Sexual Harassment Charges Worse Than
Anita vs. Juanita: The Awful Double Standard
was an unknown woman with a salacious tale of how a man she had
supported turned into a sexual predator. Her tale was old, and she had
no eyewitnesses. But she seemed to have nothing to gain and everything
to lose by coming forward. After many years of silence, her timing
seemed much too late to matter in assessing the man’s suitability for
high office.
That may sound like Juanita
Broaddrick, whose interview with NBC’s Lisa Myers detailing her charge
that Bill Clinton raped her in 1978 finally aired on February 24. But it
is also a fitting description of Anita Hill when she accused Clarence
Thomas of mere sexual harassment in October 1991. The similarities end
there. For Hill quickly became the center of a story threatening
Thomas’s chances for confirmation to the Supreme Court, and within a
week, a feminist heroine. Mrs. Broaddrick suffered a different fate at
the hands of the network morning and evening news shows: near
In 1994, MediaWatch
revealed the vast differential between the networks’ coverage of Anita
Hill’s first five days in the spotlight to those of Paula Jones. In the
first five days of Hill’s charges (October 6-10,1991), the network
evening shows (on ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, and PBS’s NewsHour) aired
67 stories. (If a count began with Jones’ February press conference, the
networks supplied just a single 16-second anchor brief; if the count
began with her sexual harassment lawsuit against Clinton in May, the
number was 15.)
But in the first five days
after Juanita Broaddrick has charged the President with rape in The
Wall Street Journal (February 19-23), the number of evening news
stories was two. That’s a ratio of 67 to 2. Once The Washington Post
added to the Journal account on Saturday, February 20, both CBS
and CNN aired one story. On February 24, the night of the Dateline
interview, PBS’s Jim Lehrer discussed the story as a media controversy
with NewsHour media reporter Terence Smith.
In 1994, MediaWatch
also compared the gap in morning show coverage between Hill and Jones.
From October 7 to 10 (since the Hill-Thomas hearings began on the 11th),
the networks aired 66 news stories and 18 interview segments on Hill in
four days. The morning shows totally ignored Jones in February 1994, but
for the first four mornings after the Jones lawsuit was filed, these
shows aired 14 news stories and 8 interviews (almost all of them on
NBC). But in the Broaddrick story’s first four mornings (February 19 to
22), the coverage was 18 seconds on NBC’s Today and a brief
mention on ABC’s Good Morning America. So, to be generous, call
that 84 to 2.
Two outlets that didn’t exist
when Hill came forward have covered and discussed the Broaddrick charges
in depth: FNC (since early February) and MSNBC (since Dateline’s
interview was announced). All the Sunday morning shows except Fox
News Sunday ignored Broaddrick on February 21. But on the 28th, only
CBS’s Face the Nation tried to pretend it didn’t exist. For a
complete picture of the major media’s reluctance, let’s review them one
by one for February 19-28:
ABC. World News Tonight has reported nothing. Nightline
has done nothing. Good Morning America aired a brief mention from
Charles Gibson on the 19th and two questions to Clinton flack Paul
Begala on March 1. Meanwhile, carried a long story dated the
25th by Josh Fine noting "ABC News also has had a series of
conversations, many of which were off the record or on deep background,
with the retired nursing home operator. She has now permitted us to put
those statements on the record." On the February 28 This Week,
Sam Donaldson and Cokie Roberts asked guests about Broaddrick, and
argued with George Stephanopoulos that Clinton should be asked for more
CBS. On Saturday the 20th, CBS Evenng News showed a 1:51
story by anchor John Roberts. CBS This Morning aired nothing.
Face the Nation asked nothing about it.
