Damn Those Conservatives Award
“I’m just saying if he did die, other people, more people would live.
That’s a fact.”
— Host Bill Maher on his HBO show Real Time, March 2,
discussing how a few commenters at a left-wing blog were upset that an
attempt to kill Vice President Cheney in Afghanistan had failed. [91
“When doctors pronounced the Rev. Jerry Laymon Falwell Sr. dead at 12:40
p.m. EST Tuesday....my first thoughts were not of what to say or write.
In fact, my very first thought upon hearing of the Rev. Falwell’s
passing was: Good. And I didn’t mean ‘good’ in a
oh-good-he’s-gone-home-to-be-with-the-Lord kind of way. I meant ‘good’
as in ‘Ding-dong, the witch is dead.’”
— Chicago Sun-Times columnist Cathleen Falsani in her May 18
piece, “Sigh of relief over Falwell death.” [61]
“This is going to result in racial profiling. If, in her America, in
Michelle’s America, when you look, ‘Is that Hispanic guy an illegal or
is he legal?’ It reminds me so much of when they used to pull down the
pants of Jews to see if they were circumcised or not. It is, it is so,
so pathetic. It’s so un-American....I want you to know, ladies and
gentlemen, that what they are doing is using the police force of the
United States to break up families and sow horror and pain.”
— Geraldo Rivera rejecting columnist Michelle Malkin’s argument that
citizens should report illegal immigrants to the authorities, FNC’s
The O’Reilly Factor, June 8. [46]
“The GOP campaigns as the party of family values and Senator Craig’s
bathroom bust underscores the hypocrisy....There is former Republican
Congressman Mark Foley, who built his social life on male pages;
conservative pastor Ted Haggard, who had trysts with a male prostitute;
Republican Senator David Vitter, who campaigned as a family man but
later acknowledged encounters with a woman who police described as a
prostitute. It all adds moral insult to the injuries being suffered
today by the victims of Hurricane Katrina.”
— MSNBC reporter David Shuster on Hardball, August 29. [28]
“My take: If Karl Rove had been a professional wrestler, they might have
called him ‘the Constitutional Crippler.’... He may be one of the great
political operatives of all time, but from a lawyer’s perspective, as
someone who studied the Constitution, relishes the rule of law,
appreciates our courts, I will not shed a tear at his farewell bash.”
— MSNBC General Manager Dan Abrams on MSNBC’s Live with Dan Abrams,
August 13. [17]