Gore-FALN Pardon Link Suppressed; ABC Discovered Boys & Girls "Different"
1) ABC's This Week delivered the first ABC
television showing of Clinton's remarks on impeachment that the network
had spiked a week earlier. Sam Donaldson called his take "really
2) The Washington Post's ombudsman took on
the MRC: "Those who are inclined to believe the David Dukes, Joseph
Farahs and Tim Grahams of the world," who say the Jesse Dirkhising
murder "has been suppressed so that homosexuals won't be portrayed
3) Ending a piece on corporate jets used by
candidates, CBS's Bob Schieffer carped that it proves campaign finance
laws are a "mess" since no matter "how bad it looks, it's
all perfectly legal."
4) A White House memo noted how release of
the FALN terrorists would help Gore, a disclosure reported by the New York
Times, Washington Post and Washington Times, but ignored by the networks.
5) Two years ago Bill Clinton asked the
U.S. embassy in Oslo to hook him up again with a Norwegian woman with whom
he'd had "international relations" in 1969, but she spurned his
6) Insight from ABC's Cokie Roberts:
"They really are different, boys and girls." That surprised
Tipper Gore because "I was also a feminist and I still am, so I'm
really confused." Indeed.
Calling Clinton's claim "remarkable," on Sunday's This Week
ABC's Sam Donaldson played a clip, which ABC spiked from World News
Tonight seven days before, of Bill Clinton maintaining that in the
Lewinsky scandal he was fighting "for my country and my Constitution
and its principles."
As noted in the November 11
CyberAlert, Carole Simpson's egomania squeezed out Clinton's angry claim
that the charges against him in the impeachment process were "totally
false and bogus, made up," and that "people were persecuted
because they wouldn't commit perjury against me." The November 7
World News Tonight featured a taped interview segment with Bill Clinton in
which ABC anchor Carole Simpson made the story about herself, asking
Clinton: "I am an African-American woman, grew up working class on
the south side of Chicago, and this is a pretty special moment for me to
be here talking to you. How does it feel talking to me?" For more on
what ABC showed, go to:
And for what ABC News
suppressed at the time and how last Tuesday FNC's Special Report with Brit
Hume showed a soundbite from ABC's Web site of what the TV network did not
show, go to:
On this past Sunday's
roundtable segment on This Week, Donaldson gave one Clinton comment about
impeachment and Lewinsky the first ABC air time.
Sam Donaldson: "President
Clinton gave an interview a few days ago in which he once again tried to
explain what was going on there with the Monica Lewinsky business, an
enterprise which may take up the rest of his life. But his latest version
is really remarkable. Here is some of what he told ABC News's Carole
Clinton, in the Simpson interview taped November
5: "They will say I made a bad personal mistake. I will pay a
personal price for it, but I was right to stand and fight for my country
and my Constitution and its principles."
Even George Stephanopoulos
found news in what Simpson had skipped, remarking that Clinton's claim
shows he's "still in somewhat of a delusional state."
The spiked comments also arose
on the November 14 Fox News Sunday. Host Tony Snow introduced Ken Starr:
"President Clinton recently told ABC News
that he was acting to protect the Constitution during the impeachment
ordeal and he predicted history would congratulate him for accomplishing
so much while under, quote, 'the most severe bitter partisan onslaught.'
Our next guest may have a different take, he's former independent counsel
Kenneth Starr....So, was it the Constitution the President was trying to
Starr replied: No. The President, Tony, was
wrong. With all respect to him, I think he's just failed to come to grips
with the findings, not of an independent counsel, not of the views of a
member of Congress, but the chief judge of his home district in Arkansas.
Chief Judge Susan Webber Wright said -- and she found this twice -- these
are her words, that he had given false, evasive, and misleading answers
designed to obstruct the judicial process. That is very serious. And it is
so serious that were he a federal judge, he would have been removed from
Carole Simpson didn't get into
any of that, of course, since it would have taken time away from talking
about herself.
Citing an MRC staffer by name, but without mentioning his MRC affiliation,
Washington Post ombudsman E.R. Shipp wrote on Sunday:
"There is an explanation for the absence of
coverage of the brutal rape and asphyxiation death of 13-year-old Jesse
Dirkhising, but those who are inclined to believe the David Dukes, Joseph
Farahs and Tim Grahams of the world -- who have asserted that the story
has been suppressed so that homosexuals won't be portrayed negatively --
will not be satisfied."
