Feb 26, 2007
(Vol. Twenty; No. 5)
Trumpeting the Tears of a
Tyrant |
Co-host Diane Sawyer: "A number of
people have already said, 'Is there anything surprising, personal about
[Iranian] President [Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad that we didn't know?' Well, it
turns out, someone told me he cries a lot. That he is dramatically
sentimental and sympathetic if someone comes up and expresses a personal
plight. So I just asked him, are you often in tears?"
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: "Yes, that's true. Not only for Iranians, of
course, they are very close to me and I love all Iranians. And anywhere,
when I see people suffering, I have the same reaction....Even when I see on
TV that, for example, some Americans, because of tornadoes or a hurricane,
they have lost their homes, I become sad."
- ABC's Good Morning America, February 13.
Iran No Worse than America |
"A war of words, Wolf, heating up between the United States and Iran. U.S.
officials yesterday showing off what they call a growing body of evidence that
Iranian weapons are being used to kill coalition soldiers in Iraq. They say
that Iran is making the violence worse there by providing Shiite groups with
technology, money, and training.... Reminiscent, Wolf, of the war in
Afghanistan, when Russia invaded. It seems to me we were, the United States
was supplying weapons and intelligence and things like that to the Afghan
rebels....So, that was okay but it's not okay if Iran - I'm, I'm confused,

- CNN's Jack Cafferty, The Situation Room, February 12.
Not Surrendering Fast
Enough |
"If they [Democrats] can't pass a kind of
symbolic vote, how do they ever have the strength to do something more
serious?... Put yourself in the position of Joe and Mary Smith living
somewhere across this country right now and you've watched these politicians
for more than a month talk about passing a symbolic vote. Does it amount to
little more than them ringing someone's door bell and running away?"
- NBC's Matt Lauer to Washington bureau chief Tim Russert on the February
19 Today.
Money "Poured Down the
Hole" |
Co-anchor Jim Clancy: "Do you have any
idea at all how much money in U.S. taxes have poured down the hole, so to
speak, in Iraq?..."
Tom Foreman: "How much money has been spent on Iraq? The Priorities
Project estimates enough to hire more than six million teachers, enough to
build more than 700 new elementary schools in each state. Eight million
police officers could be hired, or six million cargo inspectors for ports.
Or, we figure, every American driver could get free gasoline for a
year....In the time it took you to watch this story, Iraq cost America
almost a half million dollars more."
- CNN's Your World Today, February 6.
Al Gore, Global Warming
Prophet |
"Former Vice President Al Gore and Virgin
Group Chairman Richard Branson....announced here in London today that they
are teaming up to save the planet, offering a $25 million prize to fight
global warming....[to Branson] You've only known each other about a year or
so as I understand it. Is Al Gore a prophet?"
- CBS's Harry Smith on The Early Show, February 9.
CBS's Selective Poll
Reporting |
"Tomorrow the House will begin a three-day
debate on a non-binding, symbolic resolution stating its disapproval of
President Bush's Iraq troop build up. But our new CBS News poll shows a
majority of Americans wants Congress to go even further. A total of 53
percent say Congress ought to block funding for additional troops or for the
war entirely."
- CBS's Katie Couric on the February 12 Evening News.
"When it comes to what Congress ought to do about the war in Iraq, the
public remains divided, much as it was last month....44% would like to see
Congress pass a non-binding resolution against sending additional troops to
Iraq. Nearly the same percentage - 45% - oppose the resolution."
- CBSNews.com report on the same poll, February 12.
Don't Expect Hardballs from
Chris |
"On behalf of our producers here and everybody
that works at MSNBC, we would like a lot to have your candidate, Barack
Obama....on a town meeting with college students at some college, perhaps,
of his choice....It's a great platform for a guy who, clearly, according to
my kids, and maybe me, too, the kid in me, appeals to the youth of America
and the young at heart. There's no doubt what you say is true. He does draw
on something deeply good about this country. And we will have to see whether
he can really deliver."
- Host Chris Matthews to Obama campaign aide David Axelrod on MSNBC's
Hardball, February 19.
Sorry Hillary, Bush Is the
Worst |
"A year ago I criticized Hillary Clinton for
saying 'this (Bush) administration will go down in history as one of the
worst.' 'She's wrong,' I wrote. Then I rated these five presidents, in this
order, as the worst: Andrew Jackson, James Buchanan, Ulysses Grant, Hoover
and Richard Nixon. 'It's very unlikely Bush can crack that list,' I added. I
was wrong. This is my mea culpa. Not only has Bush cracked that list, but he
is planted firmly at the top. The Iraq war, of course, has become Bush's
albatross....Bush admitting his many mistakes on Iraq and ending that fiasco
might make many of us forgive, even though we can never forget the terrible
toll in lives and dollars."
- USA Today founder Al Neuharth in a February 16 column.
Prefers Suicide to Rosie
O'Donnell |
Host Michael Eisner: "How would you
have done it if you had been in that same position [as co-host of ABC's
The View] and Rosie O'Donnell just came in to replace Star Jones. Could
you control her?"
NBC Today co-host Meredith Vieira, laughing: "I was gonna say
I would have gone out into the alley with a gun and done away with me. I
mean, again, extremely strong-minded, very opinionated person, and that's
what the show is about. But it's hard to rein people in."
- CNBC's Conversations with Michael Eisner, February 14.

Brent Bozell III
EDITORS: Brent H. Baker, Rich Noyes, Tim Graham
MEDIA ANALYSTS: Geoffrey Dickens, Brad Wilmouth, Mike Rule,
Scott Whitlock and Justin McCarthy
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