With delegates from around
the world meeting in Buenos Aires early this month for a new round
of climate-change treaty negotiations, reporters resumed their
ongoing campaign of convincing Americans that global warming is
serious problem.
A search of the Nexis
database shows that there were ten news stories about the conference
during the first eleven days of November in the Los Angeles Times,
The New York Times, and The Washington Post. The
unquestioned premise behind all ten stories was that science
supports catastrophic global-warming theories. Not one report
included a quote from either a scientist who questions such
theories, or from any opponent of global-warming policies who wasn’t
from industry or Congress.
Environmental groups, on
the other hand, were quoted liberally. Philip Clapp of the National
Environmental Trust, Eileen Claussen of the Pew Center for Global
Climate Change, Christopher Flavin of the Worldwatch Institute, Adam
Meyer of the Union of Concerned Scientists, and Michael Oppenheimer
of the Environmental Defense Fund all made appearances in the major
papers. New York Times reporter John H. Cushman Jr. even
quoted John Passacantando, executive director of Ozone Action, as
saying, "In my mind, this Administration has made expectations so
low, that when they finally sign this weak agreement that they
negotiated, people will mistake it for leadership." Newspapers made
space for critics so far to the left that they oppose the Kyoto
accord for not going far enough, but not for non-industry or
non-congressional critics who oppose the treaty as unnecessary.
The common assumption among
reporters is summed up by staff writer James Gerstenzang in the
November 1 Los Angeles Times: "Many scientists believe the
energy-intensive, carbon-emitting activities of modern
industrialized society are causing a dangerous warming of the global
climate. They fear the warming is occurring as carbon dioxide and
other gases trap the Earth’s reflected solar heat like an invisible
thermal blanket."
That’s one view, but it’s
not the full story. Many scientists — 17,000 have signed a petition
opposing energy-use restrictions — disagree with the conventional
wisdom of the press. Scientists skeptical of global warming argue
that temperature increases over the past century have been within
the normal variation over the previous thousands of years; that most
of the warming over the past 100 years occurred before the large
increase in carbon dioxide emissions after World War II; that
according to weather satellite data, independently backed by
balloon-borne source sensors, the Earth has cooled slightly over the
last two decades (with 1998 being an exception because of El Nino);
and that as computer models have improved over the last few years,
they have also forecast lower and lower temperature hikes over the
next century. Current predictions are down to one to two degrees
Celsius over the next century, compared to the 1990 prediction of
3.3 degrees Celsius.
These scientists, and many
economists, also question whether a warmer Earth would be such a
catastrophe. Thomas Gale Moore, an economist at the Hoover
Institution, points out that mankind flourished during the two
periods in human history that were warmer than today. "Warmer
climates have longer growing seasons and higher productivity," he
writes in his book Climate of Fear. "The net result of
warming and enhanced precipitation would be to boost farm output."
Moore also argues that people living in warmer climates tend to live
longer and healthier lives, and that many people must think warm
climates offer a better quality of life since millions have moved or
changed jobs to live in warm locales.
But global warming remains
the story about which the press will not allow skepticism to be
— Rich