Clinton Earned a "Place in History"; Anti-Tax Pledge = Witch Trials
1) Donaldson on Clinton:
"As a Commander-in-Chief of a successful military and diplomatic
operation of significance," he has earned a plus mark "in his
search for a place in history."
2) Dan Rather refused to
accept the Christian Coalition name, referring to the "powerful
lobbying group calling itself..." And CBS mourned how "as the
memories of Columbine begin to fade, so too it seems do the chances for
stricter gun laws to pass."
3) FNC's Carl Cameron
revealed charges against several scientists could come soon and that FBI
agents were "frustrated" by how Justice wouldn't let them stop
Trie from destroying evidence.
4) Investor's Business Daily
detailed how Clinton made it easier for China to get weapons technology.
"Over the last five years, Justice requested a total of 3,657
wiretaps and/or search warrants to combat foreign spying. All of them were
OK'd save one."
5) MSNBC's John Hockenberry
said an anti-tax hike pledge signed by George W. Bush "sounds like,
you know, the Salem witch trials."
6) Hours after CyberAlert
reported it NBC's Jay Leno joked about how Tipper Gore says Al Gore
doesn't wear anything to bed.
Hillary on Today, text and video. A special Extra edition of CyberAlert
distributed Thursday afternoon detailed the warm welcome NBC's Today
gave Hillary Clinton Thursday morning. To read the issue and to watch a
video clip in RealPlayer format of Katie Couric asking her about the
Knicks and giving her an unchallenged platform to blast Republicans on gun
control when she was ostensibly brought aboard for non-political promotion
of VH1's musical instrument collection drive for schools, go to:
"ABC Meows Instead of Roars at Clintons: Will Giuliani or Lazio Get a
Matching 45 Minutes of Air Time to Sell Their Empathy With the
Children?" The latest Media Reality Check fax report is now up on the
MRC home page: Or, go to:
Immediately after Bill Clinton finished his 8pm ET address on Kosovo
Thursday night ABC's Sam Donaldson paid homage to him, admiring how in
just six months he'd gone from facing disgrace with impeachment to a
plus mark in his "search for a place in history."
Following the June
10 speech from the Oval Office, carried live by all the networks, ABC
anchor Ted Koppel noted how Clinton claimed "We've achieved a
victory for a stronger America" and asked Donaldson: "What do
you think he meant by that?"
Donaldson replied:
"I think he meant that but I think he was also thinking internally
about himself. And why shouldn't he? Six months ago this President stood
on the question of whether he was going to be removed from office in
disgrace. Tonight Ted he emerges as a Commander-in-Chief of a successful
military and diplomatic operation of significance. It has to be an
immensely satisfying moment for him, justifiably so, because in his search
for a place in history, he has now by this action, added a mark on the
plus side of the ledger."
Thursday night CBS caught up with ABC and delivered a look at gun control
from the left, Dan Rather refused to accept the "Christian
Coalition" name, referring to the "powerful lobbying group
calling itself the Christian Coalition," and he oddly opened the show
by giving the Clinton and Milosevic assessments of the war equal
The broadcast
networks, as well as CNN and FNC, ran full stories on the Supreme Court
overturning an anti-loitering law in Chicago aimed at hurting gangs and of
the broadcast networks both ABC and CBS briefly noted the successful test
of the THAAD missile which hit its target. Over video of Hillary Clinton
in a Yankees cap at the White House ceremony honoring the World Series
champion team, World News Tonight anchor Ted Koppel referred to "the
planet's newest Yankee fan: First Lady Hillary Clinton."
Now to the June 10
CBS Evening News, with its three noteworthy item in order of occurrence:
-- Dan Rather
opened the show with this odd bit of moral equivalence between the
assessment of a legitimate democratic leader and a murdering, war criminal
dictator of the enemy nation: "Good evening. President Clinton called
it a moment of hope. Slobodan Milosevic called it a Serbian victory as
NATO's air war gave way today to a UN sanctioned peace..."
