Media Hero Award
“He was not what I expected. He was very dignified. He was warm,
friendly. He likes the U.S. It’s George Bush that he doesn’t like. He
also was very personal. He talked about how hard his life was, that he
wished he could be in love but you can’t be when you are heading a
— ABC’s Barbara Walters recounting her interview with Venezuela’s
Hugo Chavez, March 16 Nightline. [79]
“For the first time in the 218-year history of the Congress, a woman was
voted by her colleagues to be Speaker of the House. Nancy Pelosi,
Democrat from California, took the gavel. But in a picture perhaps even
more symbolic, the new Speaker was on the floor for a time, holding her
6-year-old [6-month-old] grandson, all the while giving directions on
how events were to proceed. It seemed the ultimate in multitasking:
Taking care of the children, and the country.”
— ABC World News anchor Charles Gibson, Jan. 4. [75]
“Historian Douglas
Brinkley says he [Jimmy Carter] used the White House as a stepping stone
for greater things. He intervened in civil wars around the globe,
monitored elections, and confronted dictators. And Carter’s work for
Habitat for Humanity shows that even for someone who was once the most
powerful man on Earth, there’s no higher calling than helping your
neighbor. To cap it all, in 2002 he won the Nobel Peace Prize. Of course
he’s been outspoken, criticizing President Bush and equating some
Israeli policies with apartheid, and critics have accused him of acting
decidedly unpresidential. Agree with him or not, you have to respect him
for sticking to his principles. At 82, Jimmy Carter is having an impact
still, perhaps even more than when he was President.”
— CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric on her June 19 “Katie
Couric’s Notebook,” a video posting to her “Couric & Co.” blog at
CBSNews.com. [56] |
Co-anchor Julie Chen: “You’ve taken personal action. Tell me what
are some of the changes you’ve made in your day-to-day life.”
Actor Leonardo DiCaprio: “I try to live a ‘green lifestyle,’
quote/unquote. I mean, I’ve, I’ve done the things that I can do in my
house to make it, my house green, energy efficient appliances. I drive a
hybrid car. I have solar panels.”
Chen: “Where did this passion come from?”...
Co-anchor Harry Smith: “He’s such a smart guy.”
Chen: “He is a smart guy and he’s such a great spokesperson to
have for this very important cause.”
— CBS’s Early Show promoting The 11th Hour, DiCaprio’s
apocalyptic movie about global warming, August 13. [38]