Conventions 2000: Media Reality Check, Thursday AM Edition
1) Cheney's "Red Meat"
Dissected: "I Thought This Was the Convention of Sweetness and
Light." Dan Rather advised: "Consult Shakespeare, Henry the 4th,
Prince Hal, the son who wanted to restore what was once his father's."
2) Party Not Tolerant Enough for
NBC: "Is the Republican Party Held Hostage...By Its Views on
Abortion?" asked Tom Brokaw. David Bloom demanded of J.C. Watts whether
Cheney as VP sends "the wrong message to the black community?"
3) "Compassion Clashes With
His Record": ABC Took on Bush on Health Insurance, Tax Cuts, Environment.
Dean Reynolds: "He is the candidate who talks of making health insurance
available to all who want it, but has fought to limit federal insurance for
4) Monday Night More Tuned in to
Brit Hume Than Tom Brokaw: Fox News Channel Beat Out MSNBC
5) Sidebar articles: Rather on
Bush's Face; Rather on Cheney's Secret "Clinton Gore" Agenda;
Rather's Special Spin; NBC Resurrected the "Little Brown One"
6) Quote of the Night: Sam
Donaldson tagged Dick Cheney as "a hard-right conservative" and
asserted "the question will be should Bush have selected someone to reach
out, with that sex appeal?"
page article. Cheney's "Red Meat" Dissected: "I Thought
This Was the Convention of Sweetness and Light"
Even before Dick
Cheney spoke Wednesday night, Tom Brokaw relayed the opposition's attack.
On the NBC/MSNBC simulcast he announced: "Already the Gore campaign
is out with a rebuttal to Dick Cheney's speech...They're saying, 'The
mask is off the GOP masquerade ball. It's the most negative Republican
convention speech since Pat Buchanan.'"
Afterward, Brokaw
assessed: "Richard Cheney tonight, borrowing a phrase from Al Gore in
1992, 'It is time for them to go.' He proved himself an unflappable, if
not a dynamic speaker tonight." Tim Russert chimed in: "You
could feel this audience, they've been pent up for three days, with the
politics of happiness, niceties. They wanted to let loose a little bit.
And Dick Cheney gave them, if not red meat, a little steak tartar at
Just past 11pm on
MSNBC, Jim Miklaszewski asked Wyoming Governor Jim Geringer "Was it
too strongly negative?" And to Congressman Bob Livingston, he
bemoaned: "But I thought this was the convention of sweetness and
light. What happened to that?"
FNC's Paula Zahn
complained: "There were some stinging rebukes in this speech. That
one line in particular, 'Soon our men and women in uniform will once
again have a Commander-in-Chief they can respect, one who under-stands
their mission and restores their morale.' Ouch!"
ABC's George
Stephanopoulos took up the liberal line: "I wonder whether it played
as well at home. It was all about fixing the culture in Washington, not
fixing the problems of the country. We'll see."
Dan Rather
delivered the oddest comments: "Dick Cheney, in a metaphor that he as
a former Secretary of Defense might use, delivered a...stealth bomber kind
of attack in under the radar, quietly, but hitting hard at Clinton-Gore,
as he so often referred to it. The themes were the themes of restoration.
Restoration of what was, the son to lead the restoration of a father....If
you want to read more about it you might consult Shakespeare, Henry the
4th, Prince Hal, the son who wanted to restore what was once his

