on the
November 14 Inside Politics: "It long has been considered a
bastion of white conservative Republicans, but Census figures show
nearly half of the voters in Dornan's Orange County Congressional
District are Hispanic, a group that leans Democratic." None of the
networks news stories mentions that, far from being the inevitable
product of a conservative district, Bob Dornan defeated an incumbent
Democrat for his seat in 1984.
Gullible Brooks?
"One of the more bizarre episodes of the campaign may have gotten a
little less bizarre today," CNN's Brooks Jackson announced on the
December 6 Inside Politics. A Buddhist nun, who had once told
The Wall Street Journal that the $5,000 she gave at a temple
fundraiser attended by Al Gore had come from a donor who didn't want to
be identified, changed her story. Jackson reported that she told the FEC
"the money was hers all along." Why the initial story? She didn't know
how to handle a call from a reporter "and told what she hoped...was a
harmless lie."
The December 2 Wall Street Journal suggested
another explanation, reporting that after the Journal's story
last summer Democratic lawyer Peter Kelly contacted the nun. She "then
left her temple for a retreat overseas, from which she did not return
until after the election. She now won't talk to reporters, referring all
calls to Mr. Kelly."

Network Computer Game Presents Republicans as
Killers, Drug Dealers, Strip Club Patrons
CNN's Liberal Fantasy Campaign '96
Apparently, the campaign was so boring to the folks at
the CNN Web site they had to make up wild stories to amuse themselves.
"President 96" was an interactive game on the CNN AllPolitics website
that allowed the participant to give advice to "fictional" candidates
after reading fictional news stories.
While the Democratic Party had some skirmishes such as
pro-life Democrats fighting for the soul of their party, they were not
embroiled in ridiculous scandals faced by the ersatz GOP candidates:
nominee Senator Bill Dickey (the Bob Dole character), and runner-up
Robert Libbey (a composite Pat Buchanan/Rush Limbaugh character
described as "the host of the most popular syndicated radio talk show"
who "has literally been the voice of the Republican revolution.") CNN's
fantasy headlines and stories from the campaign trail sometimes echoed
biased themes from their real campaign coverage:
"Gun Lobbyist Arrested for Shooting Death" --
March 6, 1996: "The arrest this week of
gun lobbyist Mary Beaton for the shooting death of a mentally disturbed
man outside her Washington home has proven something of a challenge for
the presidential campaign of Senator William Dickey (R-Iowa), whose
campaign finance chairman is her husband, Robert Beaton."
"When Mrs. Beaton, 36, a senior official of the United
Gun Owners, shot and killed an unarmed teenager, Hector Davis 19, with
an unregistered handgun and deadly, `Black Ripper' bullets, she set off
a controversy that has proven an embarrassment to the Dickey candidacy.
Though a traditional Republican conservative, the Senator has resisted
pressure to endorse some of the UGO's more extreme positions."
"Libbey Named in Drug Investigation" -- May
15, 1996: "Presidential candidate and
right-wing talk show host Robert Libbey has been named as a target in
the Robert Kenyon drug investigation. Kenyon, a local lawyer with
political ties to both parties, key local industries, and the glitterati
of Los Angeles and the Northeast, was arrested last week for the
production and distribution of methamphetamines. Facing the threat of
life in federal prison, Kenyon has reportedly named people he has had
dealings with during his career. Inside sources at the Justice
Department have informed the Daily Dispatch that Libbey's name
was high on Kenyon's list."
"GOP Sued for Race, Sex Discrimination" --
June 5, 1996: "In a suit filed in Federal
District Court in Washington DC, three black and Hispanic female office
workers are charging the Republican National Committee allowed a
`hostile work environment' to be created in their Capitol Hill offices.
The suit alleges several supervisors touched women in a sexual manner
and implied that sexual favors would result in promotions. Repeated
racial, ethnic, and sexual comments were also tolerated by the
"Delegates Approve Hard-line GOP Platform." --
August 13, 1996: "The 1,984 delegates to
the Republican Convention approved a tough, conservative platform last
night, with a solid consensus on every issue but that of U.S. foreign
policy." (It should be noted that the platform was voted on by actual
gameplayers on the Republican campaign "advice" page.)
"Hispanic Protest Turns Ugly; Stuart Fails to
Calm Violent Crowd." -- August 14, 1996:
"A scheduled protest of Mexican-American activists at the protest area
four blocks from the convention center turned into a near-riot when the
crowd marched on the convention center without a permit. Police had to
use tear gas and specially-trained tactical force troops to contain the
growing demonstration, spurred by calls by local leaders yesterday after
Sen. Walter `Runner` Tyler's (R-Ind.) keynote speech to the Republican
convention." Tyler's fictional speech disparaged immigrants and accused
the Democratic Party of treason.
"Despite Stuart, GOP Women feel Forgotten" --
August 16, 1996: "The nomination of Texas
Governor Anne Stuart is being seen as a great victory for Republican
women sort of...`It's great that there's a woman running for Vice
President,' said Jean Van Thorpe, a businesswoman and Nicholas Russell
delegate. `Too bad, her agenda's not more pro-woman.' In many ways,
Stuart personifies the complex, somewhat ambiguous position of women in
the Republican party. While individual Republican women hold positions
of power, the party, as a whole, has favored a conservative agenda that
favors traditional roles for women, and advocates strict pro-life
policies that a majority of American women disagree with.'"
"Minority Delegates Decline from 1992" --
August 16, 1996: "Willie Dalton, a black
California State Senator in San Diego as part of the Democratic party's
truth squad, scoffed at this idea [of a big-tent GOP]. `I'm surprised
brownshirts weren't marching around the Convention Center yelling 'Auslander
Raus' (`foreigner out,' a German slogan used by neo-Nazi
skinheads),' he said."
"Stuart and the Girls Have a Night on the
Town" -- August 16, 1996: "Bill Dickey's
new running mate, Texas Governor Anne Stuart, found a new place to raise
money or at least Cain yesterday night, when she and some of her
female cronies spent the evening at a notorious local male strip
joint...While [a spokesman] categorically denied reports that Stuart
participated in the more outrageous antics at the club, performers
dispute this. `You could hear laughing real hard,' said stripper Mingo
Jackson, 22, who portrays a ranch hand in his routine. `She was really
into it. I could hear her yelling when I took off my cowboy hat. She
also sang along with `The Streets of Laredo.' Another performer, Davey
Smith, 24, said he saw Stuart stuffing bills into Jackson's G-string."
"San Diego: What Really Happened?" -- August
16, 1996 (Editorial): "Two things are
clear after the dust has settled: Bill Dickey goes into the fall
campaign with his moderate base in danger; and the conservatives have
complete control of the candidate selection process in the GOP....The
power of Ivan Palmer and his legions in the Christian Duty Alliance came
as a shock to many moderates, but only because they thought they were
still a force in the party....the GOP platform is closer to a militia
meeting manifesto than to traditional GOP positions."
"Hamilton Takes It!" -- November 6, 1996:
"The Democrats are back in the White
House: that's the big news ....Democratic Vice President Ben Hamilton's
victory was based on the loyalty of the key constituencies of the
Democratic Party in key states...To the surprise of many, it is the
voice representing the liberal alternative that will hold the White
House for the next four years." That result has a more than passing
resemblance to reality.

the Bright Side
Turn Out the Lights
Jacqueline Adams took a rare approach to new EPA rules
on the November 27 CBS Evening News: what do they cost, and
what is the benefit? She focused on a New Hampshire bronze craft
foundry: "Workers fear their jobs are in jeopardy. The new EPA rules
would eliminate the most microscopic particles of dust. And the expense
for this factory could be astronomical."
One worker worried: "I have a baby due in July and if
we get shut down I'm in trouble." Adams explained that to comply with
EPA rules the company has switched "to cleaner electric power, installed
vents and vacuums and spends $800 a year to monitor each employee for
environmental hazards. As of today, all that may not be enough."
"The workers here still don't buy the
environmentalists' claims that without tougher rules, 64,000 Americans
will die prematurely each year from lung disease," Adams noted before
ending: "At least two generations of pourers, and machine operators, and
polishers have made a good living at bronze craft. For all their skill
and dedication, time may not be on their side. The new EPA rules may
force them to turn out the lights, forever."
I Spy Reality
Alger Hiss, the spy who became a poster child for the
liberal elite, died November 15. That night CNN's Tom Watkins called him
a "victim of Cold War paranoia," and NBC's Tom Brokaw declared that Hiss
was innocently "caught up in a spy scandal."
But on their Sunday morning shows, CNN and NBC
corrected those implications of innocence. On the November 24 Late
Edition Bruce Morton concluded: "Well, he was guilty. Any number of
serious reporters investigated then and later and agreed on that. Hiss
was guilty, there was at least one communist spy in the U.S. government.
The witch hunts which followed smeared a lot of innocent people but
there were real spies."
On Meet the Press, Tim Russert explained that
earlier this year the CIA released the "Venona files, translations of
actual intercepts of messages sent from the Soviet embassy in Washington
back to Moscow. One, dated 30 March 1945, talks about the activities of
a high level State Department official turned Soviet agent code named
Ales. His travel schedule matched that of Alger Hiss. At the bottom of
the cable there is a notation by an officer at the National Security
Agency saying Ales was probably Alger Hiss."

Back Page
CNN's Reliably Liberal Media Critics
Pouncing on Powers
CNN created the show Reliable Sources to
critique the news media, but time and again, its panelists gang up on
guests who dare draw attention to bias. The latest victim, on December
8: former Washington Post reporter William Powers, fresh from
his inaugural media critique for The New Republic. CNN regulars
Marty Schram of Scripps Howard, Howard Kurtz of The Washington Post
and moderator Bernard Kalb, formerly of CBS, spent an entire segment
arguing how preposterous they found his thesis.
In his December 16 cover story, Powers showed how "the mainline media
did not focus intense, sustained attention on the stories that could
have been most threatening to the President's chances of re-election."
After detailing how Clinton staffers convinced network producers to not
air some scandal stories, he explained why the White House "outreach"
worked: "Simply put, because Clinton and his people are, to most
journalists, culturally sympathetic. What every conservative press
critic preaches, and almost every reporter denies, is largely true: the
mainstream press is liberal. Most Washington reporters share with the
Clinton aides a language, a value system, a set of buttons. Outrage at,
say, 'partial birth infanticide' is not one of the buttons of this
class. Outrage at 'right-wing abortion activists' is....Liberal bias
flows from principles so deeply held they're mostly unconscious. All of
which means that, had a Republican President been up for re-election
this year, facing the same array of ethical problems Clinton faced, the
scandals would have gotten more ink."
On CNN, Kalb asked Powers: "Would it have required
President Clinton's defeat for you to be prepared to admit that there
was adequate ethical coverage?" Kurtz claimed the press covered the
scandals but the public didn't care. Schram said Powers committed "a
sin" because "I think you had a pre-judgement." Schram insisted "the
press did a heck of a job in breaking all of the information on to
Indogate and all the other stuff. That's why we know about it because of
the media pounding away."

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