May 13, 2008 |
Volume 2, Number 2
The so-called mainstream media never admit their liberal tilt, so the
news analysts at the Media Research Center tirelessly document the
media’s bias and expose their left-wing agenda. The “awards” for last
week’s lowlights:
GOP: Merchants of Slime and Hate.
It’s Hillary Clinton’s campaign, not the GOP, which has pummeled Barack
Obama these past weeks, but journalists are nevertheless impugning
Republicans as dirty campaigners. The May 19 Newsweek cover story
channeled Democratic talking points to claim "the Republican Party has
been successfully scaring voters since 1968." (Ever listen to Democratic
rhetoric on Social Security?) Co-authors Richard Wolffe and Evan Thomas
questioned whether John McCain really wanted to "rein in the merchants
of slime and sellers of hate who populate the Internet...who exercise
their freedom in ways that give a bad name to free speech."
Pre-emptively bashing Republicans as campaign meanies was a media
theme this week. On May 4, the New York Times ran a front-page
political memo whining about the first Bush campaign: "’88 Campaign
Offers a Lesson In Using Symbols as Bludgeons." On May 9, NBC’s Matt
Lauer suggested Obama’s ties to Jeremiah Wright might be "swift boated"
by Republicans in a fall election campaign. [Audio/video (0:25):
Media (1.50 MB) and
MP3 Audio (99 kB)]
Five days earlier, CBS’s Dean Reynolds also conjured images of the
2004 campaign as he asserted: "’Out of the mainstream’ is a charge
Republicans habitually make against Democrats. It’s code for
‘unpatriotic.’ And it worries Democrats that it’s been so effective
against their candidates in the past — even those who’ve received the
Purple Heart." [Audio/video (0:20):
Windows Media (1.27 MB) and
MP3 Audio (76 kB)]
For more, see the
May 5,
May 6, May
12, and
May 13 CyberAlerts.
Interviewers Coddle Obama. ABC, CBS and CNN all refused to
ask Obama about his embarrassing ex-pastor in a round of May 5
interviews, with CNN’s John Roberts even boasting: "We are declaring a
Reverend Wright-free zone today." After Obama’s big North Carolina win,
NBC’s Brian Williams on May 8 offered the candidate a glimpse at Time’s
cover declaring him the Democratic winner: "Have you yet held this in
your hands?" [Audio/video (1:01):
Windows Media (3.86 MB) and
MP3 Audio
(291 kB)]
CNN’s Wolf Blitzer was just as punishing with Obama: "Your mother
raised you. She was on food stamps at one point, a single mother. If she
were alive today and saw where you have reached...what would she say?"
For more, see the
May 6,
May 9
and May
12 CyberAlerts: