media outlets — radio, television and print —
regularly feature MRC guests on their programs,
quote MRC spokespeople in their articles, and
cite MRC research in their stories. Below are
links to a sampling of MRC making news in the
media. Links to the full story are provided when
available, and were active when posted.
For recent listing of TV
appearances check out MRC on Air

-, June 2, 2007.
Independent Panel to Review House Ethics Charges, By
Staff Writer Fred Lucas. Reprint of article
-, June 2, 2007.
Illegal Immigration Foes Target Senate Offices, By
Staff Writer Nathan Burchfiel. Reprint of article
OC Register, June 2, 2007.
Insider Q&A Hears Media Critic's Gripes About Real Estate Coverage
Director Dan Gainor
The Wall Street Journal, June 2, 2007.
Energy Independent,
By John Fund. Article
mentions Mr. Pickens donations to the MRC. “He has also helped fund
school-choice programs, a campaign by Americans for Prosperity to
expose Congressional earmark abuse, and the Media Research Center,
which combats liberal media bias.”
The Christian Post, June 1, 2007.
Bush, Evangelicals Focus on Climate Change,
By Michelle Vu. References article. ““Our
Christian moral convictions demand our response,” Ball said, according
to Cybercast News Service (CNS).”
-, June 1, 2007.
Disturbing TV Violence, Unchecked, Column by MRC President Brent Bozell
WFAW, Fort Atkinson, WI, June 1, 2007. Staff Writer Monisha Bansal discussed the 2008 Election
WMAL, Washington, DC, June 1, 2007.
MRC Research Director Rich Noyes discussed the Iraq War
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