-- Later Rather
read this short item about a conservative group, but he just couldn't
accept its name:
"There was another ruling with possible
far-reaching impact, this one issued by the Internal Revenue Service. The
IRS notified the powerful lobbying group calling itself the Christian
Coalition that it is not entitled to the tax exempt status of a religious
group. The reason given: Too much partisan political activity. Founder Pat
Robertson says his Christian Coalition will reorganize and remain quote,
'a force in American politics.'"
-- As detailed in
the June 10 CyberAlert, on Wednesday night ABC's World News Tonight
approached gun control from the left, assuming any changes made to the
Senate bill which pleased the NRA were bad.
Thursday night CBS
joined the crusade which assumed tougher gun laws are the way to go.
Rather announced:
"On Capitol Hill there are growing
indications tonight that Senate-approved modest gun control legislation is
fast losing velocity toward approval in the House. CBS's Diana Olick has
the facts on the gun lobby, gun control and Congress."
Olick opened with emotion, focusing on a gun
control advocate, not on someone saved by a gun: "Tom Mauser brought
his daughter to Capitol Hill today but it was his son he came to talk
about. Daniel Mauser was killed at Columbine High."
soundbites from Mauser, Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle and House
Minority Leader Dick Gephardt, Olick kindly laid out the liberal case:
"Democrats say Republicans not only watered
down the Senate gun control bill passed just three weeks ago, but also
much older laws. The Republican House version weakens the Senate's
mandatory background checks for gun buyers at gun shows. It allows some
gun dealers to ship firearms across the state lines and it grants some
legal protection to dealers who sell guns that are used in crimes."
She then gave House Majority Leader Dick Armey a
clause to deny the bill was watered down or dictated by NRA before she
"So with debate scheduled to begin next
week, lawmakers are left with this version -- opposed by Democrats who
think it's too little and by conservative Republicans who think it's
too much. And as the memories of Columbine begin to fade, so too it seems
do the chances for stricter gun laws to pass."
And wouldn't
that be a tragedy. It's liberals who are concerned about the memory of
Columbine fading. The fact that CBS is so concerned shows which side the
network is on. Olick noted in conclusion that conservatives "think
it's too much," but she didn't bother outlining their points.
After all, they're on the wrong side.
Once again, on Thursday night only FNC's Special Report with Brit Hume
touched on Chinagate. Carl Cameron revealed that charges against several
lab scientists could come in a few days, that the U.S. never altered its
open trade policy with Hong Kong after the communists took over and that
FBI agents were "frustrated" by how the Justice Department
refused to let them stop Charlie Trie from destroying evidence.
Cameron Hume noted that much of the testimony in the China espionage case
has been held in secret, "but as is often the case in Washington it
doesn't take long for those secrets to come out."
But only FNC seems
to notice.
Cameron began by
explaining how FBI Director Freeh has told Congress "there have been
significant developments." Cameron added: "Sources tell Fox News
charges against a scientist who worked at the Energy Department's Los
Alamos weapons lab could come in a matter of days and that at least three
additional scientists may also be charged."
Picking up on some
public testimony, leading into a soundbite from the DOE Inspector General,
Cameron told viewers: "One official told lawmakers that for years lab
officials had no ideo how to keep an eye out for potential foreign
Next, Cameron
noted: "Open U.S. trade policy with the former British colony was
never tightened after Hong Kong reverted to Chinese control in 1997."
Chris Cox at a public hearing: "And the
truth is, even without border crossings, the PLA has access to what is in
Hong Kong. They're there and we oughtn't to kid ourselves about
Cameron then got
to some news about how Charlie Trie destroyed documents, which was
reported in recent newspaper accounts of his plea deal but not mentioned
elsewhere on TV, and added fresh information about how the FBI was
"The President appointed his long-time
friend and fundraiser Charlie Trie of Little Rock to a trade commission to
deal with Hong Kong and other Asian nations. Trie has pleaded guilty to
fundraising violations and is cooperating with investigators, but in 1997
FBI surveillance observed Trie's employees destroying evidence in the
campaign fundraising investigation. At the time the Justice Department
sent two officials to Little Rock to get search warrants and intervene.
