On the Bright Side:
CNN Sets Itself Apart
During the course of the Senate
impeachment trial and coverage of the President’s State of the Union,
CNN viewers heard some conservative angles in its reporting that other
networks have ignored. CNN provided a rare reality check on Bill
Clinton’s State of the Union address and actually labeled the Democratic
position on impeachment as "extreme."
Peter Viles on the January 20
The World Today showed clips of Bill Clinton’s speech and
commented on each. Clinton: "America has created the longest peacetime
economic expansion in history." Viles stated: "No argument there.
December was the 93rd month of this expansion, beating the old record 92
months under Presidents Reagan and Bush but the Reagan recovery was
stronger and the economy grew faster."
On the topic of job creation,
Clinton: "Nearly 18 million new jobs." Viles replied: "17.7 million to
be exact, but less than half a million are full-time manufacturing
jobs." And regarding welfare and the President’s beloved "children,"
Clinton: "The smallest welfare rolls in history." Viles countered:
"Welfare rolls have fallen sharply, 41 percent in five years, to the
lowest level since 1969, but the percentage of children living below the
poverty line is higher now than it was 20 years ago."
On CNN’s January 27 10pm ET
impeachment special, Jeff Greenfield asked Democratic Senator Dick
Durbin, "With the single exception of Senator Feingold, every single
Democrat, by voting to dismiss, had to assume as true every inference
the House managers made. That means that you have said, ‘Even if
President Clinton was at the center of an attempt to buy Monica
Lewinsky’s silence, even if he enlisted Vernon Jordan in that effort,
even if he lied under oath at the grand jury, even if he obstructed
justice, we’re not, we’re going to vote to acquit.’ Isn’t that a rather
extreme statement, saying, ‘We don’t care what witnesses might say,
we’re not going to remove him from office’?" Kudos to Greenfield for
daring to link a Democrat to an extremist view.

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