The reference to Graham, the
MRC's Director of Media Analysis, came in a November 14 column defending
the Post for having run dozens of stories on the Matthew Shepard murder as
a "hate crime" but virtually ignoring the case in which a gay
man killed Dirkhising during a sexual assault. Here's an except from her
column which revealed that the AP acknowledges that it "blew it by
failing to get the story on the national wires for more than a
month." Shipp wrote:
By the time Matthew Shepard died on Oct. 12, 1998 --
nearly a week after he was savagely beaten and left "tied to a fence
like a dead coyote," as The Post reported on Oct. 10, 1998 -- his
story had spread around the world, and he had become a symbol for those
who urged Congress to adopt a stronger federal hate crimes law. From
Capitol Hill to Hollywood to college campuses across the nation, the
assault on an openly gay man was denounced at rallies and candlelight
vigils. And in editorial pages, including The Post's.
Since the first front-page story, "Gay Man Near
Death After Beating, Burning," this newspaper has carried about 80
items -- including news briefs, editorials and columns -- that have
referred to Shepard.
I recount this because some readers, prodded by
commentators who are hostile to homosexuals and to what they view as a
"liberal" press, have inquired why the Shepard case garnered so
much attention while another case involving homosexuals -- as possible
predators rather than as victims -- has been all but ignored. There is an
explanation for the absence of coverage of the brutal rape and
asphyxiation death of 13-year-old Jesse Dirkhising, but those who are
inclined to believe the David Dukes, Joseph Farahs and Tim Grahams of the
world -- who have asserted that the story has been suppressed so that
homosexuals won't be portrayed negatively -- will not be satisfied.
Start with how The Post handles crime news. "Our
policy is not to cover murders from out of the Washington area at all
unless it's a case of mass murder or has caused a large local sensation or
has raised a larger social issue," said Jackson Diehl, the assistant
managing editor for national news.
The Shepard story was news, he said, because it
"prompted debate on hate crimes and the degree to which there is
still intolerance of gay people in this country. It was much more than a
murder story for us." More "routine" crimes may be ignored
or limited to news briefs culled from wire services.
The story of the Sept. 26 death of Jesse Dirkhising in
Rogers, Ark., and the arrest of two male suspects, wasn't transmitted on
the Associated Press's national news wires until Oct. 29. The Post,
considering this a "routine" story, carried a news brief on Oct.
The AP's deputy managing editor for national news, Mike
Silverman, acknowledges that the AP blew it by failing to get the story on
the national wires for more than a month. Silverman, who is based in New
York, said he did not know about it until the Washington Times called last
month for an Oct. 22 story: "Media tune out torture death of Arkansas
boy." He then assigned his Little Rock staff to do a story for the
national wires because this "wasn't a routinely awful crime; it was
out of the ordinary."
For a variety of reasons, some people insist upon
depicting the Shepard and Dirkhising slayings as equivalent. Here at The
Post, however, the two are seen as quite different. A hate crime homicide
such as Shepard's and, four months before that, James Byrd's in Jasper,
Tex., is, "a special kind of killing," The Post has
editorialized. "It tells a segment of American society that its
physical safety is at risk." Arkansas authorities have not
characterized the Dirkhising death as a hate crime. Matthew Shepard's
death sparked public expressions of outrage that themselves became news.
That Jesse Dirkhising's death has not done so to date is hardly the fault
of The Washington Post.
END Excerpt
I doubt many would be
"satisfied" by this circular logic that leaves out the role of
the media in deciding which "public expressions of outrage" to
highlight. The media at large decided that outrage from liberal groups
over Shepard's brutal murder was news. The same media establishment
decided the "public expressions of outrage" at Dirkhising's
death were not news.
The circumstances of Shepard's
death may indeed have justified more coverage than warranted for
Dirkhising's murder, but by 80-to-1? You don't have to be "hostile to
homosexuals" to see a media bias in that.
Shipp knew of Tim Graham's name since
he was quoted in an October 22 Washington Times story. To read an excerpt,
go to:
In his October 29 syndicated
column MRC Chairman L. Brent Bozell suggested:
"In this modern media age, when lurid
murders, especially of children, dance in the dreams of ratings-obsessed
network producers (can you say JonBenet?), why would this story go untold?
