happened again. Vice President Al Gore held a press conference on
July 14 to hype his favorite topic -- global warming -- and ABC and
NBC snapped to attention. Both networks’ evening news shows
highlighted Gore’s opinions without giving any time at all to Gore’s
critics. Of the big three nightly newscasts, only CBS Evening
News refused to take the bait.
On ABC’s World News
Tonight, correspondent Ned Potter told viewers that "many
scientists, and some politicians as well, say something larger is
happening. They say we are seeing early signs of global warming --
the trapping of heat in the atmosphere caused in part by pollution
from cars and industry." Potter ran a quote from government
scientist Tom Karl, then concluded: "Naturally, the debate over
these predictions is as hot as the actual temperatures, but many
Americans say something about the weather is amiss and the question
is, how seriously?"
Correspondent Robert Hager,
on NBC Nightly News, had a similar take: "The government says
it’s all an indication that global warming is real and not only
brings heat, but also brings more heavy rain because of the
evaporation of water into the atmosphere, which comes back down in
storms." Hager also ran a quote from Karl, as well as one from Gore.
Neither Potter nor Hager let a climate-change skeptic respond.
Climate scientist S. Fred
Singer, for instance, could have told viewers that throughout the
1990s there has been a slight cooling trend. In a July 25, 1997
op-ed for The Wall Street Journal, he noted that "weather
satellite observations, independently backed by balloon-borne
sensors, have shown no global warming whatsoever in the past 20
years." Only surface-based temperature readings have shown warming,
according to Dr. Singer, because of such variables as the "urban
heat island" effect. (The first half of 1998 has been an exception,
with satellite temperatures rising because of El Nino. Candace
Crandall of the Science and Environmental Policy Project tells
MediaNomics that they have again started to fall.)
Why do reporters so
consistently ignore global- warming skeptics? A story on the web site gives a clue to journalistic thinking. The
unbylined story opines that "moves by the fossil-fuel-burning
corporations to line up scientists to pooh-pooh global warming may
distort conventional wisdom in the scientific community." The story
quotes Time science correspondent Michael Lemonick: "You can
always find a handful of scientists who’ll say whatever you want to
hear...But it’s not as if the scientific community is divided on
this issue -- the overwhelming majority of scientists believe that
global warming is occurring, and that carbon dioxide is trapping
But 15,000 scientists have
signed a petition this year questioning climate-change theories. The
petition drive, which was organized by the Oregon Institute for
Science and Medicine, accepted no contributions from industry. The
petition reads, in part: "There is no convincing scientific evidence
that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse
gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause
catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the
Earth's climate."
Perhaps Lemonick is the one
finding scientists saying what he wants to hear.
— Rich