As MediaNomics
has documented in the past, the networks for years have engaged in
one-sided reporting on global warming, ignoring those climate
scientists who point out, for instance, that most of the earth’s
warming over the past hundred years occurred prior to the 1940s,
while most greenhouse gas emissions have occurred since the 1940s.
Interviewing scientists from more than one side of the story isn’t
deemed necessary in climate-change reporting.
Two recent reports added
the thinning of the ozone layer to the regular bias in
global-warming coverage. "Scientists now say that the hole in the
ozone layer is developing even faster than feared and now covers
more than 10 million miles," announced NBC’s Ann Curry on the
September 30 Today. Correspondent Keith Miller then went on
to report about the melting ice pack in the Arctic and to declare
that "scientists who study climates say the world is getting warmer
and they are warning that controls on greenhouse gases are necessary
before any more damage is done."
On the October 6 CBS
Evening News, correspondent Jerry Bowen reported on the ozone
layer by showing viewers NASA satellite data: "That swirling red
ring indicates higher levels of ozone, and the red area is expected
to grow as the last of the ozone-depleting chemicals disappear from
use. Very good news, especially in the Southern Hemisphere, where
less ozone has meant higher levels of harmful UV rays from the sun
and a greater risk of cancer. Still, it may be a half century before
the ozone levels return to where they were in the late 1970s, and
there’s still that wild card, global warming, at play."
Neither Miller nor Bowen
bothered to interview a climate scientist skeptical of such ozone
theories. "Every year at about the same time, there is a predictable
press release issued by the World Meteorological Organization
quoting its ozone scientist, Rumen Bojkov, with some alarmist
pronouncement," climate scientist S. Fred Singer told the Media
Research Center.
"The hole is always worse
in some respect than it was on the same day in some past year. It
may either be wider or deeper, or it started sooner, or whatever,"
he said. "The truth of the matter is that the hole, a temporary
thinning of the layer, has pretty well stabilized within the last
decade, and now fluctuates according to the climate, from day-to-day
and from year-to-year." Dr. Singer further pointed out that "there
has been no report published showing an increasing trend in solar
ultraviolet radiation on the ground. And that’s the only thing that
counts if we’re talking about the effects of ozone changes."
— Rich