Dynamic Duo Award for Idolizing Bill and
“When I watched him [former President Bill Clinton] at Mrs. King’s
funeral, I just have never seen anything like it....There are times when
he sounds like Jesus in the temple. I mean, amazing ability to transcend
ethnicity — race, we call it, it’s really ethnicity — in this country
and, and speak to us all in this amazingly primordial way.”
— Chris Matthews, MSNBC’s Hardball, Feb. 28. [93 points]
“Nobody can bask in applause with quite so much style — the gentle wave,
the grin the shape of a sideways comma, the sense that he knows he
deserves the accolades and yet is humbled by all the clapping, which
makes people clap harder....He still has this way of presenting his
ideas for reforms as simple, elegant solutions....Listening to the man
think out loud again, it was hard not to pine for an era before bad news
got really bad, before Sept. 11 showed up on the calendar every year as
Patriot Day.”
— Washington Post staff writer David Segal on the launch of
Bill Clinton’s latest book, Sept. 5 Style section. [58]
“It’s her resilience and capacity to survive and thrive against all
comers that partly fuels the haters’ fury....Installed in Washington,
Hillary morphed into a comic-book villain for her detractors — a
man-eating feminist, they claimed, who allegedly threw lamps at her
husband, communed psychically with Eleanor Roosevelt and lit a White
House Christmas tree adorned with sex toys. The narrative of depravity —
a tissue of inventions by conservatives — was often hard to
follow....The anti-Hillary industry has never managed to bring down
Hillary herself — in fact, the more they have attacked, the higher she
has risen.”
— Newsweek’s Jonathan Darman and Mark Hosenball in “The New
War on Hillary,” June 18 issue. [42]
“There was this great story in The Atlantic this month about your
philanthropy, the CGI [Clinton Global Initiative] and your other
activities at the foundation. And the author says you’re basically
re-inventing philanthropy, or trying to re-invent philanthropy....He
writes that, ‘as a result of this, history may remember Bill Clinton as
the philanthropist who happened to be President.’ You okay with that?”
— ABC’s George Stephanopoulos to his former boss, ex-President Bill
Clinton, on This Week, September 30. [36]
"I want to get to ‘Hillary ‘08,’ but I want to start with It Takes a
Village ‘07. Because this book came out ten years ago and a lot has
happened in the past ten years that makes it, I think, even more
imperative, that we will need a village to raise healthy, secure
children. We’ve had the war in Iraq, 9/11, the impact of the Internet.
What is the most important thing we can do, as a nation, to guarantee
that our children are safe and secure?"
— Meredith Vieira’s first question to Senator Hillary Clinton on
NBC’s Today, December 18, 2006. [32]