CNN. The World Today featured three pieces. On the 20th,
Bob Franken filed a three-minute-plus report. On the 26th CNN's Bruce
Morton checked the debate over feminist reaction. Two days later Gene
Randall looked at calls for Clinton to address the charge. While they
aired 20 segments on Hillary’s Senate bid, Inside Politics has
aired just four Broaddrick segments: part of a Howard Kurtz interview on
the 25th; a Bruce Morton report and an interview with feminist Eleanor
Smeal and conservative Betsy Hart on the 26th; and a March 1 segment on
CNN’s Broaddrick poll with pollsters from both parties.
NBC. NBC Nightly News did not touch its own network’s scoop,
despite promoting ABC’s Monica Lewinsky interview in two stories on
March 2. Today aired only a brief until the Myers interview. The
morning after the interview, it carried a report by Claire Shipman and a
Katie Couric interview with Clinton ally Alan Dershowitz and Dorothy
Rabinowitz, who wrote the Wall Street Journal story. On the 26th,
Matt Lauer asked NOW’s Patricia Ireland tough questions, including
whether she’d ask Clinton to resign, since that’s what she demanded of
Sen. Bob Packwood. On the 28th, most of Meet the Press focused
the Broaddrick story.
PBS and NPR. The NewsHour has only aired one Terence Smith
discussion with Jim Lehrer. While NPR’s Nina Totenberg broke Anita
Hill’s unproven charges into the mainstream press, NPR broadcast only
one report on Morning Edition on the 25th, the day after the NBC
interview. All Things Considered (and Totenberg) have not filed
reports. (The New York newspaper Newsday, which joined NPR in
breaking the Hill story, has likewise printed only one news story.)
Time. Adam Cohen wrote a one-page article in the March 1 issue
(the same week "Senator Hillary" got nine), noting the "vociferously
conservative" Wall Street Journal editorial page printed it
first, and argued "the story seems unlikely to have much traction."
Newsweek. While Hillary drew nine pages in the March 1 edition,
the only mention of Broaddrick was in the snippy "Conventional Wisdom
Watch" feature, which declared: "Should have leveled (unproven) assault
charge in ‘78, or ‘92. But sounds like our guy." On March 8, the only
coverage was a one-page Jonathan Alter piece dismissing everyone
associated with the charges with the headline "Disgraceful All Around."
U.S. News & World Report. The March 1 edition had nothing, but
the March 8 edition carried a story by Angie Cannon and Marianne Lavelle
noting it "had all the makings of a bombshell," but "the nation’s
response [was] deafening silence...even GOP attack dogs bit their
tongues." They quoted feminist Eleanor Smeal saying it "isn’t provable"
and "People have had it."
The Los Angeles Times. Other than a brief wire report on the
21st, they offered only one news report, a media navel-gazer by Josh
Getlin and Elizabeth Jensen, with the subheadline "Whether a woman’s
allegation of sexual assault by Clinton in 1978 is true is secondary to
competitive pressure." In the story, Times national editor Scott
Kraft sniffed Broaddrick can "almost certainly not be proved or
disproved today." In addition, TV writer Shauna Snow wrote up several
notes about the Dateline interview and its ratings.
The New York Times. The newspaper that published Kitty Kelley’s
allegations about Nancy Reagan’s sex life on page one also touched the
Broaddrick story as a media critique, lamenting that "smaller outlets on
the Internet and cable television" are "overwhelming the slower and more
sober judgments of mainstream news organizations." The Times
followed up with a short mention from White House reporter James Bennet
and a few TV articles from reporter Lawrie Mifflin.
The Washington Post did more on the story, from two stories on
the 20th, to several full-length stories on the media debate by Howard
Kurtz. White House reporters mentioned the story in passing.
The February 28 Post
carried a commentary by former reporters Tom Rosenstiel and Bill Kovach
ahistorically charging, "We are moving toward a journalism of assertion
rather than a journalism of verification, and the cost for society is
high." But it wasn’t demonized cable news channels or the Internet which
broadcast Anita Hill’s charges without verification. "Clinton’s fitness
for office is beyond the scope of reporters to decide," they wrote. Tell
that to Clarence Thomas.

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