Slanted Sample
When the Supreme Court rejected
plans to use statistical sampling instead of just a head count for the
2000 census, ABC’s World News Tonight and Associated Press both
parroted the liberal view and ignored conservative arguments that
sampling is an inaccurate and illegitimate measuring device.
Peter Jennings announced: "The
administration argued that this was the way to account for millions of
Americans who do not get counted in the traditional door-to-door
surveys, millions of voters the Democrats covet."
John Cochran continued with the
doom-and-gloom Democratic Party line, adding that minorities fear the
census takers: "Let’s say you are an African-American in Harlem and you
always feel harassed by the authorities. So when the census takers send
you a form to fill out, you don’t."
The Associated Press likewise
issued a one-sided story lamenting that "The Supreme Court ruled Monday
that the 2000 census cannot use statistical sampling to enhance its
accuracy, a decision making it more likely millions of people will be
left out."
Both ABC and AP left out
opposing viewpoints, including the Southeastern Legal Foundation or
Newsweek’s Robert J. Samuelson, who wrote in the February 8 edition
that "possible population errors are so tiny that the distribution [of
federal funds] would barely change" and that "some experts think that
the sample could reduce accuracy."
Why Children Smile
Sometimes the next best thing to cheering President Clinton on during
his impeachment trial is to prop up one of his small-bore,
photo-opportunity policy initiatives.
On the January 21 "Eye on
America" segment, CBS Evening News reporter Maggie Cooper offered
a textbook example. "Today’s announcement in Washington by President
Clinton to continue funding a program called Troops to Teachers brought
a sigh of relief to educators around the country. But, more importantly,
smiles to the faces of many children." Cooper explained how Clinton
called for an additional $18 million for the program, which provides
military personnel with up to $5,000 for training and certification if
they agree to teach in certain schools for at least five years.
Cooper explained: "The program
was living on borrowed time because funding was running out. But today
President Clinton’s appeal to Congress may give Troops to Teachers a new
lease on life." So why wouldn’t Congress keep funding this program?
Cooper offered viewers no sources besides Clinton. Cooper merely
concluded: "It remains to be seen whether Congress will come up with the
cash to turn military men and women into some of the two million new
teachers this nation will need in the next ten years." Don’t they want
kids to smile?
Sam’s No Skeptic
Sam Donaldson revealed his own bias in covering State of the Union
addresses. Where once he denounced Reagan’s policies while praising his
performance, now Clinton’s stagecraft is all that matters.
On This Week January 24,
Donaldson recalled, "I learned way back in 1981, I learned, Ronald
Reagan. He gave this wonderful speech, this great, accurate — I don’t
disparage him, I mean, it was really moving. But I said on the air,
something to the effect, yes, but the programs here, to cut taxes like
that, we’ll run up huge deficits, they’ll never buy that."
Sam claimed Clinton would also
succeed: "This guy uses television better than, with all due respect,
all five of us put together." He certainly used Sam. After the speech,
Donaldson said nothing about the costs of Clinton’s new proposals: "I
would think the President had done what he wanted to do: show that he
was in command, show that he had new programs and an agenda, and as far
as you saw in the chamber, there was no overt mention or appearance of
his great trial in the Senate."
But on January 22, ABC’s
evening show became the only one to note a study from the National
Taxpayers Union Foundation: "A taxpayer watchdog group says that if all
the initiatives Mr. Clinton proposed were enacted, federal spending
would increase by $288 billion, and create a $100 billion deficit in
just a year."

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