on Their Own Petard
York Post |
As printed
in the December 31, 2002 Edition |
editorial in the New
York Post
December 31, 2002 -- For 15 years, the
Media Research Center has been compiling its list of "notable quotables." The quotes come from prominent members of the mainstream news media and provide a clear window into the leftist mindset that pervades most of America's large news organizations. At the end of the year, the center - helped by a
panel of judges - chooses the
examples. Once again, this year's crop tellingly reveals the media's perennial contempt for all things conservative. Actually, the winners more or less explain themselves. (The full set of winners and finalists can be found at the center's Web site, mrc.org.) Happy New Year!
Media Hero Award
"For Castro, freedom starts with education. And if literacy alone were the yardstick, Cuba would rank as one of the freest nations on Earth. The literacy rate is 96 percent." -- Barbara Walters, narrating her interview with Fidel Castro on ABC's 20/20
Fourth Reich Award
"If we'd really been watching and paying attention, we could have headed off 9/11. But the German prosecutorial system was pretty laid back and didn't want to be John Ashcroft, you know, they didn't want to be the SS, they had that worry there, no Gestapos. And so it was a great place for terrorists to operate." -- Newsweek Ass't Managing Editor Evan Thomas on "Inside Washington," referring to German surveillance of an al Qaeda group before 9/11
Give Appeasement a Chance Award
"Bush seems to be following the advice of Bill Kristol, the arch-neoconservative who has been using his Weekly Standard magazine to chide Bush for being too soft on Saddam Hussein. . . . Kristol, suspected of playing puppeteer to a number of hawkish officials in the Bush Pentagon and National Security Council, appears to have added the marionette-in-chief to his act."
-- Washington Post reporter Dana Milbank, in his White House Notebook column
Begala-Carville Award for Bush-Bashing
"I think these guys are bought and paid by Big Oil in America, and they are going to do nothing that will in any way go against the demands and interests of the big oil companies. I mean, let's face it. ExxonMobil - I think this is a real group of bad guys, considering that they have funded all the anti-global-warming propaganda out there in the world. And Bush is just not going to go against guys like that. They are bad, bad guys - because of what they are doing in fighting the science of global warming." -- New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, interviewed in Rolling Stone
Ashamed of the Red, White & Blue Award
Phil Donahue: "Let me tell you what is impressive. You're not wearing a flag. Well, I don't want to damn you with my praise, but I say hip-hip-hooray for that . . .
Tom Brokaw: "Right. . . . I wear a flag in my heart, but I think if you wear a flag, it's a suggestion somehow that you're endorsing what the administration is doing at the time. And I don't think journalists ought to be wearing flags."
Donahue: "And I say hear, hear, hear." -- exchange on MSNBC's "Donahue"
Mount St. Helen (Thomas) Award
"I censored myself for 50 years. . . . Now I wake up and ask myself, 'Who do I hate today?' . . . Bush's policy of pre-emptive war is immoral - such a policy would legitimize Pearl Harbor. It's as if they learned none of the lessons from Vietnam. . . . Where is the outrage?" -- Hearst columnist Helen Thomas, dean of White House reporters, speaking at MIT
Politics of Meaninglessness Award
"Seven years ago, when the last referendum took place, Saddam Hussein won 99.96 percent of the vote. Of course, it is impossible to say whether that's a true measure of the Iraqi people's feelings." -- ABC's David Wright on "World News Tonight "
the entire editorial online

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