On the Bright Side:
FNC Shows the Flow
Four days after the Los
Angeles Times revealed Johnny Chung told a grand jury how the head
of China’s military intelligence unit gave him $300,000 to donate to the
DNC, the Fox News Channel’s Carl Cameron was the first and only
television reporter to outline the money flow to show how cash traveled
from communist front companies to the Democrats. He also uncovered how
Al Gore met with the head of one of the front companies.
In a piece run on the April 8
Fox Report and Special Report with Brit Hume, Cameron
revealed: "China’s military intelligence official most likely to be
interested in stealing U.S. secrets, sources say, also turns out to be
the mastermind behind China’s alleged plot to get the Clinton-Gore team
re-elected in 1996 with illegal contributions."
Cameron then explained the
money path: "At the beginning of a complicated money trail is the head
of Chinese military intelligence, General Ji. He pulls the strings at a
massive Chinese conglomerate called China Resources Company. U.S.
intelligence say some China Resources divisions in Hong Kong and
worldwide are known fronts for China’s Peoples Liberation Army and
espionage. China Resources has joint ventures with an Indonesian-based
firm called the Lippo Group. Lippo is run by the ethnic Chinese Riady
family. James Riady has visited the White House. His family has long
supported the Clintons. The Riady family’s chief adviser on U.S.
political donations: John Huang. Huang left Lippo for a Commerce
Department job, then became a fundraiser, where mostly through
connections to the Riady’s, he collected nearly $2 million in illegal
foreign contributions for the Democratic Party. Thus completes what
investigators say was the Chinese military’s circuitous route to funnel
money to the President’s re-election effort."
During Cameron’s exposition of
how the money flowed, FNC offered an on-screen graphic showing the
stream of money with arrows between each name going down the screen:
General Ji => China Resources => Lippo
Group => Riady Family => John Huang
=> Democratic Party.
Cameron noted Al Gore "has been
connected too...On September 23rd, 1993, Huang and Riady came to the
White House to meet Gore and introduce...[the] head of Beijing’s alleged
espionage front, China Resources Company."

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