November 5
Better Off Red?
years ago the Berlin Wall fell, tearing down the Iron Curtain that had
sliced Europe in half since the end of World War II. Yet before, during
and after those momentous events two decades ago, many in the liberal
media continuously whitewashed the true nature of communism, or
suggested free-market capitalism was somehow worse. The record compiled
over 22 years by the Media Research Center demonstrates how some liberal
journalists utterly failed to accurately depict communism as one of the
worst evils of the 20th century, and often aimed their fire at those who
were fighting communism rather than those who were perpetuating it.
October 14
A Rush To Ruin
Almost from the beginning of his nationally
syndicated radio show in 1988, Rush Limbaugh has exposed the worst in
journalists who are supposed to honor fairness and accuracy. Even today,
with Obama and the Democrats numerically dominating Washington, the
leftist media portray Limbaugh not as a commentator, but as a clear and
present danger who must be curtailed.
May 15
Cheerleaders for the Revolution
The media applauded Barack Obama's first 100 days as President, but how well did
journalists perform? A Media Research Center study of ABC, CBS and NBC coverage
of Obama's first 100 days finds the networks lavished good press on every
major initiative of the early Obama administration, including the massive
stimulus package, all of the various bailouts, health care, stem cells, the
environment and foreign policy. They never investigated whether Obama was
leading America towards socialism and never even once labled his huge government
agenda "liberal."
August 20
Obama's Margin of Victory: The Media
Democratic contest between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton was the closest
nomination in a generation. But Obama had a crucial advantage over his rivals
this year: the support of the national media, especially the three broadcast
networks. A new study by the Media Research Center documents how at every step
of his national political career, network reporters showered the Illinois
Senator with glowing media coverage, building him up as a political celebrity
and exhibiting little interest in investigating his past associations or
exploring the controversies that could have threatened his campaign.
August 8
Editing Reverend Wright’s Wrongs
greatest struggle in the primaries was the controversy over his long-time
minister Jeremiah Wright and his noxious recorded sermons suggesting America
deserved 9/11 and AIDS was a U.S. government conspiracy. But ABC, CBS, and NBC's
coverage protected the candidate by showing little of Wright's radical rhetoric
and allowng liberal guests to dominate the discussion.
November 1
No Fairness Doctrine for PBS
Democrats want to revive a federal "Fairness Doctrine" which would require
private broadcasters to comply with notions of balancing out each station’s daily schedule
of news, talk, and public-affairs programming. These same Democrats have been highly offended
at the idea that anyone outside or inside taxpayer-funded broadcasting would monitor PBS content
for fairness or balance. Just as 2007 has been a year of a "surge" of troops in Iraq, it’s also
been a year of "surging" activism within PBS.
September 12
Huffington’s House of
When Arianna Huffington founded The Huffington Post in 2005, she
opened her new Internet venture with a pledge, as quoted by Newsweek: “If
you’re looking for the usual flame-throwing, name-calling, and simplistic attack
dog rhetoric....don’t bother coming to The Huffington Post.” An MRC content
analysis amply demonstrates that this celebrity-stuffed leftist blog specializes
in hate speech and vicious, profane attacks against conservatives and an
ignorant American public.
August 29
Rise and Shine on Democrats
ABC, CBS and NBC morning news shows are dramatically tilting their
presidential campaign coverage in favor of the Democrats, a new MRC study
has found. The TV morning shows have offered nearly twice as much coverage to
the Democrats (55% of all campaign segments) as Republicans (29%), and doled out
nearly three times more interview airtime to Democrats than Republicans. Network
reporters used a mostly liberal agenda when questioning candidates from both
parties, a distinct favor to the
February 7
Fidel's Flatterers
47 years, Cuban dictator Fidel Castro has never allowed free elections and he
has dealt brutally with Cubans who dare oppose him -- execution, imprisonment or
exile. Yet liberals in the U.S. media remain enchanted with Castro and his
communist revolution, treating the dictator more as a charming celebrity than an
oppressive tyrant. The Media Research Center has compiled some of the choicest
examples of the liberal media's infatuation with Castro from the last 20 years,
many accompanied by video and audio clips.
December 19
The Iraq War on Cable TV
new MRC study comparing the Fox News Channel's coverage of the war in Iraq
with that of CNN and MSNBC finds that Fox had the most balanced approach
while its competitors emphasized a bad news agenda. CNN, in particular,
went out of its way to emphasize alleged U.S. misdeeds like the killing of
civilians in Haditha while providing less airtime to U.S. achievements
like the killing of terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
September 8
Media vs. The War on Terror
the five years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000
Americans, ABC, CBS and NBC have tilted their coverage of anti-terrorism
efforts in favor of critics like the American Civil Liberties Union who
claim the U.S. government has been too heavy-handed. In their coverage of
the USA Patriot Act, the Guantanamo Bay prison for captured terrorists, or
the NSA terrorist surveillance program, most broadcast news stories have
portrayed our government's policies as dangerous, abusive or illegal.
August 29
the Real Katie Couric
September 5, Katie Couric finally takes the helm of the CBS Evening
News, a program tainted by decades of Dan Rather's liberal bias. But a
review of Couric's 15 years as co-host of NBC's Today finds that
she brings her own liberal baggage, and she seems unlikely to challenge
the biased approach that has eroded the credibility of CBS News and the
rest of the media elite.
August 28
Election In The Streets: How The Broadcast Networks Promote Illegal
new MRC analysis of ABC, CBS and NBC evening news coverage finds the TV
networks have skewed coverage of illegal immigration to celebrate illegal
aliens and protests on their behalf, even as advocates of secure borders
were portrayed as "harsh" and "hard line." This spin defies polls showing
upwards of 90 percent of Americans view illegal immigration as a serious
May 23
Trashing of the Christ
coverage of religion stories is often scarce, but the church-bashing film
The DaVinci Code was a publicity phenomenon, a bigger event than The
Passion of the Christ in 2004. In their overt promotion of the film (and
the fad) and its Christianity-curdling content, the networks (especially
NBC) often displayed how 'intrigued' they were to imagine Jesus as just
another man with wife and a child -- a much different approach than their
hostility to the orthodox Christian vision of The Passion.
October 14
Bad News Brigade
exhaustive study of broadcast news coverage shows that ABC, CBS and NBC
have been overwhelmingly negative in their portrayal of the Iraq war.
Media Research Center analysts found that more than half of all of this
year's war stories (61%) focused on pessimistic topics, four times as many
as discussed the progress being made by U.S. forces or Iraqi leaders (just
15%). The networks made terrorist attacks the centerpiece of their Iraq
coverage, while few stories focused on the bravery or accomplishments of
U.S. soldiers.
June 23
Public Broadcasting: Your Taxes Fund Liberal Bias
is currently airing taxpayer-funded TV commercials to lobby Congress
against trimming the budget of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
How have PBS and NPR displayed a liberal tilt over the years? How have
they dealt with challenges to their taxpayer funding? Take a look at MRC's
archive of articles for examples
April 14
The Life of Pope John Paul: Shepherd of Souls or Antiquated Authoritarian?
major media presented largely positive coverage of the death and funeral
of Pope John Paul II. However, during his pontificate (1978-2005), the
Pope usually received positive or negative news coverage dependent upon
which side of the political fence he stood. On unchangeable Church
teachings, for instance, the media frequently vilified the Pope. As the
evidence shows, the media want to define holiness down and instruct the
Pope on how to run the Catholic church.
March 28
on TV News: Secular Orthodoxy Still Reigns
the network news divisions lost their recently increased taste for
religious news topics? Religion coverage is down, but not as much as might
have been expected. One major reason was Pope John Paul's two hospital
trips in February. Unfortunately, once again, network TV coverage
continues to explore religious issues through secular and political
lenses, skeptical of religion's place in America. One example is the
media's reaction to some Catholic bishops challenging John Kerry's
suitability for the sacraments. TV reporters put the squeeze on church
leaders, not Kerry.
October 28
The Ten Worst Media Distortions of Campaign 2004
September 29
Dan Rather
in Crisis
September 15
Media vs.
Swift Vets
September 3
July 30
June 30
Liberal Media: Every Poll Shows Journalists Are More Liberal than the American Public — And the Public Knows It
June 14
Ronald Reagan: Overcoming a Fierce First Draft of History
April 6
Religion on TV News: More Content, Less Context
January 22
Liberal, Still Biased
April 23
Grading TV's War
March 18
Peter's Peace Platoon:
ABC's Crusade Against “Arrogant” American Power
September 19
A Summer of Skewed News: The Liberal Tilt
in TV’s Economic Reporting
May 9
Megaphone for a
Dictator: CNN's Coverage of Castro's Cuba, 1997-2002
May 7
Clamoring for Kyoto: The Networks’ One-Sided Coverage of Global Warming
April 11
Liberal Spin Prevails: How CBS Led the Networks’ Charge Against the Bush Tax Cut
July 28
Four Campaigns, Eight Conventions...But Just One Spin
May 23
Back to the "Peaceable" Paradise: Media Soldiers for the Seizure of Elian
March 6
When Bigger Isn't Better: ABC, CBS and NBC's Coverage of the GOP Tax-Cut Debate
January 5
Outgunned: How the Network News Media Are Spinning the Gun Control Debate
July 22
Coverage of Chinese Espionage
July 6
The Cox Report vs. The Iran-Contra Report
May 14
Updated and Revised -- Network Apathy Toward Chinese Contributions and Espionage
July 22
Updated and Revised -- Roe Warriors: The Media's Pro-Abortion Bias
April 16
Conspiracy to Commit Journalism: The Media's Attack on the Scaife Foundation
April 14
"Facts Exempt: Network News and Taxes"
March 19
Plain as the News on Your Face: Clinton Lies and Obstruction that TV News has Ignored
December 1
Facts Frozen Out: Network News and Global Warming
November 13
The Forgotten Five: Important Economic Facts Missing in the News
June 16
Businessmen Behaving Badly: Prime Time's World of Commerce
November 21
Women's Magazines: A Liberal Pipeline to Soccer Moms
September 7
Addicted to Tobacco Stories: A One-Sided Portrayal of a Risky Product
August 1
Team Clinton: Starting Line-Up of the Pro-Clinton Press Corps
March 24
Whitewater: The Story Reporters Loved to Hate
March 1
The Clinton Economic Plan -- Special Amnesia Edition
March 1
The Clarence Thomas Hearings -- Special Sore Losers Edition

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