economic problems appear, many reporters instinctively blame free
markets. It doesn’t occur to them that government actions have
consequences, and therefore might be to blame for financial
troubles. They don’t even feel the need to mention that such
arguments exist.
The latest example of this
phenomenon is the economic collapse of Russia and much of Asia. Many
reporters insist that the problem is investor reaction to the
troubles created by bad government policies, not the bad policies
For example, Time
magazine’s Eugene Linden, in an article for MSNBC.com titled "Free
markets make flimsy shelters," argues, "When a lot of reasonable
people take reasonable actions to protect themselves, the results
can be anything but reasonable." The lesson of the financial debacle
overseas is that "the integrated global market" is "inherently
unstable," according to Linden. "Make no mistake: an unfettered
global market is a dangerous gamble," he warns. "It can make nations
rich, but the price tag is the omnipresent threat of economic and
political volatility that could someday shake the system apart."
ABC"s Robert Krulwich, in a
November 5 World News Tonight story, picked up on the same
theme: "The problem is free markets have changed in the last 30
years; they’ve gotten freer." Krulwich told viewers that after many
countries deregulated in the 1980s, "rich people everywhere could
take some of their savings and send it abroad to join the other
money looking around for other places to invest."
Computers then made it
easier to move money speedily, he reported, and mutual funds added
the investments of ordinary people to the world economy. Asia became
a hot spot, but when investors became nervous, "then just as
suddenly, the money left." According to Krulwich, "The problem [is
that] President Clinton wants this big pile of money to move freely
around the world, but he also wants it to move slowly and calmly.
Nations and economists are talking now about putting controls on the
movement of this money, so the President says, yes, money should be
free, but even he is wondering: how much freedom can we afford?"
But both of these reports
ignore the argument that the world has hardly had "an unfettered
global market" recently. "The problem with the current system is
that it is really a pseudo-system — a compromised system influenced
more by political considerations than by the principles of private
property and individual freedom," writes James A. Dorn in a Cato
Institute report. "That is why we still have pegged exchange rates,
discretionary government fiat monies, crony capitalism, and
negotiated rather than free trade." According to Dorn, "It’s not
market failure that has led to the chaos in global financial markets
but government failure."
Neither Linden nor Krulwich
made any mention of the role of the International Monetary Fund in
causing investors to ignore risks, or the political manipulation of
the value of money in Asia and Russia, or those countries’ rampant
crony capitalism. Instead they blamed the usual suspect — liberty.
— Rich