1. ABC's Simpson: Hillary 'Best Qualified' Because She's 'a Woman' For former ABC News reporter/anchor Carole Simpson, her support for Hillary Clinton's presidential bid boils down to sexist reasoning that the person "best qualified to lead this country right now, is a woman, somebody different." Appearing Friday night on CNN's Larry King Live, the now out-in-public advocate for Clinton rejected the notion Clinton should drop out, pleading: "What about the country?" She proceded to contend: "I'm concerned about the good of the country. Our country is in terrible shape. And I believe Hillary Clinton is best qualified to move ahead and move us forward -- than Barack Obama. He's young. He has time. He could be a Vice President. But in terms of the person that I think is best qualified to lead this country right now, is a woman, somebody different." 2. CNN: Repubs Become Dems in PA, But Not By Rush's 'Dark Strategy' CNN's Carol Costello highlighted Pennsylvania Republicans who became registered Democrats on Friday's The Situation Room, and brushed aside the possibility that Rush Limbaugh's "Operation Chaos" strategy to meddle in the Democratic primaries might be a partial explanation for the change. Costello, featuring two former Republicans who are now voting for the Democrats, said of the couple: "[I]f you think either Conrad is switching because they buy into Rush Limbaugh's dark strategy to weaken the Democratic party...." 3. CBS Faster to Identify Party of Republican Than of Democrats Good Morning America's liberal meteorologist Sam Champion continued his crusade of turning the weather report into an environmental lecture on Friday. Champion, the man who once hosted a segment that warned "billions" could die from global warming, devoted over eight minutes of the program to climate change. Reporting live from Colorado, he promoted the Aspen Institute's conference on the environment. The weatherman interviewed the executive vice president for the think tank, Elliot Gerson. (The Aspen Institute hosts seminars on various subjects, including environmental and economic.) And while Gerson promised a "diversity of opinions" at the conference, no such diversity appeared on Good Morning America. Champion touted the conference throughout the show's entire two hours, but never once featured anyone skeptical of global warming's dire effects. 4. ABC's Sam Champion Hypes Global Warming for Eight Minutes On Monday night, the CBS Evening News failed to identify Kwame Kilpatrick as a Democrat in reporting criminal charges filed against the Detroit Mayor, but on Friday night the same anchor, Harry Smith, used the very first word, of his introduction to a story on another politician in criminal trouble, to name the party: "Republican Congressman Rick Renzi of Arizona goes on trial next month, charged with using his office to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars. He denies breaking any laws, but the indictment spells out a string of alleged dirty deals." A little under two years ago, then-CBS Evening News anchor Bob Schieffer avoided the party affiliation of a Democratic Congressman in introducing a Monday, May 22, 2006 story: "The government says FBI agents videotaped Louisiana Congressman William Jefferson taking $100,000 in cash from an informant and later found $90,000 in his home freezer." 5. MRC's 'DisHonors Awards' Next Week, Time to Get Tickets Short The MRC's 2008 "DisHonors Awards" are next week and seats are running out. We only have a few dozen left. The MRC's annual video awards with the "William F. Buckley Award for Media Excellence," this year presented to Tony Snow, will take place in Washington, DC on Thursday evening, April 10. Confirmed participants: Ann Coulter, Larry Kudlow, Mark Levin, Cal Thomas and many more since surprise conservative guests will accept the awards in jest. Get your tickets now. 6. Late Show Contest's 'Top Ten Dumb Guy Ways to Boost the Economy' The winning entries posted Saturday in last week's Late Show "Top Ten Contest," the "Top Ten Dumb Guy Ways to Boost the Economy."
Because She's 'a Woman' For former ABC News reporter/anchor Carole Simpson, her support for Hillary Clinton's presidential bid boils down to sexist reasoning that the person "best qualified to lead this country right now, is a woman, somebody different." Appearing Friday night on CNN's Larry King Live, the now out-in-public advocate for Clinton rejected the notion Clinton should drop out, pleading: "What about the country?" She proceded to contend: "I'm concerned about the good of the country. Our country is in terrible shape. And I believe Hillary Clinton is best qualified to move ahead and move us forward -- than Barack Obama. He's young. He has time. He could be a Vice President. But in terms of the person that I think is best qualified to lead this country right now, is a woman, somebody different." The February 5 CyberAlert item, "'I'm Carole Simpson, It's My Honor to Introduce Hillary Clinton,'" reported: Three months after former ABC News reporter and anchor Carole Simpson bounded on stage in New Hampshire to endorse Hillary Clinton for President, on Monday night she hosted a Hillary Clinton town meeting telecast from 9 to 10 PM EST on the Hallmark cable channel. At the top of the paid show, Simpson trumpeted "Voices Across America: A National Town Hall with Senator Hillary Clinton" as "an historic event bringing together voters from across America to discuss the issues that matter and the changes this country needs." Welcoming Clinton, Simpson enthused: "It's my honor to introduce Hillary Clinton." The entire introduction narrated by Simpson: "Welcome to 'Voices Across America: A National Town Hall with Senator Hillary Clinton.' Live from 22 states on the Hallmark channel and worldwide at, an historic event bringing together voters from across America to discuss the issues that matter and the changes this country needs. "Good evening, everyone. I'm Carole Simpson. Welcome. And it's my honor to introduce Hillary Clinton." For the February 5 CyberAlert posting: The October 18 CyberAlert item, "Hillary-Backing Carole Simpson Just as Liberal at ABC News," recounted: Endorsing Hillary Clinton for President at a Tuesday night rally in New Hampshire, former ABC News anchor/reporter Carole Simpson exclaimed, an NBC News blog reported, that "it's very freeing now that I'm not a journalist, that I'm able to speak my own mind." But Simpson hardly hid her liberal political views during her years at ABC. "Long Live Hillary" read the headline over an online tribute from Simpson, then anchor of World News Tonight/Sunday, following Clinton's 2000 senatorial victory. At about the same time, she denounced Clarence Thomas as the "cruelest" Supreme Court justice "because he has consistently voted against human rights." If Bush names more like him, she groused, "God help us." The 1994 GOP congressional victories upset her: "I would like to think that the American people care about poor people, about sick people, about homeless people, and about poor children. I am shocked by the new mean-spiritedness." Most infamously, in a 1999 interview with President Bill Clinton at an Arkansas tomato processing plant, Simpson made the story all about herself and her glory: "I have to bask in this moment, for a moment, because I am here talking to the most powerful man on the planet, who was a poor boy from Arkansas....I am an African-American woman, grew up working class on the south side of Chicago, and this is a pretty special moment for me to be here talking to you. How does it feel talking to me? That I made it, too, when people said I wouldn't be able to?" Clinton: "It's a great country."... For click and play Flash video of this, scroll down to "Just a Tad Self-Absorbed" in the MRC's 20th Anniversary edition of Notable Quotables: For the October 18 CyberAlert with more on how she endorsed Clinton and several more examples of her liberal pontificating while at ABC News:
By Rush's 'Dark Strategy' CNN's Carol Costello highlighted Pennsylvania Republicans who became registered Democrats on Friday's The Situation Room, and brushed aside the possibility that Rush Limbaugh's "Operation Chaos" strategy to meddle in the Democratic primaries might be a partial explanation for the change. Costello, featuring two former Republicans who are now voting for the Democrats, said of the couple: "[I]f you think either Conrad is switching because they buy into Rush Limbaugh's dark strategy to weaken the Democratic party...." [This item, by Matthew Balan, was posted Friday evening on the MRC's blog, ] Peggy and Charles Conrad, the two "Republicans for more than 20 years" that Costello spoke of, played a prominent role in the report. Costello reported that Mrs. Conrad "plans to vote for Hillary Clinton, because in her mind, the GOP has become too socially-conservative." Mr. Conrad, on the other hand, "is torn between Clinton and Obama -- caught up in the drama of the Democratic contest." Costello appeared on-camera with the Conrads in their home, and when the CNN correspondent asked if Limbaugh's "dark strategy" played any part into their decision to become Democrats, she shared the seemingly light moment by laughing with them as they denied listening to top-rated talk show host. Besides the Conrads, Costello featured another "life-long Republicans" whose decision to support Barack Obama was "agonizing." Both Costello and The Situation Room host Wolf Blitzer emphasized how the Pennsylvania Republican Party apparently found the switch to be "worrisome." As Blitzer put it in his introduction to the report, "As the Pennsylvania primary campaign heats up, some long-time Republicans -- Republicans are defecting to the Democrats, and the GOP is deeply worried." The full transcript of Carol Costello's report, which aired at the bottom of the 5 pm Eastern hour of Friday's "The Situation Room."
