While the other networks
refuse to interview, or even admit that there are, scientists
skeptical of climate-change theories (see front page), on July 22
the Fox News Channel did something different -- it presented both
sides of the global-warming debate. Reporter Carlos Harrison began
where most reporters end, by running a quote from Al Gore.
But, Harrison noted,
"Critics say both the President and the Vice President have lost
sight of science in the pursuit of politics and that they are trying
to bolster their argument by sending out scientists on the White
House payroll to spread the word." He quoted science policy analyst
Steven Milloy, who said, "The Vice President and the President have
already decided that global warming is real and we're going to say
and do anything we can to convince the American people that’s true."
After running another
administration soundbite, Harrison pointed out that "critics say
there is hardly any evidence that global warming is causing severe
weather of any kind. And, in fact, there is evidence that the Earth
cools and warms in a regular natural pattern over time."
— Rich