Top of page two story. Party Not Tolerant Enough for NBC: "Is the
Republican Party Held Hostage...By Its Views on Abortion?"
Another night
Wednesday of mostly questions from the left on MSNBC, with Tom Brokaw
obsessed about the party's lack of tolerance, but a few questions from the
right squeezed through.
David Bloom to
J.C. Watts: "Why should heartened by his
[Cheney] nomination when he voted against the creation of the Department
of Education, voted against higher funding for Head Start, voted against a
ban on cop-killer bullets? Doesn't that send the wrong message to the
black community?" (Bloom raised a conservative point with Dick Armey:
"There's been a lot of talk about more conservative Republicans, the
right wing of the party being excluded from this convention. What do you
make of that?")
Tom Brokaw to Newt
Gingrich: "But speaking of inclusiveness, in the platform it
tolerates no other point of view except anti-abortion. There were people
who tried to say that we welcome other points of view...."
Brokaw to
Christine Todd Whitman: "Is the Republican Party held hostage in your
judgment, Christie Whitman, by its views on abortion? So that people like
you, who believe that there ought to be some choice can never be
considered for Vice President?" Brokaw followed up to Pat Robertson
about the platform committee: "They wanted it only in the
unreconstructed view: We are against abortion, period, no other point of
view will be tolerated?"

"Compassion Clashes With His Record": ABC Took on Bush on Health
Insurance, Tax Cuts, Environment
In what may be a
preview of the media's approach to the fall campaign, Wednesday's World
News Tonight dedicated an entire story to supposed proof of how George W.
Bush's "much talked about compassion clashes with his record."
The evidence listed by reporter Dean Reynolds defined compassion as
supporting specific liberal policy prescriptions.
Reynolds began by
noting how Bush's photo-op with Hispanics "symbolizes his image as a
different, more open kind of Republican." Then Reynolds pounced:
"In his home state he is undeniably more popular among minorities
than any other Republican, but there are times when it seems Bush's much
talked about compassion clashes with his record. He is, after all, the
same man who addressed the racially intolerant Bob Jones University six
months ago and who refused to take a stand on the Confederate flag flying
in South Carolina by repeatedly saying it was up to the people of that
state to decide."
Jumping to the
convention, Reynolds assumed anyone opposed to certain specific
legislation -- of a liberal variety of course -- is not compassionate:
"He went along with having an openly gay Congressman address the
convention last night, yet Bush opposes hate crimes legislation, gay
marriage and gay adoption. He is the candidate who talks of making health
insurance available to all who want it, but has fought to limit federal
insurance for children. Bush is the candidate who has proposed a huge tax
cut as a way to help the working class." After a clip of Bush,
Reynolds hit the idea from the liberal class warfare angle: "But more
than sixty percent of the relief would go to the richest ten percent of
Americans. And while he speaks of the need to protect the environment,
Bush supports mostly voluntary efforts to do it."
"On many of
these issues, the Governor offers a softer sounding position than many
Republicans," Reynolds agreed before countering in conclusion:
"It is the reality behind the rhetoric that may prove troublesome for
him in the fall."

News Channel Beat Out MSNBC: Monday Night More Tuned in to Brit Hume Than
Tom Brokaw
Monday night a
repeat of NBC's Third Watch beat ABC's convention coverage and CBS's 48
Hours, which showed Colin Powell's speech, but in the cable world more
tuned in to the Fox News Channel (FNC) than MSNBC. That's quite a feat
considering fewer homes have access to FNC, and MSNBC showcased its NBC
News stars, led by Tom Brokaw and Tim Russert.
USA Today's Peter
Johnson on Wednesday provided the Neilsen numbers for Monday night. Third
Watch attracted 10 million viewers while 6.4 million watched 48 Hours and
5.9 million tuned in to ABC during the 10pm ET hour. The three cable news
networks garnered a total of just 2.4 million viewers. CNN attracted 1.2
million, down 35 percent from the first night in 1996. FNC came in second
with 676,000 viewers, ahead of MSNBC with 516,000.
Score one for FNC
prime time anchors Brit Hume and Paula Zahn and FNC's decision to actually
show speakers on the podium.

