editorial in the August 7 edition of USA Today alerted
readers to yet another venue for anti-business (and pro-Gore) bias
that’s appeared in the media this year: public service advertising.
"In an election year, mainstream newspapers and TV networks
generally try to avoid partisanship," declared USA Today. (MediaNomics
doesn’t know exactly how hard they try, but we will always encourage
the media to be bias-free.)
"But this year," continued the editorial, "one of the public
service ads they’re running is giving an indirect boost to the Gore
campaign, as well as to an assortment of contentious causes. Among
them: fighting international trade agreements, restricting
genetically-engineered crops and pushing international rules to curb
global warming." Those issues are all part of an anti-business
agenda that was most visible in violent street protests outside a
World Trade Organization meeting in Seattle last November.
The editorial documented how several member groups of the ad
campaign’s sponsor, Earth Share, are in apparent violation of the Ad
Council’s rules on partisan activity. The Sierra Club is one member
of Earth Share, as is the Natural Resources Defense Council,
Environmental Defense and Greenpeace. "Already this year," said
USA Today, "the Sierra Club has run ads in California attacking
the Republican presidential candidate, Gov. George W. Bush. Last
month, it demanded a veto of a Republican appropriation bill and
endorsed Al Gore."
"Given the Ad Council’s history and the sensitivities of its
members, there’s no reason to believe that bias is the intent. The
likelier cause is sloppiness. But the result is the same," the
editorial concluded.
USA Today also carried a rebuttal from Peggy Conlon, the Ad
Council’s President, who argued that "Earth Share...meets all of our
campaign criteria and has itself strict criteria for the groups that
it represents." Perhaps, but USA Today presented many
specific instances of political activity by Earth Share’s member
groups besides the Sierra Club, and correctly warned that "if the Ad
Council and its sponsors want to keep their credibility, they need
to keep their distance from charitable groups with high-minded goals
but clear political agendas."
Kudos to USA Today for advocating a higher standard for
those whose credibility depends on assuring the public of their
political neutrality.
— Rich