Had Jesse Dirkhising been shot inside his Arkansas school, he would have
been an immediate national news story. Had he been openly gay and his
attackers heterosexual, the crime would have led all the networks. But no
liberal media outlet would dare be the first to tell a grisly murder story
which has as its villains two gay men."
To read the entire column, go to:
Last Thursday night, November 11, CBS and NBC ran full stories on how the
presidential candidates use jets provided by "special
interests." CBS's Bob Schieffer concluded his story by delivering his
opinion of how it "underlines" the "mess campaign finance
laws have become" since "no matter...how bad it looks, it's all
perfectly legal."
Tom Brokaw opened the November
11 NBC Nightly News by falsely asserting: "This is the last Veterans
day of the 20th century, a century that cost hundreds of thousands of
young Americans their lives in four major wars..." This was the next
to last, of course, as the century does not end until December 31, 2000.
On the jet use story, NBC's
Lisa Myers began with how John McCain has flown on planes provided by
companies regulated by the Senate committee he chairs, yet his payments
for the service do not cover what it really costs. She also cited Bill
Bradley's use of corporate jets before concluding: "Critics warn that
candidates who fly the friendly skies of special interests risk having
their credibility highjacked."
Over on the CBS Evening News
Bob Schieffer listed not only McCain and Bradley but also Orrin Hatch and
how Pat Buchanan admitted no company has offered him a jet ride. Bob
Schieffer concluded with this bit of denouncing, noted by the MRC's Brian
Boyd, of the current rules which allow what Schieffer clearly thinks
should be illegal:
"What all of it underlines, though, is the
mess campaign finance laws have become, because no matter how it looks,
how bad it looks, it's all perfectly legal."
Neither Myers or Schieffer
bothered to credit the Washington Post, which played the story on its
front page that morning.
"The VP's Puerto Rican position would be helped" by clemency for
the FALN terrorists wrote a Clinton staffer in a memo last March to White
House counsel Charles Ruff, who ultimately recommended the release of the
Puerto Ricans. The memo uncovered by the House Committee on Government
Reform was first reported by the New York Times and New York Post last
Tuesday and picked up on Wednesday by the Washington Post and Washington
Times, which headlined its November 10 front page story: "Clemency
for FALN Helps Gore, Memo Said."
Yet, no network has reported
the revelation, not even the CNN or FNC political and evening news shows
-- at least through Thursday night.
Dan Rather featured
Government Reform Committee Chairman Dan Burton in a November 11 Evening
News story about drug violence in Colombia aimed at government officials,
but Rather did not use the camera-time with Burton to mention the latest
about Gore and the FALN.
As recounted in a November 10
Washington Post story by Charles Babington and Ceci Connolly, here's what
newspaper readers learned last week:
A House committee has concluded that the Clinton
administration weighed political considerations -- including those
affecting Vice President Gore -- when it decided to grant clemency to a
group of imprisoned Puerto Rican nationalists, a move that spurred
widespread criticism.
The report includes e-mail memos from two White House
aides that seem to suggest a clemency offer could help Gore, who is
running for President in 2000. White House officials, however, said
yesterday that the memos simply stated that any resolution -- either
granting or denying clemency -- would help Gore by taking the volatile
issue off the table.
Jeffrey L. Farrow, co-chairman of the White House's
interagency working group on Puerto Rico, sent a March 6 e-mail to several
colleagues saying, "The issue should be resolved soon -- the
petitions have been before us for a long time. The VP's Puerto Rican
position would be helped." The memo -- first reported in yesterday's
New York Times and New York Post -- noted that clemency was a priority for
three congressional Democrats with large Puerto Rican constituencies.
White House deputy chief of staff Maria Echaveste, a
recipient of Farrow's memo, forwarded a copy the next day to Charles F.C.
Ruff, then the White House counsel.
"Chuck -- Jeff's right about this -- very hot
issue," Echaveste said in her e-mail message to Ruff. Ruff eventually
recommended that President Clinton grant clemency, which he did on Aug. 11
for 16 of the prisoners. Most had spent many years behind bars for
activities on behalf of a Puerto Rican nationalist group called FALN....