But on the eve of Senate hearings into campaign finance abuse, the Justice
Department pulled back on the warrants and the search of Trie's office
and frustrated FBI agents watched as more documents were destroyed."
George W. Bush's
weekend campaign swing will suppress Chinagate news. After his story ran
Cameron told Hume that he's off this weekend to cover W's traveling
campaign launch in Iowa and New Hampshire, so the reporter on the issue
for the only network which cares about Chinagate will be occupied with
another topic for at least a few days.
Part 2 of "A '20-Year' Security Breakdown? In Fact, Leaks To China
Ruptured On Clinton's Watch."
The June 10
CyberAlert excerpted the first half of Paul Sperry's June 9 Investor's
Business Daily story in which he determined that "the vast majority
of the leaks over the past 20 years have sprung on Clinton's watch and
nearly all the old leaks have shown up then." Plus, the Cox Report
"doesn't disclose the full extent of Chinese espionage in the Clinton
years. Citing 'national security' reasons, the White House censored
roughly 375 pages, including several recent cases."
To read the first
half, go to:
Now to the rest of
the piece which I'm running since it gives a very illuminating overview
of the policies followed by the last few administrations and takes you
through the specific changes made by the Clinton team so you'll know who
should get more and less of the blame.
Here's the rest
of the IBD story, starting a few paragraphs before the last excerpt ended
in order to make for a clear transition:
Though Reagan and Bush allowed exports of
commercial satellites to China, they still worried about the Chinese
military getting its hands on dual-use technology. So they maintained
export licensing safeguards.
The same can't be said for Clinton.
If satellite technology were a present, the
degree of gift-giving among the three Presidents can be compared like
Reagan provided the box. Bush provided the
paper. Clinton put the technology in the box, wrapped it up, tied a bow
and shipped it FedEx to Beijing.
Rewind to 1988.
After the Challenger blew up that year, the
U.S. government and industry found they could no longer rely on the space
shuttle to launch their satellites. So Reagan turned to, among other
countries, China. It not only had a lot of capacity but, thanks to state
subsidies, cheap launch rates.
For the first time, Reagan granted export
licenses for satellite launches on Chinese rockets -- provided the Defense
Department monitored talks between U.S. and Chinese engineers.
In fact, both the State Department and
Defense still had the authority to reject export license applications on
national security grounds.
In 1991, Bush tightened controls, citing
China's proliferation of missile technology. He imposed sanctions on
Chinese entities, including satellite launchers.
The CIA has described China's satellite
launch rockets as "ballistic missiles in disguise."
After pressure from China and U.S.
satellite makers, Bush softened his stance. In 1992, he put the Commerce
Department in charge of vetting export applications for satellites -- but
only commercial ones. That is, only those with no military use.
But in November 1996, Clinton took it one
big step further.
He not only removed Bush's sanctions on
Chinese launchers, but put Commerce in charge of vetting applications for
all fully assembled satellite exports to China -- no matter their
potential military use.
Unlike State, Commerce no longer required
Defense to monitor technical talks between Chinese and U.S. engineers. In
many cases, such talks went beyond "form, fit and function" --
basic information needed to mate satellites to rocket platforms.
What's more, Commerce -- primarily a trade
booster -- eschewed State's munitions list to screen for military use.
So basically Clinton took satellites off
one list and put them on another to make them easier to export.
Clinton has OK'd 19 U.S.-China satellite
launches -- the most of the three Presidents. Of those, 16 have been
According to a senior Pentagon official,
Clinton has also taken the teeth out of the Pentagon's arms-control
oversight role.
In the previous two administrations, if
there was a dispute between the White House and the Pentagon over
technology transfers, the Pentagon usually won when China was involved.
Not so under Clinton. "We've had no
successes," the Pentagon official said.
James Woolsey, Clinton's first CIA
director, said in a recent interview: "The United States has
substantially liberalized its export policy. That's one thing that has
changed during this administration." Woolsey added: "We've gone
too far."
In a 1993 letter to Silicon Graphics CEO
Edward McCracken, Clinton wrote: "I expect to...eliminate wherever
possible unnecessary U.S. unilateral export control policies."
