ABC’s World News
Tonight is one of the pioneers in network investigation of
government waste. Its regular segment, "Your Money," delves into
ways that Americans are being ripped off. Often "Your Money"
reporters focus on expensive federal subsidy programs.
For example, on November
16, correspondent Michele Norris told viewers about colleges that
continue to receive special federal grants for historically black
colleges even though they are no longer predominantly black. For
example, Bluefield State College is now 93 percent white, "but that
hasn’t stopped the government from doling out handouts, and it
hasn’t stopped the school from accepting the cash."
On November 25,
correspondent John Martin visited a ski resort in Ogden, Utah owned
by a millionaire, who was nevertheless set to receive $15 million
for a road to the resort. Then on December 7, Martin reported that
"Medicare pays $1 billion more than necessary for prescription
Kudos to ABC News for
continuing to shine the spotlight on how taxpayers are forced to pay
for indefensible government largesse.
— Rich