END Excerpt
Before a visit to Oslo in 1997 Bill Clinton requested the U.S. embassy act
as his dating service and hook him up again with a Norwegian woman with
whom he'd had "international relations" in 1969, the Israeli
press reported the week before last. The Washington Post's Al Kamen
relayed the disclosure last Wednesday, adding that the woman spurned
Clinton's advances. As noted in the November 9 CyberAlert, in the November
3 Washington Post T.R. Reid described how in covering Clinton's trip to
Oslo this month the Norwegian press highlighted Clinton's encounter with a
"Monica Lewinsky look-alike."
Apparently, she wasn't the only
Scandinavian babe who has turned Bill on. In his "In the Loop"
column for November 10, the Washington Post's Al Kamen passed along some
news from the Israeli press that did not generate any great media
President Clinton's visit last week to Norway went well,
even though he never did get reunited with Ellen Andenaes, a Norwegian
woman who must have made quite an impression on him the last time they
met, when Rhodes scholar Clinton went through Oslo in 1969 en route to
The Israeli press reported last week that Clinton told
Shimon Peres, now Israeli minister of regional cooperation, that there had
been "international relations" between them and he had asked the
embassy in Oslo to track her down so they could meet again. They found
her, Clinton recounted to Peres (who told others in the delegation), and
they told her of Clinton's interest, but she replied: "Clinton? I
don't remember meeting someone of that name," reported Yedioth
Actually, the search was done in 1997, when Clinton
planned to revisit the country as part of an eight-day swing through
Europe. The embassy talked to her mother, according to brother Ulf
Andenaes, a leading reporter in Norway. Ellen is a linguistics researcher
at the university in Tronheim, some 300 miles north of Oslo.
Now a married mother of two, in 1969 she was an
18-year-old secretary at the Norwegian Institute for Peace, a gathering
spot for Americans heading through town. Hundreds of young Americans
"with not too short hair," came through, Ulf said, and, on
occasion, his sister would give them brief tours around Oslo. She is said
to be a classic Scandinavian beauty.
But the bottom line of the story is the same: When asked
recently about Clinton, she told a Norwegian reporter she couldn't
remember meeting him, Ulf Andenaes said. Then, when told Clinton had
stopped in Oslo on his way to Moscow, she remembered getting a postcard
from Moscow from one of the young Americans.
Ulf Andenaes, as it turns out, was posted in Washington
last year as a correspondent for Aftenposten and lived in a condo just
across the way from -- who else? -- Monica S. Lewinsky.
Clinton apparently didn't try to see his old tour guide
on this trip.
END Excerpt
Are women anywhere safe from
News flash from ABC: Boys and girls are different according to Cokie
Roberts -- and Tipper Gore agrees. As part of its week-long series on
"America's Sons," Sunday's This Week featured a pre-taped
interview by Cokie Roberts of Tipper Gore, identified on-screen as
"Mental Health Adviser to the President."
Toward the end of the
interview an exchange took place which revealed how reality intruded upon
the feminist ideology believed by the two women:
Cokie Roberts: "They really are different,
boys and girls. You know for a long time there was this theory that we're
really all the same and it's just the way we're socialized. But the minute
you have, you had three girls."
Tipper Gore: "Right."
Roberts: "And then a boy. It was
Gore: "I can tell you then. I also did
graduate classes in child psychology and I was also a feminist and I still
am, so I'm really confused. I threw all the theories out the window and I
went 'there are innate differences.'"
Roberts: "Right."
Gore: "There just are."
Roberts: "He was suddenly tearing around the
Gore: "I remember coming into the room after
finding, you know, his sisters all in the middle playing when they were
the same age and looking around, 'where is he?' Well he's at the top of
the closet."
Roberts: "Right."
Gore, as she raises her arm: "He's climbed
up this high."
Roberts: "And it's terrifying. I was lucky
that I had a boy first so the girl was a real treat."
Gore: "Oh, exactly. But child development
theorists who have studied this have told us the same thing, that boys are
just more action oriented from the get go."
Roberts: "Less capable...." [trails off
as she brings her fingers together to suggest girls better at intricate
Gore, laughing: "I think women are
Roberts, laughing: "Yeah."
You wouldn't know it from this
conversation. "Smarter," yet still "confused" by how
boys and girls might actually be "different." --
Brent Baker

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