The leading expert on media bias makes the most
substantive case yet for the leftward bias of America’s mainstream news organizations, and
reveals why the days of the liberal media’s dominance are numbered.
As founder and president of the Media Research Center, L.
Brent Bozell III is a leading expert on the issue of media bias. In Weapons of Mass
Distortion, he presents the
definitive account of the current prevalence and future vulnerability of the liberal media.
With a wealth of facts and evidence at his command,
Bozell reveals exactly how the major TV, radio, and print news outlets not only distort the news, but try to dictate
the national agenda. Bozell also explains why the liberal media’s audience will continue to defect to the emerging
alternative news outlets—outlets more in tune with their perspective on the world—and how this defection will
change the slant of mainstream news.
an excerpt
National Review Online book review by
Michael Potemra: The
Truth Squad
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