WOLF BLITZER: As the Pennsylvania primary campaign heats up, some long-time Republicans -- Republicans are defecting to the Democrats, and the GOP is deeply worried. Carol Costello is joining us now from Philadelphia. She's watching the story for us. You're aboard the CNN 'Election Express.' What are you picking up, Carol?
Than of Democrats Good Morning America's liberal meteorologist Sam Champion continued his crusade of turning the weather report into an environmental lecture on Friday. Champion, the man who once hosted a segment that warned "billions" could die from global warming, devoted over eight minutes of the program to climate change. Reporting live from Colorado, he promoted the Aspen Institute's conference on the environment. Check the February 1, 2007 CyberAlert for more on Champion's alarmist warnings: The weatherman interviewed the executive vice president for the think tank, Elliot Gerson. (The Aspen Institute hosts seminars on various subjects, including environmental and economic.) And while Gerson promised a "diversity of opinions" at the conference, no such diversity appeared on Good Morning America. Champion touted the conference throughout the show's entire two hours, but never once featured anyone skeptical of global warming's dire effects. [This item, by the MRC's Scott Whitlock, was posted Friday afternoon on the MRC's blog, ] Instead, Champion interviewed individuals such as Gerson, who also said that global warming can't be solved by scientists and politicians. "It has to be an engaged public committed to making changes in behavior," he claimed. Now, this could be construed as liberal code for cajoling Americans into using mercury laced light bulbs and other "eco friendly" devices. That hardly seems like a "diversity of opinions." Also featured on GMA was biologist and National Geographic photographer Paul Miklin. Standing in front of a picture of a polar bear that he took, Miklin essentially admitted that the furry animals are avenues to promote climate change activism: "...Now I realize what I need to do is try and tell these stories though National Geographic magazine by using animals such as polar bears to hang this campaign on." And of course there was no mention of reports that indicate global warming actually stopped ten years ago. See: The Australian: In the 8:30 half hour, Champion narrated a segment about the mountain pine beetle and the damage it has created by killing trees all over the western part of the United States. The ABC weatherman dubbed it the "whole global warming and pine beetle issue." (The beetles thrive in warm temperatures and would be killed off with harsh winters.) Again, Champion presented no opposing view that warm winters, which are enabling the beetles, could simply be part of a warming/cooling trend. Simplifying the issue, he declared, "Add to that drought conditions, making the trees susceptible to the insects. Plus, warmer than normal winters, thanks to climate change. The beetles have thrived." Champion has a long history on GMA of passing off extremist environmental opinions as reasonable. On June 25, 2007, Champion gushed over the "experiment" of a liberal environmentalist who was forgoing toilet paper. For more on this story, see the June 26, 2007 CyberAlert: A partial transcript of the final two segments, which aired at 8:32am:
CHAMPION: We are lucky enough to be in Aspen. We're in this big room where the first ever Aspen Environment Forum will be here. Elliot Gerson who put the whole thing together with the Aspen Institute. Elliot, we've been talking about it, kind of leading up to it. But, you know, you get a bunch of people in a room and you're going to talk about the environment and maybe climate change, but why is it important just to kind of get these people together in one place?
