Co-host Diane Sawyer: “A number of people have already said, ‘Is
there anything surprising, personal about [Iranian] President [Mahmoud]
Ahmadinejad that we didn’t know?’ Well, it turns out, someone told me he
cries a lot. That he is dramatically sentimental and sympathetic if
someone comes up and expresses a personal plight. So I just asked him,
are you often in tears?”
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: “Yes, that’s true. Not only for Iranians, of
course, they are very close to me and I love all Iranians. And anywhere,
when I see people suffering, I have the same reaction....Even when I see
on TV that, for example, some Americans, because of tornadoes or a
hurricane, they have lost their homes, I become sad.”
— ABC’s Good Morning America, February 13. [52]