Brokaw Still Ducking Juanita
NBC Nightly News Promoted Monica
NBC Nightly News never
aired footage of their own exclusive Dateline interview with
Juanita Broaddrick conducted by Lisa Myers, but did find the time to
promote a competing network’s interview with Monica Lewinsky, as well as
their own exclusive with her parents.
Despite Myers, a Nightly
News regular, obtaining an exclusive interview with the woman
accusing the President of raping her in 1978, anchor Tom Brokaw never
showed a frame of Broaddrick, nor ever told his viewers what she
alleged. The night the interview aired, February 24, Brokaw ended his
show by vaguely referring to how Dateline would feature "an
exclusive interview with the woman known as Jane Doe No. 5, Juanita
Broaddrick. Her controversial accusations about President Clinton.
Dateline tonight at 8, 7 central."
Yet on March 2, Nightly News
aired not one, but two stories plugging ABC’s exclusive with Lewinsky
landed by Barbara Walters. Brokaw set up the back-to-back pieces: "NBC
News In Depth tonight. Speaking out. Monica Lewinsky in her own words.
For more than a year now we’ve heard her on audio tapes and in
depositions on videotape, but now Monica Lewinsky is telling her version
of a story that’s been reported, dissected and debated around the world.
First installment: the airing of an interview on ABC with Barbara
Walters. The details began to leak out tonight and we begin our In Depth
reporting now with NBC’s White House correspondent David Bloom."
After the Bloom piece came a
story by Bob Faw in which the camera zoomed in on a full page newspaper
ad taken out by ABC News for 20/20. Faw observed: "Hype, too, for
that Barbara Walters interview tomorrow night. ABC, which isn’t paying
Lewinsky, reportedly hoped to charge $800,000 a commercial, five times
the going rate, a $35 million windfall." As he spoke, viewers saw the ad
with a big head shot of Monica and could read the ad copy as the camera
panned down: "Monica. The Barbara Walters Interview. Special time 9/8c.
20/20." But Faw wasn’t done yet selling the ABC interview, he then
played a clip of Walters from MSNBC’s Imus in the Morning program
claiming, "There is yes, there is one revelation, there is one thing
that she has never said before."
An NBC exclusive interview
Brokaw was not ashamed of was Katie Couric’s Today show segment
with Bernard and Barbara Lewinsky. On the March 9 Nightly News
Brokaw aired a two-minute excerpt from Monica’s father and stepmother.

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