Last month, when
Republicans in the House moved to thwart efforts to have the
government restrict political activities, some reporters didn’t even
try to hide their disgust. "News" stories looked and sounded a lot
like editorials, with the worst of motivations attributed to the GOP
and the best attributed to Democrats.
New York Times
reporter Alison Mitchell, on June 19, opined that campaign overhaul
proposals have "unexpectedly refused to die this year despite the
concerted efforts of Republican leaders in both houses to block any
changes that would erode their party's fund-raising advantage." Her
story, which included only one brief quote from House GOP Whip Tom
DeLay, had quotes from House Democrats Martin Frost and Rosa DeLauro
and multiple quotes from Minority Whip David Bonior, who said the
GOP was trying "to keep the spigots of special interest money
Associated Press (AP)
writer Donald Rothberg, in a June 29 story, claimed that, in
addition to public indifference, "Money proved too powerful for the
forces that tried to curb its influence in politics." Rothberg’s
story did include a quote from Curtis Gans, director of the
Committee for the Study of the American Electorate, who said, "I
don’t believe money is as evil as people claim," and that
contribution limits help millionaire candidates. But there were far
more quotes from such proponents of statist reform as Senator John
McCain, President Clinton, and former Vice President Walter Mondale.
Rothberg also mourned the death of the tobacco bill. "That, too, was
the victim of money," he wrote.
The assumptions were the
same at CBS. On the June 18 Evening News, Ed Bradley told
viewers that "political money still talks louder than words about
reform." Reporting from a GOP fundraising event, correspondent Bob
Schieffer added that "the politicians claim they need the money to
get elected, and when they can talk people into giving as much as
this crowd gave, why would they want to change the rules to stop
Perhaps that’s one
motivation, but readers and viewers were not told there are other
reasons that some oppose big-government campaign proposals. Some,
for instance, are horrified at the prospect of government regulating
the political spending of independent organizations. "Once
bureaucrats are allowed to decide which speech is designed to
influence an electoral outcome and which is merely for educational
purposes," wrote Michael W. Lynch in the August/September Reason,
"it won’t take long to slop to the bottom of the slope, where only
those efforts supporting the favored ideas of the day are deemed
educational." He noted that such reforms in Wisconsin led a state
election board to fine Americans for Limited Terms and Wisconsin
Manufacturers and Commerce, but not the Sierra Club.
Every public policy,
whether liberal or conservative, has some proponents motivated by
principle and others by selfishness. Liberal policies, such as
promoting government regulation of political speech, are
consistently reported as principled and unselfish. Conservative
policies, such as opposing government regulation of political
speech, are consistently reported as unprincipled and selfish.
— Rich