for Eight Minutes On Monday night, the CBS Evening News failed to identify Kwame Kilpatrick as a Democrat in reporting criminal charges filed against the Detroit Mayor, but on Friday night the same anchor, Harry Smith, used the very first word, of his introduction to a story on another politician in criminal trouble, to name the party: "Republican Congressman Rick Renzi of Arizona goes on trial next month, charged with using his office to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars. He denies breaking any laws, but the indictment spells out a string of alleged dirty deals." A little under two years ago, then-CBS Evening News anchor Bob Schieffer avoided the party affiliation of a Democratic Congressman in introducing a Monday, May 22, 2006 story: "The government says FBI agents videotaped Louisiana Congressman William Jefferson taking $100,000 in cash from an informant and later found $90,000 in his home freezer. But Jefferson said today he will not resign from Congress and he said he thought it inappropriate for the FBI to search his Capitol office this weekend. To the surprise of some, the Senate Republican leader said he too has concerns about the search." That reference to the "Senate Republican leader" may have been a hint, but in the subsequent story, Gloria Borger did explicitly tag Jefferson as a Democrat: "Federal investigators now allege that last July, the Louisiana Democrat removed a leather briefcase from a car trunk containing $100,000 in $100 bills..." Borger, however, concluded her report by declaring a pox on both parties: "At a time when 77 percent of the American public believes that all members of Congress take bribes, Congressman Jefferson's troubles help no one in either party." For the May 23, 2006 CyberAlert: It should be noted that the CBS Evening News, anchored by Katie Couric, was the only broadcast network evening newscast to identify Eliot Spitzer as a Democrat the day news of his use of prostitutes broke -- Monday, March 10:
to Get Tickets Short Less than two weeks until the MRC's 2008 "DisHonors Awards" and seats are running out. We only have a few dozen left. The MRC's annual video awards with the "William F. Buckley Award for Media Excellence," this year presented to Tony Snow, will take place in Washington, DC on Thursday evening, April 10. Confirmed participants: Ann Coulter, Larry Kudlow, Mark Levin, Cal Thomas and many more since surprise conservative guests will accept the awards in jest. Get your tickets now. "It was a terrific show...It was a great, great, great assemblage of people... Everybody just had a blast!" -- Rush Limbaugh, 2007 recipient of the William F. Buckley Jr. Award for Media Excellence. Make your reservation today. Every year our gala sells out, so don't delay. Individual seats available for $250. To reserve your seat(s), contact the MRC's Sara Bell at: Or call, 9 to 5:30 PM EDT weekdays: (800) 672-1423. Online page with information: For a look at all the fun at last year's event:
Ways to Boost the Economy' From the Late Show with David Letterman's Web site, the winning entries posted Saturday in last week's "Top Ten Contest," the "Top Ten Dumb Guy Ways to Boost the Economy." Late Show home page: 10. Rummage through rich folks' trash to see if they've tossed any cash (Rollin B., Fresno, CA) 9. Release that "Titanic" movie again (Loriann S., East Greenbush, NY) 8. Each person collects $200 when they pass "Go" (Mike N., Arcola, IL) 7. Reduce America's oil dependency by inventing nacho cheese-powered car (Michael S., Orlando, FL) 6. Two words: bake sale (Ryan B., Chatsworth, CA) 5. Just turn the graphs upside down (K.B. O., Pound Ridge, NY) 4. Give tax refunds in Cheetos (I'm not sure how that would help the economy, but boy am I hungry for some Cheetos) (Patrick G., Hoover, AL) 3. Everyone marries Paul McCartney for a minute (Mike H., Mount Tabor, NJ) 2. High-priced call girls must offer a "Dollar Menu" (Mike S., Brooklyn, OH) 1. Put Chuck Norris in charge of collecting money from deadbeat taxpayers (Tom V., Meridien, CT)
-- Brent Baker ![]()
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