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MRC's Brent Bozell
discusses Katie Couric's charge America was "misled" into war with Iraq. |
See full article for transcript. |

MRC's Tim Graham Discusses "Huffington's House of Horrors" |
MRC's Tim Graham: "It's really amazing to
me that the Democrats would say, 'Well you can't debate on the Fox News Channel.
That's an illegitimate media outlet.' But it is a legitimate media outlet to
have a blog full of celebrities suggesting that Americans are all stupid, and
that Dick Cheney should be killed? You know, there's really a lot of outrageous
material here."
Host Bill O'Reilly: "No, I, it is. And that's why we have you on because
when you -- we started to read your study, we went, 'wow.' All right, let's
start - you list them down on what you think of the worst. Go ahead."
Graham: "Well, my favorite one, of course, is the fourth of July, 2006,
when Alec Baldwin writes about how he has this fantasy that he's going to stab
Osama bin Laden with a box cutter. And when he throws his corpse off a balcony,
just by sheer luck, Osama's corpse lands on Dick Cheney and he dies, too. God
bless America."
-- FNC's The O'Reilly Factor, September 14. |

Bozell Slams New York Times for Aiding Cheap Shot by
MoveOn.Org |
"If you're the New York Times, with an ad like
this, first you should not have run it. Secondly, if you did choose to run it,
what you should have done is make them pay full price for it the way a
conservative would have to pay full price for an ad....Unless the New York Times
can explain itself away and show how this [apparent discount] was some
incredible coincidence, the New York Times, as far as I'm concerned, is a
co-sponsor of that despicable ad."
-- MRC President Brent Bozell talking about's ad slamming Gen.
Petraeus, on FNC's America's Newsroom program, September 13, 2007. |