Opening with Imbalance
ABC Begins Trial with GOP Labeling
The opening of President
Clinton’s impeachment trial on January 7: a moment in history marked
with solemnity and seriousness by Senators on both sides of the aisle.
But on ABC, a time to tag Republicans with ideological labels, with none
for Democrats.
Linda Douglass began just
before Chief Justice Rehnquist’s swearing in, identifying two groups of
Senators on the floor, one of Republicans and the other of Democrats.
The Republicans: Slade Gorton, Fred Thompson, Connie Mack and "Senator
Santorum of Pennsylvania, very conservative member, one who wants
witnesses." The other group, Douglass informed viewers, included
Senators Tom Daschle, John Breaux, Joseph Lieberman and John Kerry. No
labels for any of them.
Then as Senators each signed
the oath book, Peter Jennings identified Democrats John Kerry, Herbert
Kohl, Ted Kennedy, and Carl Levin, all without labels. He then labeled
two more Republicans, and ignored a liberal: "Senator John McCain here
of Arizona, left-hander. More right than left in his politics and
intending to run for President of the United States. Senator McConnell
of Kentucky, very determined conservative member of the Republican
Party. Senator Mikulski of Maryland. It tells you something about how
often they’re in the news whether they are easily or not easily
Just seconds later: "Senator
Rick Santorum, one of the younger members of the Senate, Republican,
very determined conservative member of the Senate. That’s Senator
Daschle there in the left hand side of your picture. Behind him Senator
Byrd. Senator Sarbanes of Maryland, a long time Democratic Senator just
walking across the picture...."
After not labeling Charles
Schumer, Jennings alerted viewers: "Mr. Smith of New Hampshire, also
another very, very conservative Republican intending to run for the
presidency." Jennings rounded out his identifications with the final
five Senators, three of whom are among the Senate’s most liberal:
"Senator Torricelli of New Jersey that was. Senator Voinovich, Senator
John Warner of Virginia, and the next one up Senator Wellstone from
Minnesota and the last W, having all 100 Senators, in the brown suit
there, Senator Wyden of Oregon." ABC only warned of conservatives in our
midst, not the liberals.

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