On April 6, NBC announced that Meredith Vieira, a host of ABC's
The View, in
September will succeed Katie Couric as co-host of the
Today show.
In picking Vieira, NBC chose a journalist with a record of liberal views on many
contentious issues. Below is a collection of MRC reports on her issued after her
April 6:
"New Today
Co-Host an Anti-War Protester: 'War Built on Lies'"
NewsBusters blog:
"Meredith Vieira: Liberal on Sex Ed, Roe v. Wade, the Clintons"
CyberAlert ,
April 7
"Vieira Reiterates Anti-War View, Pledges to Keep It Off Air"
CyberAlert ,
April 10:
"Ex-CBS & MSNBC Exec: Vieira Faces 'Challenge' to Her Credibility"
Bozell column:
"Meredith Vieira, Anchor/Protester"
CyberAlert, April 12
"Vieira Denies Any Political Agenda, Then Shows She Has One on War"
CyberAlert, April 27:
"Vieira 'Peeved' at Bush, Holds Him Responsible for Gas Prices"
(with video)
CyberAlert, May 15:
"Vieira Buys Gas 'Crisis' Hype; Befuddled by Concept Minimum Wage Could 'Hurt'
the Poor"


The "entire pretext for war," Vieira
declared on the June 17, 2004 The View, was "built on lies"


On the August 30, 2004 The View, Vieira
talked about marching in an anti-war protest |