June 4, 2007
(Vol. Twenty; No. 12)
Gushing Over "Gore 2.0" |
Anchor Katie Couric: "He was once called
'Mr. Stiff.' Now he's known as 'The Goreacle,' the new Al Gore....Sharyn
Alfonsi reports on Gore 2.0."
Reporter Sharyn Alfonsi: "He spread the word about global warming, and
now is changing the political climate. In some polls, Gore is third for the
Democratic nomination, and he's not even a candidate. And he's come out with
another book: The Assault on Reason....knocking the media with one arm
and the Bush administration with the other.... The guy who was once the punch
line now seems to be in on the joke. He's just not in the race, at least not
- CBS Evening News, May 25.

"Al Gore - the improbably charismatic, Academy Award-winning, Nobel
Prize-nominated environmental prophet with an army of followers and huge
reserves of political and cultural capital at his command....[Losing the 2000
election] changed Gore for the better. He dedicated himself to a larger cause,
doing everything in his power to sound the alarm about the climate crisis, and
that decision helped transform the way Americans think about global warming
and carried Gore to a new state of grace....No wonder friends, party elders,
moneymen and green leaders are still trying to talk him into running."
- Time's Eric Pooley in his May 28 cover story, "The Last Temptation
of Al Gore."
Gore Hit on Bush Not
"Partisan"? |
"For all its sharply voiced opinions, The
Assault on Reason turns out to be less a partisan, election-cycle
harangue than a fiercely argued brief about the current Bush White House
that is grounded in copiously footnoted citations from newspaper articles,
Congressional testimony and commission reports - a brief that is as powerful
in making its points about the implications of this administration's
policies as the author's 2006 book, An Inconvenient Truth, was in
making its points about the fallout of global warming."
- New York Times critic Michiko Kakutani reviewing Al Gore's new
anti-Bush book, May 22.
Daydreaming of President
Hillary |
Stephanopoulos: "Everyone remembers that picture, seeing you up at the
podium, first female Speaker of the House. Do you ever think what it would
be like to be standing at that podium as the first female President of the
United States comes up to give the State of the Union?"
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: "Wouldn't that be exciting to have the
woman as the President and a woman as the Speaker of the House?"
- ABC's This Week, May 20.
Surrendering to Dictator
Bush |
Democratic leadership has agreed to finance the deaths of Americans in a war
that has only reduced the security of Americans. The Democratic leadership
has given Mr. Bush all that he wanted....That's what this is for the
Democrats, isn't it? Their 'Neville Chamberlain moment' before the Second
World War. All that's missing is the landing at the airport, with the
blinkered leader waving a piece of paper which he naively thought would
guarantee 'peace in our time,' but which his opponent would ignore with
deceit. The Democrats have merely streamlined the process. Their piece of
paper already says Mr. Bush can ignore it with impunity."
- Keith Olbermann in a "Special Comment" on MSNBC's Countdown, May
AP Slams Vets as Perverts |
"Study: Imprisoned military veterans more
likely to have sex crime convictions than nonvets"
- Headline of a May 20 Associated Press story by Matt Apuzzo, reporting
on a Bureau of Justice Statistics study.vs.
"Male veterans less than half as likely as male non-veterans to be in
prison in 2004"
- Headline of the April 29 Bureau of Justice Statistics press release
announcing the same study.
Example of Liberal
Compassion |
"When doctors pronounced the Rev. Jerry Laymon
Falwell Sr. dead at 12:40 p.m. EST Tuesday....my first thoughts were not of
what to say or write. In fact, my very first thought upon hearing of the
Rev. Falwell's passing was: Good. And I didn't mean 'good' in a
oh-good-he's- gone-home-to-be-with-the-Lord kind of way. I meant 'good' as
in 'Ding-dong, the witch is dead.'"
-0 Chicago Sun-Times columnist Cathleen Falsani in her May 18
piece, "Sigh of relief over Falwell death."
Not on Charlie's Newscast |
word arrived Tuesday afternoon that Jerry Falwell had suffered a fatal heart
attack, Charlie Gibson was determined not to lead his newscast with the
preacher's death. 'It lends importance to a figure whose legacy contained a
lot of positives and a lot of negatives,' says the ABC anchor."
- As reported by Washington Post media writer Howard Kurtz, May
17. Both CBS and NBC led their evening newscasts with word of Falwell's
Al Franken, "Harvard Smart" |
Jamie Gangel: "What some people may not know, [Democratic Senate
candidate Al] Franken is smart, Harvard smart. A math whiz who aced the SATs
and, it turns out, not bad at geography, either."
Al Franken, doodling: "It's a circus trick. I can draw all 48
contiguous states from memory in about two minutes."
Gangel: "But Franken knows in the end he'll need substance to win
over Minnesota voters....A lot of people think Franken can win this race.
Co-host Meredith Vieira: "He's definitely smart enough."
- NBC's Today, May 29.
Slamming Rush's "Minstrel
Show" |
Lauer: "He [Rush Limbaugh] makes a living poking fun at Democrats but
now some think he has gone a little too far in taking on Senator Barack
Reporter Michael Okwu: "Weeks before the Imus controversy, Rush
Limbaugh started airing this ditty about Senator Barack Obama:"
Song parody: "Barack the Magic Negro lives in D.C."
Okwu: "Which lead some to wonder, has Limbaugh been getting a free
Paul Waldman, Media Matters for America: "This is basically the radio
equivalent of a black-faced, minstrel show. You're going back to Amos and
Andy and all of those, kind of, racist shows in the past."
Okwu: "For his part, Obama says he doesn't listen to Limbaugh but
says being targeted is part of being a politician....Legitimate political
satire or something darker?"
- NBC's Today, May 21. Limbaugh's parody was inspired by a black
writer who used the term in a March 19 Los Angeles Times op-ed, "Obama
the Magic Negro."
Rosie: We're the Real
Terrorists |
"I just want to say something. 655,000 Iraqi
civilians are dead. Who are the terrorists?...If you were in Iraq, and the
other country, the United States, the richest in the world, invaded your
country and killed 655,000 of your citizens, what would you call us?"
- Rosie O'Donnell on ABC's The View, May 17.

Rosie O'Donnell: "It's interesting that the network you support takes
such joy in twisting my words and distorting them. I do not think our American
troops are terrorists...."
Elisabeth Hasselbeck: "But when you pose that question, what is the
answer? Who are the terrorists?"
O'Donnell: "...I didn't say it. You know who said it? Those crappy
cable shows said it. The ones Elisabeth watches. Those shows."
- Exchange on ABC's The View, May 21. |

Brent Bozell III
EDITORS: Brent H. Baker, Rich Noyes, Tim Graham
MEDIA ANALYSTS: Geoffrey Dickens, Brad Wilmouth, Scott
Whitlock, Justin McCarthy, Matthew Balan and Brendan Jones
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