Silicon Graphics makes high-speed
True to his word, Clinton in January 1996
lifted export controls on high-speed computer exports. Since then, China's
gotten more than 600 U.S. high-speed computers. It had virtually none
In March 1994, Clinton led an effort that
dissolved the Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls, or
COCOM, leaving the U.S. without an effective international mechanism to
control the transfer of critical military technologies.
In June 1995, Clinton lifted the ban on
exports of "cryptographic items" to China. Such items could help
China break U.S. military codes if they're used with high-speed computers.
Energy failed to brief State, Defense and
Commerce -- the three export licensing agencies -- about Chinese spying.
After a Los Alamos computer scientist
became a prime spy suspect, FBI agents asked to tap his phone, more than
once, and to search his desktop computer. The Justice Department refused.
Attorney General Janet Reno explains they didn't have enough cause to get
court OK.
But the court almost never turns down such
Over the last five years, Justice requested
a total of 3,657 wiretaps and/or search warrants to combat foreign spying.
All of them were OK'd save one.
At a minimum, the scientist violated rules
for handling classified material. Yet he was promoted to a position where
he could see even more secrets. He's not been charged.
Justice held back prosecution of Lawrence
Livermore spy Peter Lee because it says the Navy didn't want to have the
contents of what he leaked to China discussed in open court.
But Chinese scientists already got
submarine detection technology from Lee in 1997. Lee got no jail time.
Around 1994, Energy's Oakland, Calif.,
office stripped another Livermore scientist of his security clearance
after he divulged classified information at a public setting. Energy
Secretary Hazel O'Leary overturned the Oakland office and "gave this
guy back his classified status," Weldon said.
In 1992, by contrast, U.S. Customs arrested
Chinese spy Bin Wu for smuggling night-vision equipment used by U.S. tank
crews to China. He's serving a 10-year prison term.
END Excerpt
To see today's
Investor's Business Daily, go to:
An attentive
CyberAlert reader informed me that while articles from before the current
day are not on the IBD Web site, they can be accessed on America Online
which does have an archive of IBD articles. Keyword: IBD
Does the W stand for witch? It does for MSNBC's John Hockenberry.
On his June 8 show
aired at 10pm ET, MRC analyst Mark Drake noticed, Hockenberry took a shot
at the anti-income tax hike pledge written by Americans for Tax Reform
which George W. Bush signed onto, equating it to a Salem witch trials
litmus test:
"All right. But pledge-smedge. Laurence
O'Donnell, you know it seems to me a lot of Americans out there watching
this conversation might say it sounds like you know the Salem witch
trials, this pledge. You have to take these little code words and pass
these litmus tests."
In CyberAlert on Tuesday morning, on Leno that night. Coincidence?
The June 8
CyberAlert relayed an interesting portion of a week-old, June 1 profile on
Today of Tipper Gore, citing how as NBC's Claire Shipman and Tipper Gore
sat beside each other, as Tipper flipped through a photo album, Shipman
relayed: "And ever spontaneous she manages to surprise even jaded
journalists with a racy joke about her husband's bedtime attire or lack
thereof." It was hard to make out, but as she pointed to a photo of
Al, Tipper said something like: "He isn't wearing anything very
long when we go to bed".
Tuesday night,
June 8, MRC analyst Geoffrey Dickens noticed how Jay Leno delivered this
joke in his Tonight Show monologue:
"And here you go in the category of more
information than I really want to know. This is a bad tactic. I guess
Tipper Gore now, she's trying to talk about how sexy Al is, you know.
She's now hinting that Al Gore sleeps in the nude. Huh? She wouldn't be
afraid of getting splinters? I don't know sleeping with Al Gore. I don't
want to see Al Gore, this is more information than I want to know."
To watch the
portion of the June 1 Today story with Tipper commenting on Al's bedtime
attire, go to the June 8 CyberAlert:
Or, take advantage of the new Media Bias Videos
button in the top right corner of the MRC's home page to go to the page
featuring all the recent video clips posted by the MRC in RealPlayer
format. --
Brent Baker

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