May 06, 2008 |
Volume 2, Number 1
The so-called mainstream media never admit their liberal tilt, so the
news analysts at the Media Research Center tirelessly document the
media’s bias and expose their left-wing agenda. The “awards” for last
week’s lowlights: Feeling Obama’s Pain.
After Barack Obama’s former pastor’s radical remarks at the National
Press Club, liberal journalists rallied around the Democratic candidate.
Hours after Jeremiah Wright spoke on April 28, NBC’s Brian Williams
emphasized those who deemed it a “circus” and a “sideshow,” as his
Nightly News highlighted the Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart:
“Unfortunately, the victim in all of this is going to be Senator Obama’s
campaign.” On CNN, David Gergen decried Wright: “If this man cares one
wit about electing an African-American to the highest office in the
land, he should get off the national stage.” Gergen instructed: “It’s
time for him to get off the stage, and frankly, for the media, I
suggest, to move on.” [Audio/video (1:12):
Windows Media (4.78 MB) and
MP3 Audio (357 kB)]
ABC reporter David Wright (no relation) sympathized with the Senator’s
plight on the April 30 Good Morning America: “Imagine having to publicly
denounce the minister who married you, who baptized your kids, who
prayed with you the day you announced your candidacy....For Obama, whose
own father abandoned him as a child, this must have been another painful
break.” [Audio/video (:53):
Windows Media (3.39 MB) and
MP3 Audio (261 kB)].
On CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 that night, reporter Suzanne Malveaux
was just as gentle with Michelle Obama: “Do you think that your husband
has been treated fairly? Are you surprised at how nasty this race has
gotten?” [Audio/video (:42):
Windows Media (1.46 MB) and
MP3 Audio (207 kB)]
For more, see the
April 29,
May 1
May 2 CyberAlerts.
NBC Hypes Economic Misery. The May 2 NBC Nightly News sought to assess “the toll that rising prices of
things like gas and food” is taking on senior citizens. Reporter Chris Jansing spotlighted one elderly couple claiming to have gone without
food and “forced...to move out of this blue house and into their van,
sleeping on a mattress in the back.” Jansing cast them as typical: “Tens
of millions of seniors rely primarily on a fixed income to live, and
increasingly they’re having to make the kinds of tough decisions they
never dreamed they’d have to make.” But overall food prices are rising
at an annual rate of 5.1 percent, which won’t spawn armies of starving,
homeless senior citizens — notwithstanding NBC’s silly election-year
[Audio/video (:59): Windows Media
(2.02 MB) and MP3
Audio (293 kB)]
For more, see the
May 5
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