Sidebar articles run along the sides of pages two and three. Rather on
Bush's Face; Rather on Cheney's Secret "Clinton Gore" Agenda;
Rather's Special Spin; NBC Resurrected the "Little Brown One"
Rather on Bush's
"Look closely at the eyes...the triangle of
the face," Dan Rather urged over a shot of George W. Bush at the top
of CBS's 10pm ET hour of coverage Wednesday night. As viewers saw a
split-screen of George W. Bush on the sofa in a hotel room and a shot of
the cheering crowd on the floor celebrating Bush's nomination, Rather
offered a peculiar observation.
Verging on
incoherence, Rather intoned: "I suggest you look closely at the eyes,
what some people call the triangle of the face, the eyes running down to
the nose and mouth. Sometimes George W. Bush
looks a little tense in there, now he's returning to that, but when he
went over the top, and he's officially the party's nominee, well, it said
it, along the lines of 'how good it is.'"
Well, maybe a bit
beyond incoherence.
Rather on Cheney's
Secret "Clinton Gore" Agenda
In the midst of Dick Cheney's speech, Dan Rather talked over the cheering
crowd to make sure viewers realized Cheney's sleight of hand.
After Cheney said,
"We're all a little weary of the Clinton-Gore is time
for them to go," Rather helpfully explained: "You may want to
note that Cheney is referring to Clinton-Gore, not Clinton and Gore, in
effect making Clinton Al Gore's first name: Clinton Gore."
Rather's Special
Here's how Dan Rather introduced a Wednesday CBS
Evening News story on the nominee's arrival in Philadelphia: "George
W. Bush brought his happy face campaign road show to the feel-good
gathering in Philadelphia today. One of his first orders of business, a
photo-op with supporters of Hispanic heritage."
NBC Resurrected
the "Little Brown One"
In a profile on Wednesday's NBC Nightly News,
George P. Bush noted that with three Bushes sharing the George Bush name
you need a "letter to distinguish between us." Feeding off that
line, reporter Kelly O'Donnell reminded viewers: "But his grandfather
used something else to distinguish George P. as a child. Back in 1988,
then Vice President Bush, pointing out his grandchildren to the Reagans."
NBC played old
video of George H. W. Bush pointing across an airport tarmac: "That's
Jebby's kids from Florida, the little brown ones."
O'Donnell then
asked George P: "You were referred to as one of 'the little brown
ones,' by your grandfather. That was controversial then, would it be even
more so today?" George P. replied: "My grandfather is the
sweetest, most loving man that I know. It was a term of endearment. And I
would call my own grandkids that because there's nothing as beautiful as
brown skin."

Quote of the Night: "He's a hard-right conservative, as Cokie
says...What George W. Bush seems to have done is solidify his party base;
that is, he's pleasing conservatives...The question will be should Bush
have selected someone to reach out, with that sex appeal?" -- ABC's
Sam Donaldson about Dick Cheney before he addressed the convention
Wednesday night.
As a Web/e-mail
bonus, here's the quote in full:
"He's respected, he's solid, people think
he's a man of accomplishment and they're right. But the problem is, Peter,
there's no sex appeal. Now the country may not want sex appeal, but
they're not going to get it in Dick Cheney. He's a hard-right
conservative, as Cokie says, and people explain his voting record now by
saying, well, that was then, those were the times, you see, and the times
were different. But of course, Cheney could say that he changed his mind
on this. I'll tell you this, Peter. What George W. Bush seems to have done
is solidify his party base; that is, he's pleasing conservatives --
they're both pro-lifers, there's not a dime's worth of difference between
them as far as what they stand for. The question will be should Bush have
selected someone to reach out, with that sex appeal? We'll see."
END Reprints of
Media Reality Check articles
"Conventions 2000: Media Reality Check" compiled by me with the
late night work of MRC analysts Geoffrey Dickens, Jessica Anderson, Paul
Smith and Brad Wilmouth. Plus Andy Szul loading up the Web page at sunrise
and Eric Pairel at sunset. In Philadelphia: Tim Graham, Liz Swasey and
Joyce Garczynski. -- Brent Baker
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